@function time($value) @if unit_number($value) and unit($value) == s @return true @else @return null @function timing_function($value) @if string($value) @if $value == 'ease' or $value == 'linear' or $value == 'ease-in' or $value == 'ease-out' or $value == 'ease-in-out' or str-index($value, cubic-bezier) @return true @else @return null @else @return null @function delay($value) @if list($value) and nth($value, 1) == delay @return true @else @return null ////////////////// // transition ////////////////// @function transition_duration($value) @return time($value) @function transition_timing_function($value) @return timing_function($value) @function transition_delay($value) @return delay($value) @function transition-property($value) @if string($value) @if not transition_timing_function($value) or not transition_duration($value) or not transition_delay($value) @return true @else @return null @else if list($value) @return true @else @return null ////////////////// // animation ////////////////// @function animation_duration($value) @return time($value) @function animation_timing_function($value) @return timing_function($value) @function animation_delay($value) @return delay($value) @function animation_iteration_count($value) @if unitless_number($value) or (string($value) and $value == 'infinite') @return true @else @return null @function animation_direction($value) @if string($value) and ($value == 'normal' or $value == 'alternate') @return true @else @return null @function animation_fill_mode($value) @if string($value) and ($value == 'nonel' or $value == 'forwards' or $value == 'backwards' or $value == 'both') @return true @else @return null @function animation_play_state($value) @if string($value) and ($value == 'running' or $value == 'paused') @return true @else @return null @function animation_name($value) @if string($value) @if animation_timing_function($value) or animation_duration($value) or animation_delay($value) or animation_iteration_count($value) or animation_direction($value) or animation_fill_mode($value) or animation_play_state($value) @return null @else @return true @else @return null