require 'haml' require 'cgi' module RDF::RDFa ## # An RDFa 1.1 serialiser in Ruby. The RDFa serializer makes use of Haml templates, # allowing runtime-replacement with alternate templates. Note, however, that templates # should be checked against the W3C test suite to ensure that valid RDFa is emitted. # # Note that the natural interface is to write a whole graph at a time. # Writing statements or Triples will create a graph to add them to # and then serialize the graph. # # The writer will add prefix definitions, and use them for creating @prefix definitions, and minting CURIEs # # @example Obtaining a RDFa writer class # RDF::Writer.for(:html) #=> RDF::RDFa::Writer # RDF::Writer.for("etc/test.html") # RDF::Writer.for(:file_name => "etc/test.html") # RDF::Writer.for(:file_extension => "html") # RDF::Writer.for(:content_type => "application/xhtml+xml") # RDF::Writer.for(:content_type => "text/html") # # @example Serializing RDF graph into an XHTML+RDFa file #"etc/test.html") do |writer| # writer << graph # end # # @example Serializing RDF statements into an XHTML+RDFa file #"etc/test.html") do |writer| # graph.each_statement do |statement| # writer << statement # end # end # # @example Serializing RDF statements into an XHTML+RDFa string # RDF::RDFa::Writer.buffer do |writer| # graph.each_statement do |statement| # writer << statement # end # end # # @example Creating @base and @prefix definitions in output # RDF::RDFa::Writer.buffer(:base_uri => "", :prefixes => { # :foaf => ""} # ) do |writer| # graph.each_statement do |statement| # writer << statement # end # end # # @author [Gregg Kellogg]( class Writer < RDF::Writer format RDF::RDFa::Format # Defines rdf:type of subjects to be emitted at the beginning of the document. # @return [Array<URI>] attr :top_classes # Defines order of predicates to to emit at begninning of a resource description. Defaults to # [rdf:type, rdfs:label, dc:title] # @return [Array<URI>] attr :predicate_order # Defines order of predicates to use in heading. # @return [Array<URI>] attr :heading_predicates HAML_OPTIONS = { :ugly => false, # to preserve whitespace without using entities } # @return [Graph] Graph of statements serialized attr_accessor :graph # @return [RDF::URI] Base URI used for relativizing URIs attr_accessor :base_uri ## # Initializes the RDFa writer instance. # # @param [IO, File] output # the output stream # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # any additional options # @option options [Boolean] :canonicalize (false) # whether to canonicalize literals when serializing # @option options [Hash] :prefixes ( # the prefix mappings to use # @option options [#to_s] :base_uri (nil) # the base URI to use when constructing relative URIs, set as html>head>base.href # @option options [#to_s] :lang (nil) # Output as root @lang attribute, and avoid generation _@lang_ where possible # @option options [Boolean] :standard_prefixes (false) # Add standard prefixes to _prefixes_, if necessary. # @option options [Array<RDF::URI>] :top_classes ([RDF::RDFS.Class]) # Defines rdf:type of subjects to be emitted at the beginning of the document. # @option options [Array<RDF::URI>] :predicate_order ([RDF.type, RDF::RDFS.label, RDF::DC.title]) # Defines order of predicates to to emit at begninning of a resource description.. # @option options [Array<RDF::URI>] :heading_predicates ([RDF::RDFS.label, RDF::DC.title]) # Defines order of predicates to use in heading. # @option options [String, Symbol, Hash{Symbol => String}] :haml (DEFAULT_HAML) # HAML templates used for generating code # @option options [Hash] :haml_options (HAML_OPTIONS) # Options to pass to Default options set :ugly => false # to ensure that whitespace in literals with newlines is properly preserved. # @yield [writer] # @yieldparam [RDF::Writer] writer def initialize(output = $stdout, options = {}, &block) super do @uri_to_term_or_curie = {} @uri_to_prefix = {} @top_classes = options[:top_classes] || [RDF::RDFS.Class] @predicate_order = options[:predicate_order] || [RDF.type, RDF::RDFS.label, RDF::DC.title] @heading_predicates = options[:heading_predicates] || [RDF::RDFS.label, RDF::DC.title] @graph = if block_given? end end # @return [Hash<Symbol => String>] def haml_template return @haml_template if @haml_template case @options[:haml] when Symbol, String then HAML_TEMPLATES.fetch(@options[:haml].to_sym, DEFAULT_HAML) when Hash then @options[:haml] else DEFAULT_HAML end end ## # Write whole graph # # @param [Graph] graph # @return [void] def write_graph(graph) @graph = graph end ## # Addes a statement to be serialized # @param [RDF::Statement] statement # @return [void] def write_statement(statement) @graph.insert(statement) end ## # Addes a triple to be serialized # @param [RDF::Resource] subject # @param [RDF::URI] predicate # @param [RDF::Value] object # @return [void] # @raise [NotImplementedError] unless implemented in subclass # @abstract def write_triple(subject, predicate, object) @graph.insert(, predicate, object)) end ## # Outputs the XHTML+RDFa representation of all stored triples. # # @return [void] def write_epilogue @base_uri = RDF::URI(@options[:base_uri]) if @options[:base_uri] @lang = @options[:lang] @debug = @options[:debug] self.reset add_debug {"\nserialize: graph size: #{@graph.size}"} preprocess # Prefixes prefix = {|pk| "#{pk}: #{prefixes[pk]}"}.sort.join(" ") unless prefixes.empty? add_debug {"\nserialize: prefixes: #{prefix.inspect}"} subjects = order_subjects # Take title from first subject having a heading predicate doc_title = nil titles = {} heading_predicates.each do |pred| @graph.query(:predicate => pred) do |statement| titles[statement.subject] ||= statement.object end end title_subject = subjects.detect {|subject| titles[subject]} doc_title = titles[title_subject] # Generate document doc = render_document(subjects, :lang => @lang, :base => base_uri, :title => doc_title, :prefix => prefix) do |s| subject(s) end @output.write(doc) end protected # Render document using haml_template[:doc]. # Yields each subject to be rendered separately. # # The default Haml template is: # !!! XML # !!! 5 # %html{:xmlns => "", :lang => lang, :prefix => prefix} # - if base || title # %head # - if base # %base{:href => base} # - if title # %title= title # %body # - subjects.each do |subject| # != yield(subject) # # @param [Array<RDF::Resource>] subjects # Ordered list of subjects. Template must yield to each subject, which returns # the serialization of that subject (@see subject_template) # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options Rendering options passed to Haml render. # @option options [RDF::URI] base (nil) # Base URI added to document, used for shortening URIs within the document. # @option options [Symbol, String] language (nil) # Value of @lang attribute in document, also allows included literals to omit # an @lang attribute if it is equivalent to that of the document. # @option options [String] title (nil) # Value of html>head>title element. # @option options [String] prefix (nil) # Value of @prefix attribute. # @option options [String] haml (haml_template[:doc]) # Haml template to render. # @yield [subject] # Yields each subject # @yieldparam [RDF::URI] subject # @yieldreturn [:ignored] # @return String # The rendered document is returned as a string def render_document(subjects, options = {}) template = options[:haml] || :doc options = { :prefix => nil, :subjects => subjects, :title => nil, }.merge(options) hamlify(template, options) do |subject| yield(subject) if block_given? end end # Render a subject using haml_template[:subject]. # # The _subject_ template may be called either as a top-level element, or recursively under another element # if the _rel_ local is not nil. # # Yields each predicate/property to be rendered separately (@see render_property_value and # render_property_values). # # The default Haml template is: # - if element == :li # %li{:about => resource, :typeof => typeof} # - if typeof # %span.type!= typeof # - predicates.each do |predicate| # != yield(predicate) # - elsif rel && typeof # %div{:rel => rel} # %div{:about => about, :typeof => typeof} # %span.type!= typeof # - predicates.each do |predicate| # != yield(predicate) # - elsif rel # %div{:rel => rel, :resource => resource} # - predicates.each do |predicate| # != yield(predicate) # - else # %div{:about => about, :typeof => typeof} # - if typeof # %span.type!= typeof # - predicates.each do |predicate| # != yield(predicate) # # @param [Array<RDF::Resource>] subject # Subject to render # @param [Array<RDF::Resource>] predicates # Predicates of subject. Each property is yielded for separate rendering. # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options Rendering options passed to Haml render. # @option options [String] about (nil) # About description, a CURIE, URI or Node definition. # May be nil if no @about is rendered (e.g. unreferenced Nodes) # @option options [String] resource (nil) # Resource description, a CURIE, URI or Node definition. # May be nil if no @resource is rendered # @option options [String] rel (nil) # Optional @rel property description, a CURIE, URI or Node definition. # @option options [String] typeof (nil) # RDF