module Caboose class BlockTypesController < ApplicationController #=========================================================================== # Admin actions #=========================================================================== # GET /admin/block-types def admin_index return if !user_is_allowed('pages', 'view') @block_types = BlockType.where("parent_id is null or parent_id = 0").reorder(:name).all render :layout => 'caboose/admin' end # GET /admin/block-types/json def admin_json h = { 'name' => '', 'description' => '', 'name_like' => '', 'description_like' => '', } if params[:parent_id] h['parent_id'] = '' else h['parent_id_null'] = true params[:parent_id_null] = nil if params[:parent_id_null] end pager =, h, { 'model' => 'Caboose::BlockType', 'sort' => 'name', 'desc' => 'false', 'base_url' => "/admin/block-types", 'items_per_page' => 100, 'skip' => ['parent_id_null'] }) render :json => { :pager => pager, :models => pager.items.as_json(:include => :sites) } end # GET /admin/block-types/:id/json def admin_json_single return if !user_is_allowed('pages', 'view') block_type = BlockType.find(params[:id]) render :json => block_type.as_json(:include => :sites) end # GET /admin/block-types/new # GET /admin/block-types/:id/new def admin_new return unless user_is_allowed('pages', 'add') @block_type = @parent_id = params[:id] render :layout => 'caboose/admin' end # GET /admin/block-types/:id def admin_edit return unless user_is_allowed('pages', 'edit') @block_type = BlockType.find(params[:id]) render :layout => 'caboose/admin' end # GET /admin/block-types/:id/icon def admin_edit_icon return unless user_is_allowed('pages', 'edit') @block_type = BlockType.find(params[:id]) render :layout => 'caboose/modal' end # POST /admin/block-types def admin_create return unless user_is_allowed('pages', 'add') resp ={ 'error' => nil, 'redirect' => nil }) bt = :parent_id => params[:parent_id] ? params[:parent_id] : nil, :name => params[:name].downcase.gsub(' ', '_'), :description => params[:name], :field_type => params[:field_type], :allow_child_blocks => true ) # Send back the response resp.redirect = "/admin/block-types/#{}" render :json => resp end # PUT /admin/block-types/:id def admin_update return unless user_is_allowed('pages', 'edit') resp ={'attributes' => {}}) bt = BlockType.find(params[:id]) save = true params.each do |k,v| case k when 'parent_id' then bt.parent_id = v when 'name' then = v when 'description' then bt.description = v when 'is_global' then bt.is_global = v when 'icon' then bt.icon = v when 'block_type_category_id' then bt.block_type_category_id = v when 'render_function' then bt.render_function = v when 'use_render_function' then bt.use_render_function = v when 'use_render_function_for_layout' then bt.use_render_function_for_layout = v when 'allow_child_blocks' then bt.allow_child_blocks = v when 'default_child_block_type_id' then bt.default_child_block_type_id = v when 'name' then = v when 'field_type' then bt.field_type = v when 'default' then bt.default = v when 'width' then bt.width = v when 'height' then bt.height = v when 'fixed_placeholder' then bt.fixed_placeholder = v when 'options' then bt.options = v when 'options_function' then bt.options_function = v when 'options_url' then bt.options_url = v when 'default_constrain' then bt.default_constrain = v when 'default_full_width' then bt.default_full_width = v when 'site_id' then bt.toggle_site(v[0], v[1]) end end # Trigger the page cache to be updated query = ["update page_cache set refresh = true where page_id in (select distinct(page_id) from blocks where block_type_id = ?)",] ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(ActiveRecord::Base.send(:sanitize_sql_array, query)) PageCacher.delay.refresh resp.success = save && render :json => resp end # DELETE /admin/block-types/:id def admin_delete return unless user_is_allowed('pages', 'delete') BlockType.find(params[:id]).destroy resp ={ 'redirect' => "/admin/block-types" }) render :json => resp end # GET /admin/block-types/field-type-options def admin_field_type_options return unless user_is_allowed('pages', 'edit') options = [ { 'value' => 'checkbox' , 'text' => 'Checkbox' }, { 'value' => 'checkbox_multiple' , 'text' => 'Checkbox (multiple)' }, { 'value' => 'image' , 'text' => 'Image' }, { 'value' => 'file' , 'text' => 'File' }, { 'value' => 'richtext' , 'text' => 'Rich Text' }, { 'value' => 'select' , 'text' => 'Multiple choice (select box)' }, { 'value' => 'text' , 'text' => 'Textbox' }, { 'value' => 'textarea' , 'text' => 'Textarea' }, { 'value' => 'block' , 'text' => 'Block' } ] render :json => options end # GET /admin/block-types/site-options def admin_site_options return unless user_is_allowed('pages', 'edit') options = Site.reorder("description, name").all.collect do |s| { 'value' =>, 'text' => s.description && s.description.strip.length > 0 ? s.description : } end render :json => options end # GET /admin/block-types/:id/options def admin_value_options return unless user_is_allowed('pages', 'edit') bt = BlockType.find(params[:id]) options = [] if bt.options_function options = bt.render_options elsif bt.options options = bt.options.strip.split("\n").collect { |line| { 'value' => line, 'text' => line }} end render :json => options end # GET /admin/block-types/options def admin_options return unless user_is_allowed('pages', 'edit') options = BlockType.where("parent_id is null").reorder(:name).all.collect do |bt| { 'value' =>, 'text' => bt.description } end render :json => options end # GET /admin/block-types/tree-options def admin_tree_options return unless user_is_allowed('pages', 'edit') options = [] BlockType.where("parent_id is null or parent_id = 0").reorder(:name).all.each do |bt| admin_tree_options_helper(options, bt, '') end render :json => options end def admin_tree_options_helper(options, bt, prefix) options << { 'value' =>, 'text' => "#{prefix}#{bt.description}" } bt.children.each do |bt2| admin_tree_options_helper(options, bt2, " - #{prefix}") end end #=========================================================================== # Store Actions #=========================================================================== # GET /admin/block-types/store def admin_store_index return unless user_is_allowed('blocktypestore', 'add') @pager =, { 'block_type_source_id' => '', 'name_like' => '', 'description_like' => '' },{ 'model' => 'Caboose::BlockTypeSummary', 'sort' => 'block_type_source_id, name', 'desc' => false, 'base_url' => '/admin/block-types/store', 'use_url_params' => false }) @block_type_summaries = @pager.items render :layout => 'caboose/admin' end # GET /admin/block-types/store/:block_type_summary_id def admin_store_details return unless user_is_allowed('blocktypestore', 'add') @block_type_summary = BlockTypeSummary::find(params[:block_type_summary_id]) render :layout => 'caboose/admin' end # GET /admin/block-types/store/:block_type_summary_id/download def admin_store_download return unless user_is_allowed('blocktypestore', 'add') bts = BlockTypeSummary::find(params[:block_type_summary_id]) bts.source.refresh( resp ='success' => 'The block type has been downloaded successfully.') render :json => resp end #=========================================================================== # Public Repo Actions #=========================================================================== # GET /caboose/block-types def api_block_type_list arr = BlockType.where("parent_id is null and share = ?", true).reorder(:name).all.collect do |bt| { 'name' =>, 'description' => bt.description } end render :json => arr end # GET /caboose/block-types/:name def api_block_type bt = BlockType.where(:name => params[:name]).first render :json => { 'error' => 'Invalid block type.' } if bt.nil? render :json => bt.api_hash end end end