// @category utilities/debug // throw an error if archetype/core has not been registered $a-blackhole: require-archetype-modules(archetype/util); // a debug helper, print out a message // @mixin debug-message // @param $message {String} the message to output // @param $iff {Boolean} override $CONFIG_DEBUG @mixin debug-message($message, $iff: null) { @if(is-debug-enabled($iff)) { /* #{$message} */ } } // a debug helper, draws a "border" around the container when hovered and change opacity // @mixin debug-hover-box // @param $color {String} the color to draw the border // @param $opacity {Number} // @param $iff {Boolean} override $CONFIG_DEBUG @mixin debug-hover-box($color: rgb(0, 255, 255), $opacity: 0.9, $iff: null) { @if(is-debug-enabled($iff)) { &:hover { @include opacity($opacity); @include box-shadow(0 0 3px 0 $color); } } }