function create_header(value){ //{{{ var tmp = $("#prop_template_header tr").clone(); $('.header_value',tmp).text(value); return tmp; } //}}} function create_sizer(){ //{{{ var tmp = $("#prop_template_sizer tr").clone(); return tmp; } //}}} function create_line(main,text){ //{{{ var tmp = $("#prop_template_line tr").clone(); $('.line_main',tmp).text(main); $('.line_text',tmp).text(text); return tmp; } //}}} function create_element(content,svgid){ //{{{ var tmp = $("#prop_template_readonly tr").clone(); $('.prop_name',tmp).text('Element'); $('.prop_value',tmp).val(content); $('.prop_value',tmp).addClass('pname_element'); $('.prop_value',tmp).parent().append($("")); return tmp; } //}}} function create_readonly_property(name,content){ //{{{ var tmp = $("#prop_template_readonly tr").clone(); $('.prop_name',tmp).text(name); $('.prop_value',tmp).val(content); $('.prop_value',tmp).addClass('pname_' + name.toLowerCase()); return tmp; } //}}} function create_input_property(name,cls,content){ //{{{ var tmp = $("#prop_template_input tr").clone(); tmp.addClass(cls); $('.prop_name',tmp).text(name); $('.prop_value',tmp).val(content); $('.prop_value',tmp).addClass('pname_' + name.toLowerCase()); return tmp; } //}}} function create_select_property(name,cls,content,alts){ //{{{ var tmp = $("#prop_template_select tr").clone(); tmp.addClass(cls); $('.prop_name',tmp).text(name); $('.prop_value',tmp).addClass('pname_' + name.toLowerCase()); $.each(alts,function(a,b){ var o = $(''); if (b == content) o.attr('selected','selected'); $('.prop_value',tmp).append(o); }); return tmp; } //}}} function create_area_property(name,cls,content){ //{{{ var tmp = $("#prop_template_area tr").clone(); tmp.addClass(cls); $('.prop_name',tmp).text(name); $('.prop_value',tmp).addClass('pname_' + name.toLowerCase()); $('.prop_value',tmp).text(content); return tmp; } //}}} function create_input_pair(name,cls,content){ //{{{ var tmp = $("#dat_template_pair tr").clone(); tmp.addClass(cls); $('.pair_name',tmp).val(name); $('.pair_value',tmp).val(content); return tmp; } //}}} function CPEE(adaptor) { this.adaptor = adaptor; this.elements = elements = {}; = events = {}; this.noarrow = noarrow = ['alternative', 'otherwise']; // Events = function(svgid, e, child, sibling) { // {{{ if(e.button == 0) { // left-click } else if(e.button == 1) { // middle-click } else if(e.button == 2) { // right-click var xml_node = adaptor.description.get_node_by_svg_id(svgid); var group = null; var menu = {}; if(child) { group = elements[xml_node.get(0).tagName].permissible_children(xml_node); if(group.length > 0) menu['Insert into'] = group; } if(sibling) { group = elements[xml_node.parent().get(0).tagName].permissible_children(xml_node); if(group.length > 0) menu['Insert after'] = group; } if(xml_node.get(0).tagName != 'description' && !elements[xml_node.get(0).tagName].neverdelete) menu['Remove Element'] = [{'label': 'Actual Element', 'function_call': adaptor.description.remove, 'menu_icon': function() { var icon = elements[xml_node.get(0).tagName].illustrator.svg(); icon.children('.rfill').css({'fill':'red','fill-opacity':'0.5'}); return icon; }, 'params': [null, xml_node]}]; if($('> manipulate', xml_node).length > 0 && xml_node.get(0).tagName == 'call') { menu['Remove Element'].push({'label': 'Remove Scripts', 'function_call': adaptor.description.remove, 'menu_icon': function() { var icon = elements.callmanipulate.illustrator.svg(); icon.children('.rfill:last').css({'fill':'red','fill-opacity':'0.5'}); return icon; }, 'params': ['> manipulate', xml_node]}); } new CustomMenu(e).contextmenu(menu); } return false; } // }}} = function(svgid, e) { // {{{ if (adaptor.description.get_node_by_svg_id(svgid).length == 0) { return; } if ($('#state').text() != 'finished') $('#main .tabbehind button').show(); if ($('#main .tabbehind button').hasClass('highlight')) { var check = confirm("Discard changes?"); if (check) $('#main .tabbehind button').removeClass('highlight'); else return; } var visid = 'details'; var tab = $('#dat_' + visid); var node = adaptor.description.get_node_by_svg_id(svgid).get(0); tab.empty(); tab.append(create_element(node.nodeName,svgid)); switch(node.nodeName) { case 'call': tab.append(create_readonly_property('ID',$(node).attr('id'))); tab.append(create_input_property('Endpoint','',$(node).attr('endpoint'))); if ($('finalize',node).length > 0) tab.append(create_area_property('Finalize','',format_text_skim($('finalize',node).text()))); if ($('update',node).length > 0) tab.append(create_area_property('Update','',format_text_skim($('update',node).text()))); tab.append(create_header('Parameters:')); tab.append(create_input_property('Label','indent',$('parameters label',node).text())); tab.append(create_input_property('Method','indent',$('parameters method',node).text())); $.each($('parameters parameters *',node),function(){ tab.append(create_input_pair(this.nodeName,'indent',$(this).text())); }); break; case 'manipulate': tab.append(create_readonly_property('ID',$(node).attr('id'))); tab.append(create_area_property('Script','',format_text_skim($(node).text()))); break; case 'loop': if ($(node).attr('pre_test') != undefined) var mode = 'pre_test'; if ($(node).attr('post_test') != undefined) var mode = 'post_test'; tab.append(create_select_property('Mode','',mode,['post_test','pre_test'])); tab.append(create_input_property('Condition','',$(node).attr(mode))); break; case 'choose': var mode = ($(node).attr('mode') == 'inclusive' || $(node).attr('mode') == undefined ? 'inclusive' : 'exclusive') tab.append(create_select_property('Mode','',mode,['exclusive','inclusive'])); break; case 'alternative': tab.append(create_input_property('Condition','',$(node).attr('condition'))); break; case 'critical': var sid = ($(node).attr('sid') == '' ? 'section' : $(node).attr('sid')); tab.append(create_input_property('SID','',sid)); tab.append(create_line('Hint','Identical SID\'s shared by between differnt "critical" elements define mutual exclusive areas')); break; case 'parallel': var wait = ($(node).attr('wait') == '' || $(node).attr('wait') == undefined ? '-1' : $(node).attr('wait')); tab.append(create_input_property('Wait','',wait)); tab.append(create_line('Hint','-1 to wait for all branches')); break; case 'parallel_branch': tab.append(create_input_property('Pass to branch','',$(node).attr('pass'))); tab.append(create_input_property('Local scope','',$(node).attr('local'))); break; // TODO group } // add the sizer in order for colspan to work tab.append(create_sizer()); save['details'] = serialize_details(tab).serializeXML(); } // }}} = function(svgid, e) { // {{{ } // }}} = function(svgid, e) { // {{{ $('.tile[element-id = "' + svgid + '"]').css('display','block'); return false; } // }}} = function(svgid, e) { // {{{ $('.tile[element-id = "' + svgid + '"]').css('display','none'); return false; } // }}} = function (svgid, e) { //{{{ } //}}} // Abstract Elements (they only have an illustrator) this.elements.callmanipulate = { /*{{{*/ 'illustrator': {//{{{ 'type' : 'abstract', 'svg': function() { return $X('' + '' + '' + '' + 's' + ''); } },//}}} 'description': ':post', 'permissible_children': function(node) { //{{{ if(node.children('manipulate').lenght < 1) return [ {'label': 'Scripts', 'function_call': adaptor.description.insert_last_into, 'menu_icon': elements.callmanipulate.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.manipulate, node]} ]; return []; }, //}}} 'adaptor' : {//{{{ 'mousedown': function (node, e) { events.mousedown(node,e,true, true); }, 'click':, }//}}} }; /*}}}*/ this.elements.choose_inclusive = { /*{{{*/ 'illustrator': {//{{{ 'type' : 'abstract', 'svg': function() { return $X('' + '' + '' + ''); } },//}}} }; /*}}}*/ this.elements.choose_exclusive = { /*{{{*/ 'illustrator': {//{{{ 'type' : 'abstract', 'svg': function() { return $X('' + '' + '' + '' + ''); } },//}}} }; /*}}}*/ // Primitive Elements = { /*{{{*/ 'illustrator': {//{{{ 'type' : 'primitive', 'endnodes' : 'this', 'resolve_symbol' : function(node) { if($(node).attr('endpoint') == 'instantiation') { return 'callinstantiation'; } else if($(node).attr('endpoint') == 'correlation') { return 'callcorrelation'; } else if($('parameters > service', node).length > 0) { return 'callinjection'; } else if($('manipulate', node).length > 0) { return 'callmanipulate'; } else { return'call'; } }, 'svg': function() { return $X('' + '' + '' + ''); } },//}}} 'description': ':post', 'permissible_children': function(node) { //{{{ if(node.children('manipulate').length < 1) return [ {'label': 'Scripts', 'function_call': adaptor.description.insert_last_into, 'menu_icon': elements.callmanipulate.