require_relative 'global'
module AGL
# This class provides easy control of a tile map, i.e., a map consisting of
# a grid of equally sized tiles. It also provides viewport control, through
# its camera property and methods.
class Map
# A Vector where x is the tile width and y is the tile height.
attr_reader :tile_size
# A Vector where x is the horizontal tile count and y the vertical count.
attr_reader :size
# A Rectangle representing the region of the map that is currently
# visible.
attr_reader :cam
# Creates a new map.
# Parameters:
# [t_w] The width of the tiles.
# [t_h] The height of the tiles.
# [t_x_count] The horizontal count of tiles in the map.
# [t_y_count] The vertical count of tiles in the map.
# [scr_w] Width of the viewport for the map.
# [scr_h] Height of the viewport for the map.
def initialize t_w, t_h, t_x_count, t_y_count, scr_w = 800, scr_h = 600
@tile_size = t_w, t_h
@size = t_x_count, t_y_count
@cam = 0, 0, scr_w, scr_h
@max_x = t_x_count * t_w - scr_w
@max_y = t_y_count * t_h - scr_h
# Returns a Vector with the total size of the map, in pixels (x for the
# width and y for the height).
def get_absolute_size * @size.x, @tile_size.y * @size.y)
# Returns a Vector with the coordinates of the center of the map.
def get_center * @size.x / 2, @tile_size.y * @size.y / 2)
# Returns the position in the screen corresponding to the given tile
# indices.
# Parameters:
# [map_x] The index of the tile in the horizontal direction. It must be in
# the interval 0..t_x_count
# [map_y] The index of the tile in the vertical direction. It must be in
# the interval 0..t_y_count
def get_screen_pos map_x, map_y * @tile_size.x - @cam.x, map_y * @tile_size.y - @cam.y)
# Returns the tile in the map that corresponds to the given position in
# the screen, as a Vector, where x is the horizontal index and y the
# vertical index.
# Parameters:
# [scr_x] The x-coordinate in the screen.
# [scr_y] The y-coordinate in the screen.
def get_map_pos scr_x, scr_y + @cam.x) / @tile_size.x, (scr_y + @cam.y) / @tile_size.y)
# Verifies whether a tile is inside the map.
# Parameters:
# [v] A Vector representing the tile, with x as the horizontal index and
# y as the vertical index.
def is_in_map v
v.x >= 0 && v.y >= 0 && v.x < @size.x && v.y < @size.y
# Sets the top left corner of the viewport to the given position of the
# map. Note that this is not the position in the screen.
# Parameters:
# [cam_x] The x-coordinate inside the map, in pixels (not a tile index).
# [cam_y] The y-coordinate inside the map, in pixels (not a tile index).
def set_camera cam_x, cam_y
@cam.x = cam_x
@cam.y = cam_y
# Moves the viewport by the given amount of pixels.
# Parameters:
# [x] The amount of pixels to move horizontally. Negative values will
# cause the camera to move to the left.
# [y] The amount of pixels to move vertically. Negative values will cause
# the camera to move up.
def move_camera x, y
@cam.x += x
@cam.y += y
# Iterates through the currently visible tiles, providing the horizontal
# tile index, the vertical tile index, the x-coordinate (in pixels) and
# the y-coordinate (in pixels), of each tile, in that order, to a given
# block of code.
# Example:
# map.foreach do |i, j, x, y|
# draw_tile tiles[i][j], x, y
# end
def foreach
for j in @min_vis_y..@max_vis_y
for i in @min_vis_x..@max_vis_x
yield i, j, i * @tile_size.x - @cam.x, j * @tile_size.y - @cam.y
def set_bounds
@cam.x = @cam.x.round
@cam.y = @cam.y.round
@cam.x = 0 if @cam.x < 0
@cam.x = @max_x if @cam.x > @max_x
@cam.y = 0 if @cam.y < 0
@cam.y = @max_y if @cam.y > @max_y
@min_vis_x = @cam.x / @tile_size.x
@min_vis_y = @cam.y / @tile_size.y
@max_vis_x = (@cam.x + @cam.w - 1) / @tile_size.x
@max_vis_y = (@cam.y + @cam.h - 1) / @tile_size.y
if @min_vis_y < 0; @min_vis_y = 0
elsif @min_vis_y > @size.y - 1; @min_vis_y = @size.y - 1; end
if @max_vis_y < 0; @max_vis_y = 0
elsif @max_vis_y > @size.y - 1; @max_vis_y = @size.y - 1; end
if @min_vis_x < 0; @min_vis_x = 0
elsif @min_vis_x > @size.x - 1; @min_vis_x = @size.x - 1; end
if @max_vis_x < 0; @max_vis_x = 0
elsif @max_vis_x > @size.x - 1; @max_vis_x = @size.x - 1; end