module.exports = function(grunt) { grunt.initConfig({ pkg: grunt.file.readJSON('package.json'), // remove all files from yaml folder clean: ['yaml'], // compile YAML build compass: { build: { options: { sassDir : 'sass/static-build', cssDir : 'yaml', importPath : 'sass', imagesDir : 'yaml', outputStyle : 'expanded', noLineComments : true } }, docs: { options: { sassDir : 'sass/docs', cssDir : 'docs', importPath : 'sass', imagesDir : 'yaml', outputStyle : 'expanded', noLineComments : true } }, css: { options: { sassDir : 'sass/css', cssDir : 'css', importPath : 'sass', imagesDir : 'yaml', outputStyle : 'expanded', noLineComments : true } } }, jshint: { options: { curly: true, eqeqeq: true, immed: true, latedef: true, newcap: true, noarg: true, sub: true, undef: true, unused: true, boss: true, eqnull: true, browser: true, globals: { jQuery: true } }, gruntfile: { src: 'Gruntfile.js', options: { globals: { module: true } } }, yaml: [ 'yaml/core/**/*.js' ], addons: [ 'yaml/add-ons/**/*.js' ] }, 'string-replace': { stripCharset: { files: { './': ['yaml/**/*.css','docs/assets/**/*.css'] }, options: { replacements: [{ pattern : /@charset "utf-8";\cM\cJ/ig, replacement : '' }, { pattern : /@charset "utf-8";\cJ/ig, replacement : '' }] } }, setNamespace: { files: { './': 'yaml/**/*.css' }, options: { replacements: [{ pattern : /\.ym-/ig, replacement : '.<%= pkg.yamlPrefix %>' }] } }, setVersion: { files: { './': ['yaml/**/*.css','docs/assets/**/*.css'] }, options: { replacements: [{ pattern : /### version ###/ig, replacement : '<%= pkg.version %>' }] } }, // needed for misconfigured Windows systems that don't force UTF8 output correctly ... winUTF8fix: { files: { './': ['yaml/**/*.css','docs/assets/**/*.css'] }, options: { replacements: [{ pattern : /├ñ/ig, replacement : 'ä' }, { pattern : /├ä/ig, replacement : 'Ä' }, { pattern : /├Â/ig, replacement : 'ö' }, { pattern : /├û/ig, replacement : 'Ö' }, { pattern : /├╝/ig, replacement : 'ü' }, { pattern : /├£/ig, replacement : 'Ü' }, { pattern : /├ƒ/ig, replacement : 'ß' }] } } }, cssmin: { compress: { options: { banner: '/*! <%= %> v<%= pkg.version %> (<%="yyyy-mm-dd") %>) */\n' }, files: [{ expand : true, // Enable dynamic expansion. cwd : 'yaml/', // Src matches are relative to this path. src : ['core/*.css','add-ons/rtl-support/core/*.css'], // Actual pattern(s) to match. dest : 'yaml/', // Destination path prefix. ext : '.min.css' // Dest filepaths will have this extension. }] } }, copy: { main: { files: [ {expand: true, cwd: 'sass/yaml-sass/', src: ['**/*.js'], dest: 'yaml/'}, // makes all src relative to cwd {expand: true, cwd: 'sass/yaml-sass/', src: ['**/*.png', '**/*.gif', '**/*.jpg'], dest: 'yaml/'} // makes all src relative to cwd ] } }, watch: { files: 'sass/**/*.scss', tasks: 'compass' } }); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-clean'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-compass'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-string-replace'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-cssmin'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-jshint'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-watch'); grunt.loadNpmTasks('grunt-contrib-copy'); // Default Task: Compile defined subfolders in sass/ ('static-build' excluded) grunt.registerTask('default', ['clean', 'copy', 'compass:css', 'compass:docs']); // Build YAML grunt.registerTask('build', ['clean', 'copy', 'compass', 'string-replace', 'cssmin','jshint']); // Build YAML and don't remove @charset rules grunt.registerTask('build-utf8', ['clean', 'copy', 'compass', 'string-replace:setNamespace', 'string-replace:setVersion', 'string-replace:winUTF8fix', 'cssmin','jshint']); };