type as a CURIE, URI or Node definition. # If :about is nil, this defaults to the empty string (""). # @option options [:li, nil] element (nil) # Render with <li>, otherwise with template default. # @option options [String] haml (haml_template[:subject]) # Haml template to render. # @yield [predicate] # Yields each predicate # @yieldparam [RDF::URI] predicate # @yieldreturn [:ignored] # @return String # The rendered document is returned as a string # Return Haml template for document from haml_template[:subject] def render_subject(subject, predicates, options = {}) template = options[:haml] || :subject options = { :about => (get_curie(subject) unless options[:rel]), :base => base_uri, :element => nil, :predicates => predicates, :rel => nil, :inlist => nil, :resource => (get_curie(subject) if options[:rel]), :subject => subject, :typeof => nil, }.merge(options) hamlify(template, options) do |predicate| yield(predicate) if block_given? end end # Render a single- or multi-valued predicate using haml_template[:property_value] or haml_template[:property_values]. # Yields each object for optional rendering. The block should only # render for recursive subject definitions (i.e., where the object # is also a subject and is rendered underneath the first referencing subject). # # The default Haml template for a single-valued property is: # - if heading_predicates.include?(predicate) && object.literal? # %h1{:property => get_curie(predicate), :content => get_content(object), :lang => get_lang(object), :datatype => get_dt_curie(object), :inlist => inlist}= escape_entities(get_value(object)) # - else # # %span.label # = get_predicate_name(predicate) # - if res = yield(object) # != res # - elsif get_curie(object) == 'rdf:nil' # %span{:rel => get_curie(predicate), :inlist => ''} # - elsif object.node? # %span{:resource => get_curie(object), :rel => get_curie(predicate), :inlist => inlist}= get_curie(object) # - elsif object.uri? # %a{:href => object.to_s, :rel => get_curie(predicate), :inlist => inlist}= object.to_s # - elsif object.datatype == RDF.XMLLiteral # %span{:property => get_curie(predicate), :lang => get_lang(object), :datatype => get_dt_curie(object), :inlist => inlist}<!= get_value(object) # - else # %span{:property => get_curie(predicate), :content => get_content(object), :lang => get_lang(object), :datatype => get_dt_curie(object), :inlist => inlist}= escape_entities(get_value(object)) # # # The default Haml template for a multi-valued property is: # # %span.label # = get_predicate_name(predicate) # %ul # - objects.each do |object| # - if res = yield(object) # != res # - elsif object.node? # %li{:rel => get_curie(predicate), :resource => get_curie(object), :inlist => inlist}= get_curie(object) # - elsif object.uri? # %li # %a{:rel => get_curie(predicate), :href => object.to_s, :inlist => inlist}= object.to_s # - elsif object.datatype == RDF.XMLLiteral # %li{:property => get_curie(predicate), :lang => get_lang(object), :datatype => get_curie(object.datatype), :inlist => inlist}<!= get_value(object) # - else # %li{:property => get_curie(predicate), :content => get_content(object), :lang => get_lang(object), :datatype => get_dt_curie(object), :inlist => inlist}= escape_entities(get_value(object)) # # If a multi-valued property definition is not found within the template, # the writer will use the single-valued property definition multiple times. # # @param [Array<RDF::Resource>] predicate # Predicate to render. # @param [Array<RDF::Resource>] objects # List of objects to render. # If the list contains only a single element, the :property_value template will be used. # Otherwise, the :property_values template is used. # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options Rendering options passed to Haml render. # @option options [String] haml (haml_template[:property_value], haml_template[:property_values]) # Haml template to render. Otherwise, uses haml_template[:property_value] or haml_template[:property_values] # depending on the cardinality of objects. # @yield [object] # Yields object. # @yieldparam [RDF::Resource] object # @yieldreturn [String, nil] # The block should only return a string for recursive object definitions. # @return String # The rendered document is returned as a string def render_property(predicate, objects, options = {}, &block) add_debug {"render_property(#{predicate}): #{objects.inspect}"} # If there are multiple objects, and no :property_values is defined, call recursively with # each object template = options[:haml] template ||= objects.length > 1 ? haml_template[:property_values] : haml_template[:property_value] # Separate out the objects which are lists and render separately list_objects = {|o| o != RDF.nil &&, @graph).valid?