/** @constructor @param [opt] Used to override the commandline options. Useful for testing. @version $Id$ */ JSDOC.JsDoc = function(/**object*/ opt) { if (opt) { JSDOC.opt = opt; } if (JSDOC.opt.h) { JSDOC.usage(); quit(); } // defend against options that are not sane if (JSDOC.opt._.length == 0) { LOG.warn("No source files to work on. Nothing to do."); quit(); } if (JSDOC.opt.t === true || JSDOC.opt.d === true) { JSDOC.usage(); } if (typeof JSDOC.opt.d == "string") { if (!JSDOC.opt.d.charAt(JSDOC.opt.d.length-1).match(/[\\\/]/)) { JSDOC.opt.d = JSDOC.opt.d+"/"; } LOG.inform("Output directory set to '"+JSDOC.opt.d+"'."); IO.mkPath(JSDOC.opt.d); } if (JSDOC.opt.e) IO.setEncoding(JSDOC.opt.e); // the -r option: scan source directories recursively if (typeof JSDOC.opt.r == "boolean") JSDOC.opt.r = 10; else if (!isNaN(parseInt(JSDOC.opt.r))) JSDOC.opt.r = parseInt(JSDOC.opt.r); else JSDOC.opt.r = 1; // the -D option: define user variables var D = {}; if (JSDOC.opt.D) { for (var i = 0; i < JSDOC.opt.D.length; i++) { var defineParts = JSDOC.opt.D[i].split(":", 2); if (defineParts) D[defineParts[0]] = defineParts[1]; } } JSDOC.opt.D = D; // combine any conf file D options with the commandline D options if (defined(JSDOC.conf)) for (var c in JSDOC.conf.D) { if (!defined(JSDOC.opt.D[c])) { JSDOC.opt.D[c] = JSDOC.conf.D[c]; } } // Give plugins a chance to initialize if (defined(JSDOC.PluginManager)) { JSDOC.PluginManager.run("onInit", JSDOC.opt); } JSDOC.opt.srcFiles = JSDOC.JsDoc._getSrcFiles(); JSDOC.JsDoc._parseSrcFiles(); JSDOC.JsDoc.symbolSet = JSDOC.Parser.symbols; } /** Retrieve source file list. @returns {String[]} The pathnames of the files to be parsed. */ JSDOC.JsDoc._getSrcFiles = function() { JSDOC.JsDoc.srcFiles = []; var ext = ["js"]; if (JSDOC.opt.x) { ext = JSDOC.opt.x.split(",").map(function($) {return $.toLowerCase()}); } for (var i = 0; i < JSDOC.opt._.length; i++) { JSDOC.JsDoc.srcFiles = JSDOC.JsDoc.srcFiles.concat( IO.ls(JSDOC.opt._[i], JSDOC.opt.r).filter( function($) { var thisExt = $.split(".").pop().toLowerCase(); if (JSDOC.opt.E) { for(var n = 0; n < JSDOC.opt.E.length; n++) { if ($.match(new RegExp(JSDOC.opt.E[n]))) { LOG.inform("Excluding " + $); return false; // if the file matches the regex then it's excluded. } } } return (ext.indexOf(thisExt) > -1); // we're only interested in files with certain extensions } ) ); } return JSDOC.JsDoc.srcFiles; } JSDOC.JsDoc._parseSrcFiles = function() { JSDOC.Parser.init(); for (var i = 0, l = JSDOC.JsDoc.srcFiles.length; i < l; i++) { var srcFile = JSDOC.JsDoc.srcFiles[i]; if (JSDOC.opt.v) LOG.inform("Parsing file: " + srcFile); try { var src = IO.readFile(srcFile); } catch(e) { LOG.warn("Can't read source file '"+srcFile+"': "+e.message); } var tr = new JSDOC.TokenReader(); var ts = new JSDOC.TokenStream(tr.tokenize(new JSDOC.TextStream(src))); JSDOC.Parser.parse(ts, srcFile); } JSDOC.Parser.finish(); if (JSDOC.PluginManager) { JSDOC.PluginManager.run("onFinishedParsing", JSDOC.Parser.symbols); } }