module Para class InstallGenerator < Rails::Generators::Base source_root File.expand_path('templates', __dir__) desc 'Para install generator' def welcome say 'Installing para engine ...' end def copy_initializer_file copy_file 'initializer.rb', 'config/initializers/para.rb' end def copy_components_config copy_file 'components.rb', 'config/components.rb' end def copy_migrations rake 'para_engine:install:migrations' end def install_gems gemfile_contents ='Gemfile')) [ ['devise', '>= 3.0'], # Allows for installing default wrappers and bootstrap adapters # This should be avoided when add an initializer namespaced to the # para environment ['simple_form'], # Pull requests are pending, and I don't want to release the gem # under another name to be able to depend on it ['kaminari', '>= 0.16.1'], ['ransack', '>= 1.4.1'], ['bootstrap-kaminari-views', '>= 0.0.5'] ].each do |name, *args| gem name, *args unless gemfile_contents.match(/gem ['"]#{name}['"]/) end end def bundle_install Bundler.with_clean_env do run 'bundle install' end end def devise_install generate 'devise:install' generate 'devise', 'AdminUser' end def simple_form_install generate 'simple_form:install', '--bootstrap' end def migrate rake 'db:migrate' end def create_default_admin generate 'para:admin_user' end def mount_engine say 'Mounting Para engine in routes' gsub_file 'config/routes.rb', /para_at.+\n/, '' route "para_at '/'" end def final_message say <<~MESSAGE ******************************************************************************* Para was successfully installed in your app. Please not that your should define your root path in your application routes.rb for the Para admin panel to work : e.g.: root to: 'home#index' ******************************************************************************* MESSAGE end end end