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.scripts, node]} ]; return []; }, //}}} 'adaptor' : {//{{{ 'mousedown': function (node, e) { events.mousedown(node,e,true, true); }, 'click':, 'dragstart': events.dragstart, }//}}} }; /*}}}*/ this.elements.scripts = { /*{{{*/ 'illustrator': {//{{{ 'type' : 'primitive', 'endnodes' : 'this', 'svg': function() { return $X('' + '' + 's' + ''); } },//}}} 'description': '', 'permissible_children': function(node) { //{{{ return []; }, //}}} 'adaptor': { //{{{ 'mousedown': function (node, e) { events.mousedown(node,e,false, true); }, 'click':, } //}}} }; /*}}}*/ this.elements.manipulate = { /*{{{*/ 'illustrator': {//{{{ 'type' : 'primitive', 'endnodes' : 'this', 'svg': function() { return $X('' + '' + 's' + ''); } },//}}} 'description': '', 'permissible_children': function(node) { //{{{ return []; }, //}}} 'adaptor' : {//{{{ 'mousedown': function (node, e) { events.mousedown(node,e,false, true); }, 'click':, }//}}} }; /*}}}*/ this.elements.escape = { /*{{{*/ 'illustrator': {//{{{ 'type' : 'primitive', 'endnodes' : 'this', 'svg': function() { return $X('' + '' + '' + '' + ''); } },//}}} 'description': '', 'permissible_children': function(node) { //{{{ return []; }, //}}} 'adaptor' : {//{{{ 'mousedown': function (node, e) { events.mousedown(node,e,false, true); }, 'click':, }//}}} }; /*}}}*/ // Complex Elements this.elements.choose = { /*{{{*/ 'illustrator': {//{{{ 'type' : 'complex', 'endnodes' : 'aggregate', 'closeblock': false, 'expansion' : function(node) { return 'horizontal'; }, 'resolve_symbol' : function(node) { if($(node).attr('mode') == 'exclusive') { return 'choose_exclusive'; } else { return 'choose_inclusive'; } }, 'col_shift' : function(node) { return false; }, 'svg': function() { return $X('' + '' + '' + ''); } },//}}} 'description': '', 'permissible_children': function(node) { //{{{ var func = null; if(node.get(0).tagName == 'choose') { func = adaptor.description.insert_first_into } else { func = adaptor.description.insert_after } if(node.children('parallel_branch').length > 0) { return [{'label': 'Parallel Branch', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.parallel_branch.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.parallel_branch, node]}]; } var childs = [{'label': 'Alternative', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.alternative.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.alternative, node]}]; if((node.children('otherwise').length == 0) && node.parents('parallel').length == node.parents('parallel_branch').length) childs.push({'label': 'Otherwise', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.otherwise.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.otherwise, node]}); if(node.parents('parallel').length > node.parents('parallel_branch').length) childs.push({'label': 'Parallel Branch', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.parallel_branch.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.parallel_branch, node]}); return childs; }, //}}} 'adaptor' : {//{{{ 'mousedown': function (node, e) { events.mousedown(node,e,true, true); }, 'click':, 'dblclick': events.dblclick, 'mouseover': events.mouseover, 'mouseout': events.mouseout, }//}}} }; /*}}}*/ this.elements.otherwise = { /*{{{*/ 'illustrator': {//{{{ 'type' : 'complex', 'endnodes' : 'passthrough', 'closeblock': false, 'expansion' : function(node) { return 'vertical'; }, 'col_shift' : function(node) { return false; }, 'svg': function() { return $X('' + '' + '' + ''); } },//}}} 'description': '', 'neverdelete': true, 'permissible_children': function(node) { //{{{ var func = null; var childs = null; if(node.get(0).tagName == 'otherwise') { func = adaptor.description.insert_first_into } else { func = adaptor.description.insert_after } return [ {'label': 'Service Call with Scripts', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.callmanipulate.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.callmanipulate, node]}, {'label': 'Service Call', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon':, 'params': [, node]}, {'label': 'Script', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.manipulate.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.manipulate, node]}, {'label': 'Parallel', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.parallel.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.parallel, node]}, {'label': 'Choose', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.choose.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.choose, node]}, {'label': 'Loop', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.loop.