class GenericExample Contract C::Args[String], { repeat: C::Maybe[C::Num] } => C::ArrayOf[String] def splat_then_optional_named(*vals, repeat: 2) { |v| v * repeat } end Contract ({foo: C::Nat}) => nil def nat_test_with_kwarg(foo: 10) end Contract C::KeywordArgs[name: C::Optional[String]], C::Func[String => String] => String def keyword_args_hello(name: "Adit", &block) "Hey, #{yield name}!" end end RSpec.describe "Contracts:" do before :all do @o = end describe "Optional named arguments" do it "should work with optional named argument unfilled after splat" do expect { @o.splat_then_optional_named("hello", "world") }.to_not raise_error end it "should work with optional named argument filled after splat" do expect { @o.splat_then_optional_named("hello", "world", repeat: 3) }.to_not raise_error end end describe "Nat:" do it "should pass for keyword args with correct arg given" do expect { @o.nat_test_with_kwarg(foo: 10) }.to_not raise_error end it "should fail with a ContractError for wrong keyword args input" do expect { @o.nat_test_with_kwarg(foo: -10) }.to raise_error(ContractError) end it "should fail with a ContractError for no input" do expect { @o.nat_test_with_kwarg }.to raise_error(ContractError) end end describe "keyword args with defaults, with a block" do it "should work when both keyword args and a block is given" do expect(@o.keyword_args_hello(name: "maggie", &:upcase)).to eq("Hey, MAGGIE!") end it "should work even when keyword args aren't given" do expect(@o.keyword_args_hello(&:upcase)).to eq("Hey, ADIT!") end end end