# ******************************************************************************* # OpenStudio(R), Copyright (c) 2008-2020, Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # All rights reserved. # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: # # (1) Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # # (2) Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, # this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation # and/or other materials provided with the distribution. # # (3) Neither the name of the copyright holder nor the names of any contributors # may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without # specific prior written permission from the respective party. # # (4) Other than as required in clauses (1) and (2), distributions in any form # of modifications or other derivative works may not use the "OpenStudio" # trademark, "OS", "os", or any other confusingly similar designation without # specific prior written permission from Alliance for Sustainable Energy, LLC. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S) AND ANY CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, # THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE # ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT HOLDER(S), ANY CONTRIBUTORS, THE # UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT, OR THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY, NOR ANY OF # THEIR EMPLOYEES, BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, # EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT # OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS # INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, # STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY # OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. # ******************************************************************************* class SetWindowToWallRatioByFacade < OpenStudio::Measure::ModelMeasure # override name to return the name of your script def name return 'Set Window to Wall Ratio by Facade' end # return a vector of arguments def arguments(model) args = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgumentVector.new # make double argument for wwr wwr = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('wwr', true) wwr.setDisplayName('Window to Wall Ratio (fraction).') wwr.setDefaultValue(0.4) args << wwr # make double argument for sillHeight sillHeight = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeDoubleArgument('sillHeight', true) sillHeight.setDisplayName('Sill Height (in).') sillHeight.setDefaultValue(30.0) args << sillHeight # make choice argument for facade choices = OpenStudio::StringVector.new choices << 'North' choices << 'East' choices << 'South' choices << 'West' choices << 'All' facade = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeChoiceArgument('facade', choices, true) facade.setDisplayName('Cardinal Direction.') facade.setDefaultValue('South') args << facade # bool to not apply windows to spaces that are not included in the building floor area exl_spaces_not_incl_fl_area = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeBoolArgument('exl_spaces_not_incl_fl_area', true) exl_spaces_not_incl_fl_area.setDisplayName("Don't alter spaces that are not included in the building floor area") exl_spaces_not_incl_fl_area.setDefaultValue(true) args << exl_spaces_not_incl_fl_area # make an argument for splitting base surfaces at doors choices = OpenStudio::StringVector.new choices << 'Do nothing to Doors' choices << 'Split Walls at Doors' choices << 'Remove Doors' split_at_doors = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeChoiceArgument('split_at_doors', choices, true) split_at_doors.setDisplayName('Exterior Door Logic') split_at_doors.setDescription('This will only impact exterior surfaces with specified orientation. Can do nothing, split all, or remove doors.') split_at_doors.setDefaultValue('Split Walls at Doors') args << split_at_doors # bool to create inset windows for triangular base surfaces inset_tri_sub = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeBoolArgument('inset_tri_sub', true) inset_tri_sub.setDisplayName('Inset windows for triangular