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.loop, node]}, {'label': 'Critical', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.critical.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.critical, node]} ]; }, //}}} 'adaptor' : {//{{{ 'mousedown': function (node, e) { events.mousedown(node,e,true, false); }, 'click':, 'dblclick': events.dblclick, 'mouseover': events.mouseover, 'mouseout': events.mouseout, }//}}} }; /*}}}*/ this.elements.alternative = { /*{{{*/ 'illustrator': {//{{{ 'type' : 'complex', 'endnodes' : 'passthrough', 'closeblock':false, 'expansion' : function(node) { return 'vertical'; }, 'col_shift' : function(node) { return false; }, 'svg': function() { return $X('' + '' + '{..}' + ''); } },//}}} 'description': '', 'permissible_children': function(node) { //{{{ if(node.get(0).tagName == 'alternative') { func = adaptor.description.insert_first_into } else { func = adaptor.description.insert_after } if(node.parents('parallel').length > node.parents('parallel_branch').length && node.get(0).tagName == 'alternative') { return [{'label': 'Parallel Branch', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.parallel_branch.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.parallel_branch, node]}]; } return [ {'label': 'Service Call with Scripts', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.callmanipulate.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.callmanipulate, node]}, {'label': 'Service Call', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon':, 'params': [, node]}, {'label': 'Script', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.manipulate.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.manipulate, node]}, {'label': 'Parallel', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.parallel.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.parallel, node]}, {'label': 'Choose', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.choose.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.choose, node]}, {'label': 'Loop', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.loop.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.loop, node]}, {'label': 'Critical', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.critical.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.critical, node]} ]; }, //}}} 'adaptor' : {//{{{ 'mousedown': function (node, e) { events.mousedown(node,e,true, false); }, 'click':, 'dblclick': events.dblclick, 'mouseover': events.mouseover, 'mouseout': events.mouseout, }//}}} }; /*}}}*/ this.elements.loop = { /*{{{*/ 'illustrator': {//{{{ 'type' : 'complex', 'endnodes' : 'this', 'closeblock' : true, 'expansion' : function(node) { return 'vertical'; }, 'col_shift' : function(node) { return true; }, 'svg': function() { return $X('' + '' + '' + '' + ''); } },// }}} 'description': '', 'permissible_children': function(node) { //{{{ var func = null; if(node.get(0).tagName == 'loop') { func = adaptor.description.insert_first_into } else { func = adaptor.description.insert_after } var childs = [ {'label': 'Service Call with Scripts', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.callmanipulate.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.callmanipulate, node]}, {'label': 'Service Call', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon':, 'params': [, node]}, {'label': 'Manipulate', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.manipulate.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.manipulate, node]}, {'label': 'Choose', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.choose.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.choose, node]}, {'label': 'Loop', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.loop.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.loop, node]}, {'label': 'Critical', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.critical.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.critical, node]} ]; if(node.parent('parallel').length > node.parent('parallel_branch').length) { childs.push({'label': 'Parallel Branch', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.parallel_branch.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.parallel_branch, node]} ); } else { childs.push({'label': 'Parallel', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.parallel.