} unless list_objects.empty? # Render non-list objects add_debug {"properties with lists: non-lists: #{objects - list_objects} lists: #{list_objects}"} nl = render_property(predicate, objects - list_objects, options, &block) unless objects == list_objects return nl.to_s + do |object| # Render each list as multiple properties and set :inlist to true list =, @graph) list.each_statement {|st| subject_done(st.subject)} add_debug {"list: #{list.inspect} #{list.to_a}"} render_property(predicate, list.to_a, options.merge(:inlist => ""), &block) end.join(" ") end if objects.length > 1 && template.nil? # Uf there is no property_values template, render each property using property_value template do |object| render_property(predicate, [object], options, &block) end.join(" ") else raise RDF::WriterError, "Missing property template" if template.nil? template = options[:haml] || ( objects.to_a.length > 1 && haml_template.has_key?(:property_values) ? :property_values : :property_value) options = { :objects => objects, :object => objects.first, :predicate => predicate, :property => get_curie(predicate), :rel => get_curie(predicate), :inlist => nil, }.merge(options) hamlify(template, options) do |object| yield(object) if block_given? end end end # Perform any preprocessing of statements required # @return [ignored] def preprocess # Load default profiles # Add terms and prefixes to local store for converting URIs # Keep track of vocabulary from left-most profile [XML_RDFA_PROFILE, XHTML_RDFA_PROFILE].each do |uri| prof = Profile.find(uri) prof.prefixes.each_pair do |k, v| @uri_to_prefix[v] = k end prof.terms.each_pair do |k, v| @uri_to_term_or_curie[v] = k end @vocabulary = prof.vocabulary.to_s if prof.vocabulary end # Load defined prefixes (@options[:prefixes] || {}).each_pair do |k, v| @uri_to_prefix[v.to_s] = k end @options[:prefixes] = {} # Will define actual used when matched # Process each statement to establish CURIEs and Terms @graph.each {|statement| preprocess_statement(statement)} end # Order subjects for output. Override this to output subjects in another order. # # Uses #top_classes and #base_uri. # @return [Array<Resource>] Ordered list of subjects def order_subjects seen = {} subjects = [] # Start with base_uri if base_uri && @subjects.keys.include?(base_uri) subjects << base_uri seen[base_uri] = true end # Add distinguished classes top_classes. select {|s| !seen.include?(s)}. each do |class_uri| graph.query(:predicate => RDF.type, :object => class_uri).map {|st| st.subject}.sort.uniq.each do |subject| #add_debug {"order_subjects: #{subject.inspect}"} subjects << subject seen[subject] = true end end # Sort subjects by resources over nodes, ref_counts and the subject URI itself recursable = @subjects.keys. select {|s| !seen.include?(s)}. map {|r| [r.is_a?(RDF::Node) ? 1 : 0, ref_count(r), r]}. sort add_debug {"order_subjects: #{recursable.inspect}"} subjects +={|r| r.last} end # Take a hash from predicate uris to lists of values. # Sort the lists of values. Return a sorted list of properties. # # @param [Hash{String => Array<Resource>}] properties A hash of Property to Resource mappings # @return [Array<String>}] Ordered list of properties. Uses predicate_order. def order_properties(properties) # Make sorted list of properties prop_list = [] predicate_order.each do |prop| next unless properties[prop.to_s] prop_list << prop.to_s end properties.keys.sort.each do |prop| next if prop_list.include?(prop.to_s) prop_list << prop.to_s end add_debug {"order_properties: #{prop_list.join(', ')}"} prop_list end # Perform any statement preprocessing required. This is used to perform reference counts and determine required # prefixes. # @param [RDF::Statement] statement # @return [ignored] def preprocess_statement(statement) #add_debug {"preprocess: #{statement.inspect}"} references = ref_count(statement.object) + 1 @references[statement.object] = references @subjects[statement.subject] = true get_curie(statement.subject) get_curie(statement.predicate) get_curie(statement.object) get_curie(statement.object.datatype) if statement.object.literal? && statement.object.has_datatype? end # Reset parser to run again def reset @depth = 0 prefixes = {} @references = {} @serialized = {} @subjects = {} end protected # Display a subject. # # If the Haml template contains an entry matching the subject's rdf:type URI, # that entry will be used as the template for this subject and it's properties. # # @example Displays a subject as a Resource Definition: # <div typeof="rdfs:Resource" about=""> # <h1 property="dc:title">label</h1> # <ul> # <li content="2009-04-30T06:15:51Z" property="dc:created">2009-04-30T06:15:51+00:00</li> # </ul> # </div> # # @param [RDF::Resource] subject # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options # @option options [:li, nil] :element(:div) # Serialize using <li> rather than template default element # @option options [RDF::Resource] :rel (nil) # Optional @rel property # @return [Nokogiri::XML::Element, {Namespace}] def subject(subject, options = {}) return if is_done?