surfaces') inset_tri_sub.setDefaultValue(true) args << inset_tri_sub # triangulate non rectangular base surfaces triangulate = OpenStudio::Measure::OSArgument.makeBoolArgument('triangulate', true) triangulate.setDisplayName('Triangulate non-Rectangular surfaces') triangulate.setDescription('This will only impact exterior surfaces with specified orientation') triangulate.setDefaultValue(true) args << triangulate return args end # define what happens when the measure is run def run(model, runner, user_arguments) super(model, runner, user_arguments) # use the built-in error checking if !runner.validateUserArguments(arguments(model), user_arguments) return false end # assign the user inputs to variables wwr = runner.getDoubleArgumentValue('wwr', user_arguments) sillHeight = runner.getDoubleArgumentValue('sillHeight', user_arguments) facade = runner.getStringArgumentValue('facade', user_arguments) exl_spaces_not_incl_fl_area = runner.getBoolArgumentValue('exl_spaces_not_incl_fl_area', user_arguments) split_at_doors = runner.getStringArgumentValue('split_at_doors', user_arguments) inset_tri_sub = runner.getBoolArgumentValue('inset_tri_sub', user_arguments) triangulate = runner.getBoolArgumentValue('triangulate', user_arguments) # check reasonableness of fraction if wwr == 0 runner.registerInfo('Target window to wall ratio is 0. Windows for selected surfaces will be removed, no new windows will be added.') elsif (wwr < 0) || (wwr >= 1) runner.registerError('Window to Wall Ratio must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than 1.') return false end # check reasonableness of fraction if sillHeight <= 0 runner.registerError('Sill height must be > 0.') return false elsif sillHeight > 360 runner.registerWarning("#{sillHeight} inches seems like an unusually high sill height.") elsif sillHeight > 9999 runner.registerError("#{sillHeight} inches is above the measure limit for sill height.") return false end # setup OpenStudio units that we will need unit_sillHeight_ip = OpenStudio.createUnit('ft').get unit_sillHeight_si = OpenStudio.createUnit('m').get unit_area_ip = OpenStudio.createUnit('ft^2').get unit_area_si = OpenStudio.createUnit('m^2').get unit_cost_per_area_ip = OpenStudio.createUnit('1/ft^2').get # $/ft^2 does not work unit_cost_per_area_si = OpenStudio.createUnit('1/m^2').get # define starting units sillHeight_ip = OpenStudio::Quantity.new(sillHeight / 12, unit_sillHeight_ip) # unit conversion sillHeight_si = OpenStudio.convert(sillHeight_ip, unit_sillHeight_si).get # hold data for initial condition starting_gross_ext_wall_area = 0.0 # includes windows and doors starting_ext_window_area = 0.0 # hold data for final condition final_gross_ext_wall_area = 0.0 # includes windows and doors final_ext_window_area = 0.0 # flag for not applicable exterior_walls = false window_confirmed = false # flag to track notifications of zone multipliers space_warning_issued = [] # flag to track warning for new windows without construction facade_const_warning = false bldg_const_warning = false empty_const_warning = false # flag for catchall glazing to be made only once catchall_glazing_const = nil # calculate initial envelope cost as negative value envelope_cost = 0 constructions = model.getConstructions.sort constructions.each do |construction| const_llcs = construction.lifeCycleCosts const_llcs.each do |const_llc| if const_llc.category == 'Construction' envelope_cost += const_llc.totalCost * -1 end end end # loop through surfaces finding exterior walls with proper orientation if exl_spaces_not_incl_fl_area # loop through spaces to gather surfaces. surfaces = [] model.getSpaces.sort.each do |space| next if !space.partofTotalFloorArea space.surfaces.sort.each do |surface| surfaces << surface end end else surfaces = model.getSurfaces.sort end # used for new sub surfaces to find target construction orig_sub_surf_const_for_target_facade = {} orig_sub_surf_const_for_target_all_ext = {} # pre-loop through sub-surfaces to store constructions model.getSubSurfaces.sort.each do |sub_surf| # store constructions for entire building next if sub_surf.subSurfaceType == 'Door' || sub_surf.subSurfaceType == 'OverheadDoor' if sub_surf.construction.is_initialized if orig_sub_surf_const_for_target_all_ext.key?