Before do Radiant::Cache.use_x_sendfile = false Radiant::Cache.use_x_accel_redirect = nil end Given /^the page cache is clear$/ do # No-op until we have Rack::Cache installed Radiant::Cache.clear if defined?(Radiant::Cache) end When(/^I go to page "(.*)"$/) do |url| visit url @old_headers ||= response.headers.dup end When(/^I go to page ['"](.*)['"] sending the ([-\w]+)$/) do |url, header_key| send_header_key = case header_key when 'ETag' 'If-None-Match' when 'Last-Modified' 'If-Modified-Since' end get url, {}, send_header_key => @old_headers[header_key] end Then /^I should get a (\d+) response code$/ do |code| response.response_code.should == code.to_i end Then /^I should get the same ([-\w]+) header$/ do |header_key| response.headers[header_key].should == @old_headers[header_key] end Given /^I have turned on X\-Sendfile headers$/ do Radiant::Cache.use_x_sendfile = true end Then /^I should( not)? get an "([^\"]*)" header in the response$/ do |status, header_key| if status.nil? response.headers.to_hash[header_key].should_not be_empty else response.headers.to_hash[header_key].should be_empty end end Given /^I have turned on X\-Accel\-Redirect headers$/ do Radiant::Cache.use_x_accel_redirect = "/cache" end Given /^I have page caching (on|off)$/ do |status| set_page_cache status end Then /^The "([^\"]*)" header should be "([^\"]*)"$/ do |header_key, value| response.headers.to_hash[header_key].should =~ end def set_page_cache(status) Page.class_eval %{ def cache? #{status != 'off'} end }, __FILE__, __LINE__ end