(subject) subject_done(subject) properties = {} @graph.query(:subject => subject) do |st| properties[st.predicate.to_s] ||= [] properties[st.predicate.to_s] << st.object end prop_list = order_properties(properties) # Find appropriate template curie ||= case when subject.node? subject.to_s if ref_count(subject) >= (@depth == 0 ? 0 : 1) else get_curie(subject) end # See if there's a template based on the sorted concatenation of all types of this subject # or any type of this subject tmpl = find_template(subject) typeof = [properties.delete(RDF.type.to_s)] {|r| get_curie(r)}.join(" ") typeof = nil if typeof.empty? # Nodes without a curie need a blank @typeof to generate a subject typeof ||= "" unless curie prop_list -= [RDF.type.to_s] add_debug {"subject: found template #{tmpl[:identifier] || tmpl.inspect}"} if tmpl add_debug {"subject: #{curie.inspect}, typeof: #{typeof.inspect}, props: #{prop_list.inspect}"} # Render this subject # If :rel is specified and :typeof is nil, use @resource instead of @about. # Pass other options from calling context render_opts = {:typeof => typeof}.merge(options) with_template(tmpl) do render_subject(subject, prop_list, render_opts) do |pred| depth do pred = RDF::URI(pred) if pred.is_a?(String) values = properties[pred.to_s] add_debug {"subject: #{get_curie(subject)}, pred: #{get_curie(pred)}, values: #{values.inspect}"} predicate(pred, values) end end end end # Write a predicate with one or more values. # # Values may be a combination of Literal and Resource (Node or URI). # @param [RDF::Resource] predicate # Predicate to serialize # @param [Array<RDF::Resource>] objects # Objects to serialize # @return [String] def predicate(predicate, objects) add_debug {"predicate: #{predicate.inspect}, objects: #{objects}"} return if objects.to_a.empty? add_debug {"predicate: #{get_curie(predicate)}"} render_property(predicate, objects) do |o| # Yields each object, for potential recursive definition. # If nil is returned, a leaf is produced depth {subject(o, :rel => get_curie(predicate), :element => (:li if objects.length > 1))} if !is_done?(o) && @subjects.include?(o) end end # Haml rendering helper. Return CURIE for the literal datatype, if the literal is a typed literal. # # @param [RDF::Resource] resource # @return [String, nil] # @raise [RDF::WriterError] def get_dt_curie(literal) raise RDF::WriterError, "Getting datatype CURIE for #{literal.inspect}, which must be a literal" unless literal.is_a?(RDF::Literal) get_curie(literal.datatype) if literal.literal? && literal.datatype? end # Haml rendering helper. Return language for plain literal, if there is no language, or it is the same as the document, return nil # # @param [RDF::Literal] literal # @return [String, nil] # @raise [RDF::WriterError] def get_lang(literal) raise RDF::WriterError, "Getting datatype CURIE for #{literal.inspect}, which must be a literal" unless literal.is_a?(RDF::Literal) literal.language if literal.literal? && literal.language && literal.language != @lang end # Haml rendering helper. Data to be added to a @content value # # @param [RDF::Literal] literal # @return [String, nil] # @raise [RDF::WriterError] def get_content(literal) raise RDF::WriterError, "Getting content for #{literal.inspect}, which must be a literal" unless literal.is_a?(RDF::Literal) case literal when RDF::Literal::Date, RDF::Literal::Time, RDF::Literal::DateTime literal.to_s end end # Haml rendering helper. Display value for object, may be non-canonical if get_content returns a non-nil value # # @param [RDF::Literal] literal # @return [String] # @raise [RDF::WriterError] def get_value(literal) raise RDF::WriterError, "Getting value for #{literal.inspect}, which must be a literal" unless literal.is_a?