# ActsAsTaggableOnDynamic

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This plugin is an extension to the amazing [acts-as-taggable-on](https://github.com/mbleigh/acts-as-taggable-on) plugin which allows to tag different models. The dynamic extension
allows to use the standard rails form generators and integrates dynamic contexts for the tags. It's nothing more needed than
adding some helpers into your form view. It's also using [handlebars](https://github.com/leshill/handlebars_assets) templates and the js [inflections](https://github.com/RyanScottLewis/inflection-js-rails)
gem for the javascript logic in the form.

## Compatibility

Versions 0.0.x are compatible with Ruby 1.9.3 and Rails 3.

## Installation

Ensure that act-as-taggable-on is installed and well configured. To use this plugin, add it to your Gemfile:

group :assets do
  gem 'handlebars_assets'
  gem 'inflection-js-rails'

gem 'acts-as-taggable-on'
gem 'acts-as-taggable-on-dynamic'

and bundle:


## Testing

Acts As Taggable On Dynamic uses RSpec for its test coverage. Inside the gem
directory, you can run the specs with:

rake spec

If you want, add a `.ruby-version` file in the project root (and use rbenv or RVM) to work on a specific version of Ruby.

## Usage

Add our javascript which comes through the gem to the asset pipeline by adding the following line in the application.js file:

//= require handlebars
//= require inflection
//= require taggable.dynamic

Mark your model as taggable with dynamic support

class Location < ActiveRecord::Base

Add dynamic tag context support to your existing form (normally _form)

<%= tag_context_form_template(@location) %>
<%= form_for(@location) do |f| %>
    <%= tag_context_form(@location) %>
    <%= tag_context_add(@location) %>

    <div class="actions">
        <%= f.submit %>
<% end %>

Add dynamic tag renderer to your details view (normally show.html.erb)

<% @location.tag_context_list.each do |context| %>
      <b>Tags (Context - <%=context%>):</b>
      <%= @location.tag_list_on(context)%>
<% end %>

Handle magic ownership

@model.tag_owner = @owner

## Maintainer

* [Dirk Eisenberg](https://github.com/dei79)

## License

See [LICENSE](https://github.com/dei79/acts-as-taggable-on-dynamic/blob/master/LICENSE.md)