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.parallel, node]} ); } return childs; }, //}}} 'adaptor' : {//{{{ 'mousedown': function (node, e) { events.mousedown(node,e,true, true); }, 'click':, 'dblclick': events.dblclick, 'mouseover': events.mouseover, 'mouseout': events.mouseout, }//}}} }; /*}}}*/ this.elements.parallel = { /*{{{*/ 'illustrator': {//{{{ 'type' : 'complex', 'endnodes' : 'this', 'closeblock' : false, 'border': true, 'expansion' : function(node) { // check if any sibling other than 'parallel_branch' is present if($(node).children(':not(parallel_branch)').length > 0) return 'vertical'; return 'horizontal'; }, 'col_shift' : function(node) { return true; }, 'svg': function() { return $X('' + '' + '+' + '=' + ''); } },//}}} 'description': '', 'permissible_children': function(node) { //{{{ var childs = [ {'label': 'Service Call with Scripts', 'function_call': adaptor.description.insert_last_into, 'menu_icon': elements.callmanipulate.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.callmanipulate, node]}, {'label': 'Service Call', 'function_call': adaptor.description.insert_last_into, 'menu_icon':, 'params': [, node]}, {'label': 'Manipulate', 'function_call': adaptor.description.insert_last_into, 'menu_icon': elements.manipulate.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.manipulate, node]}, {'label': 'Choose', 'function_call': adaptor.description.insert_last_into, 'menu_icon': elements.choose.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.choose, node]}, {'label': 'Loop', 'function_call': adaptor.description.insert_last_into, 'menu_icon': elements.loop.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.loop, node]}, {'label': 'Critical', 'function_call': adaptor.description.insert_last_into, 'menu_icon': elements.critical.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.critical, node]}, {'label': 'Parallel Branch', 'function_call': adaptor.description.insert_last_into, 'menu_icon': elements.parallel_branch.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.parallel_branch, node]} ]; if(node.get(0).tagName != 'parallel') childs.push({'label': 'Parallel', 'function_call': adaptor.description.insert_last_into, 'menu_icon': elements.parallel.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.parallel, node]}); return childs; }, //}}} 'adaptor' : {//{{{ 'mousedown': function (node, e) { events.mousedown(node,e,true, true); }, 'click':, 'dblclick': events.dblclick, 'mouseover': events.mouseover, 'mouseout': events.mouseout, }//}}} }; /*}}}*/ this.elements.parallel_branch = { /*{{{*/ 'illustrator': {//{{{ 'type' : 'complex', 'endnodes' : 'this', 'closeblock' : false, 'expansion' : function(node) { return 'vertical'; }, 'col_shift' : function(node) { if(node.parentNode.tagName == 'choose') return false; if($(node).parents('parallel').first().children(':not(parallel_branch)').length > 0) return true; return false; }, 'svg': function() { return $X('' + '' + '+|' + ''); } },//}}} 'description': '', 'permissible_children': function(node) { //{{{ var func = null; var childs = null; if(node.get(0).tagName == 'parallel_branch') { func = adaptor.description.insert_first_into } else { func = adaptor.description.insert_after } childs = [ {'label': 'Service Call with Scripts', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.callmanipulate.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.callmanipulate, node]}, {'label': 'Service Call', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon':, 'params': [, node]}, {'label': 'Script', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.manipulate.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.manipulate, node]}, {'label': 'Parallel', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.parallel.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.parallel, node]}, {'label': 'Choose', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.choose.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.choose, node]}, {'label': 'Loop', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.loop.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.loop, node]}, {'label': 'Critical', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.critical.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.critical, node]}, ]; if(node.parents('choose').length > node.parents('alternative, otherwise').length && node.get(0).tagName == 'parallel_branch') { return [{'label': 'Alternative', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.alternative.