(RDF::Literal) case literal when RDF::Literal::Date literal.object.strftime("%A, %d %B %Y") when RDF::Literal::Time literal.object.strftime("%H:%M:%S %Z").sub(/\+00:00/, "UTC") when RDF::Literal::DateTime literal.object.strftime("%H:%M:%S %Z on %A, %d %B %Y").sub(/\+00:00/, "UTC") else literal.to_s end rescue literal.to_s # When all else fails ... end # Haml rendering helper. Return an appropriate label for a resource. # # @param [RDF::Resource] resource # @return [String] # @raise [RDF::WriterError] def get_predicate_name(resource) raise RDF::WriterError, "Getting predicate name for #{resource.inspect}, which must be a resource" unless resource.is_a?(RDF::Resource) get_curie(resource) end # Haml rendering helper. Return appropriate, term, CURIE or URI for the given resource. # # @param [RDF::Value] resource # @return [String] value to use to identify URI # @raise [RDF::WriterError] def get_curie(resource) raise RDF::WriterError, "Getting CURIE for #{resource.inspect}, which must be an RDF value" unless resource.is_a?(RDF::Value) return resource.to_s unless resource.uri? uri = resource.to_s curie = case when @uri_to_term_or_curie.has_key?(uri) add_debug {"get_curie(#{uri}): uri_to_term_or_curie #{@uri_to_term_or_curie[uri].inspect}"} return @uri_to_term_or_curie[uri] when base_uri && uri.index(base_uri.to_s) == 0 add_debug {"get_curie(#{uri}): base_uri (#{uri.sub(base_uri.to_s, "")})"} uri.sub(base_uri.to_s, "") when @vocabulary && uri.index(@vocabulary) == 0 add_debug {"get_curie(#{uri}): vocabulary"} uri.sub(@vocabulary, "") when u = @uri_to_prefix.keys.detect {|u| uri.index(u.to_s) == 0} add_debug {"get_curie(#{uri}): uri_to_prefix"} # Use a defined prefix prefix = @uri_to_prefix[u] prefix(prefix, u) # Define for output uri.sub(u.to_s, "#{prefix}:") when @options[:standard_prefixes] && vocab = RDF::Vocabulary.detect {|v| uri.index(v.to_uri.to_s) == 0} add_debug {"get_curie(#{uri}): standard_prefixes"} prefix = vocab.__name__.to_s.split('::').last.downcase prefix(prefix, vocab.to_uri) # Define for output uri.sub(vocab.to_uri.to_s, "#{prefix}:") else add_debug {"get_curie(#{uri}): none"} uri end #add_debug {"get_curie(#{resource}) => #{curie}"} @uri_to_term_or_curie[uri] = curie rescue Addressable::URI::InvalidURIError => e raise RDF::WriterError, "Invalid URI #{uri.inspect}: #{e.message}" end private ## # Haml rendering helper. Escape entities to avoid whitespace issues. # # # In addtion to "&<>, encode \n and \r to ensure that whitespace is properly preserved # # @param [String] str # @return [String] # Entity-encoded string def escape_entities(str) CGI.escapeHTML(str).gsub(/[\n\r]/) {|c| '&#x' + c.unpack('h').first + ';'} end # Increase depth around a method invocation def depth @depth += 1 ret = yield @depth -= 1 ret end # Set the template to use within block def with_template(templ) if templ new_template = @options[:haml]. reject {|k,v| ![:subject, :property_value, :property_values, :rel].include?(k)}. merge(templ || {}) old_template, @haml_template = @haml_template, new_template else old_template = @haml_template end res = yield # Restore template @haml_template = old_template res end # Render HAML # @param [Symbol, String] template # If a symbol, finds a matching template from haml_template, otherwise uses template as is # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] locals # Locals to pass to render # @return [String] # @raise [RDF::WriterError] def hamlify(template, locals = {}) add_debug {"hamlify template: #{template}"} template = haml_template[template] if template.is_a?(Symbol) template = template.align_left add_debug {"hamlify locals: #{locals.inspect}"}, @options[:haml_options] || HAML_OPTIONS).render(self, locals) do |*args| yield(*args) if block_given? end rescue Haml::Error => e raise RDF::WriterError, "#{e.inspect}\n" + "rendering #{template}\n" + "with options #{(@options[:haml_options] || HAML_OPTIONS).inspect}\n" + "and locals #{locals.inspect}" end ## # Find a template appropriate for the subject. # Override this method to provide templates based on attributes of a given subject # # @param [RDF::URI] subject # @return [Hash] # return matched matched template def find_template(subject); end # Mark a subject as done. def subject_done(subject) @serialized[subject] = true end def is_done?(subject) @serialized.include?(subject) end # Return the number of times this node has been referenced in the object position def ref_count(node) @references.fetch(node, 0) end # Add debug event to debug array, if specified # # @param [String] message:: # @yieldreturn [String] appended to message, to allow for lazy-evaulation of message def add_debug(message = "") return unless ::RDF::RDFa.debug? || @debug message = message + yield if block_given? msg = "#{' ' * @depth}#{message}" STDERR.puts msg if ::RDF::RDFa.debug? @debug << msg if @debug.is_a?(Array) end end end require 'rdf/rdfa/writer/haml_templates'