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.alternative, node]}]; } return childs; }, //}}} 'adaptor' : {//{{{ 'mousedown': function (node, e) { events.mousedown(node,e,true, false); }, 'click':, 'dblclick': events.dblclick, 'mouseover': events.mouseover, 'mouseout': events.mouseout, }//}}} }; /*}}}*/ this.elements.critical = { /*{{{*/ 'illustrator': {//{{{ 'type' : 'complex', 'endnodes' : 'aggregate', 'closeblock' : false, 'border': true, 'expansion' : function(node) { return 'vertical'; }, 'col_shift' : function(node) { return true; }, 'svg': function() { return $X('' + '' + '' + ''); } },//}}} 'description': '', 'permissible_children': function(node) { //{{{ var func = null; if(node.get(0).tagName == 'critical') { func = adaptor.description.insert_first_into } else { func = adaptor.description.insert_after } return [ {'label': 'Service Call with Scripts', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.callmanipulate.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.callmanipulate, node]}, {'label': 'Service Call', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon':, 'params': [, node]}, {'label': 'Script', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.manipulate.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.manipulate, node]}, {'label': 'Parallel', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.parallel.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.parallel, node]}, {'label': 'Choose', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.choose.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.choose, node]}, {'label': 'Loop', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.loop.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.loop, node]}, {'label': 'Critical', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.critical.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.critical, node]}, ]; }, //}}} 'adaptor' : {//{{{ 'mousedown': function (node, e) { events.mousedown(node,e,true, true); }, 'click':, 'dblclick': events.dblclick, 'mouseover': events.mouseover, 'mouseout': events.mouseout, }//}}} }; /*}}}*/ = { /*{{{*/ 'illustrator': {//{{{ 'type' : 'complex', 'endnodes' : 'aggregate', 'closeblock' : false, 'border': 'injectiongroup', // other value than true,false inidcates the used class for the svg-object 'expansion' : function(node) { return 'vertical'; }, 'col_shift' : function(node) { return true; }, 'svg': function() { return false; } },//}}} 'description': '', 'permissible_children': function(node) { //{{{ var func = null; if(node.get(0).tagName == 'group') { func = adaptor.description.insert_first_into } else { func = adaptor.description.insert_after } return [ ]; }, //}}} 'adaptor' : {//{{{ 'mousedown': function (node, e) { events.mousedown(node,e,true, true); }, 'click':, 'dblclick': events.dblclick, 'mouseover': events.mouseover, 'mouseout': events.mouseout, }//}}} }; /*}}}*/ this.elements.start = this.elements.description = { /*{{{*/ 'illustrator': {//{{{ 'type' : 'description', 'endnodes' : 'passthrough', 'closeblock' : false, 'expansion' : function(node) { return 'vertical'; }, 'col_shift' : function(node) { return true; }, 'svg': function() { return $X('' + '' + ''); } },//}}} 'description': null, 'permissible_children': function(node) { //{{{ var func = null; if(node.get(0).tagName == 'description') { func = adaptor.description.insert_first_into } else { func = adaptor.description.insert_after } return [ {'label': 'Service Call with Scripts', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.callmanipulate.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.callmanipulate, node]}, {'label': 'Service Call', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon':, 'params': [, node]}, {'label': 'Script Task', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.manipulate.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.manipulate, node]}, {'label': 'Parallel', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.parallel.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.parallel, node]}, {'label': 'Choose', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.choose.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.choose, node]}, {'label': 'Loop', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.loop.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.loop, node]}, {'label': 'Critical', 'function_call': func, 'menu_icon': elements.critical.illustrator.svg, 'params': [adaptor.description.elements.critical, node]} ]; 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