(sub_surf.construction.get) orig_sub_surf_const_for_target_all_ext[sub_surf.construction.get] += 1 else orig_sub_surf_const_for_target_all_ext[sub_surf.construction.get] = 1 end end # get the absoluteAzimuth for the surface so we can categorize it absoluteAzimuth = OpenStudio.convert(sub_surf.azimuth, 'rad', 'deg').get + sub_surf.surface.get.space.get.directionofRelativeNorth + model.getBuilding.northAxis absoluteAzimuth -= 360.0 until absoluteAzimuth < 360.0 if facade == 'North' next if !((absoluteAzimuth >= 315.0) || (absoluteAzimuth < 45.0)) elsif facade == 'East' next if !((absoluteAzimuth >= 45.0) && (absoluteAzimuth < 135.0)) elsif facade == 'South' next if !((absoluteAzimuth >= 135.0) && (absoluteAzimuth < 225.0)) elsif facade == 'West' next if !((absoluteAzimuth >= 225.0) && (absoluteAzimuth < 315.0)) elsif facade == 'All' # no next needed else runner.registerError('Unexpected value of facade: ' + facade + '.') return false end # store constructions for this facade if sub_surf.construction.is_initialized if orig_sub_surf_const_for_target_facade.key?(sub_surf.construction.get) orig_sub_surf_const_for_target_facade[sub_surf.construction.get] += 1 else orig_sub_surf_const_for_target_facade[sub_surf.construction.get] = 1 end end end # hash for sub surfaces removed from non rectangular surfaces non_rect_parent = {} surfaces.sort.each do |s| next if s.surfaceType != 'Wall' next if s.outsideBoundaryCondition != 'Outdoors' if s.space.empty? runner.registerWarning("#{s.name} doesn't have a parent space and won't be included in the measure reporting or modifications.") next end # get the absoluteAzimuth for the surface so we can categorize it absoluteAzimuth = OpenStudio.convert(s.azimuth, 'rad', 'deg').get + s.space.get.directionofRelativeNorth + model.getBuilding.northAxis absoluteAzimuth -= 360.0 until absoluteAzimuth < 360.0 if facade == 'North' next if !((absoluteAzimuth >= 315.0) || (absoluteAzimuth < 45.0)) elsif facade == 'East' next if !((absoluteAzimuth >= 45.0) && (absoluteAzimuth < 135.0)) elsif facade == 'South' next if !((absoluteAzimuth >= 135.0) && (absoluteAzimuth < 225.0)) elsif facade == 'West' next if !((absoluteAzimuth >= 225.0) && (absoluteAzimuth < 315.0)) elsif facade == 'All' # no next needed else runner.registerError('Unexpected value of facade: ' + facade + '.') return false end exterior_walls = true # get surface area adjusting for zone multiplier space = s.space if !space.empty? zone = space.get.thermalZone end if !zone.empty? zone_multiplier = zone.get.multiplier if (zone_multiplier > 1) && !space_warning_issued.include?(space.get.name.to_s) runner.registerInfo("Space #{space.get.name} in thermal zone #{zone.get.name} has a zone multiplier of #{zone_multiplier}. Adjusting area calculations.") space_warning_issued << space.get.name.to_s end else zone_multiplier = 1 # space is not in a thermal zone runner.registerWarning("Space #{space.get.name} is not in a thermal zone and won't be included in in the simulation. Windows will still be altered with an assumed zone multiplier of 1") end surface_gross_area = s.grossArea * zone_multiplier # loop through sub surfaces and add area including multiplier ext_window_area = 0 has_doors = false s.subSurfaces.sort.each do |subSurface| # stop if non window or glass door if subSurface.subSurfaceType == 'Door' || subSurface.subSurfaceType == 'OverheadDoor' if split_at_doors == 'Remove Doors' subSurface.remove else has_doors = true end next end ext_window_area += subSurface.grossArea * subSurface.multiplier * zone_multiplier if subSurface.multiplier > 1 runner.registerInfo("Sub-surface #{subSurface.name} in space #{space.get.name} has a sub-surface multiplier of #{subSurface.multiplier}. Adjusting area calculations.") end end starting_gross_ext_wall_area += surface_gross_area starting_ext_window_area += ext_window_area all_surfaces = [s] if split_at_doors == 'Split Walls at Doors' && has_doors # split base surfaces at doors to create multiple base surfaces split_surfaces = s.splitSurfaceForSubSurfaces.to_a # frozen array # add original surface to new surfaces split_surfaces.sort.each do |ss| all_surfaces << ss end end if wwr > 0 && triangulate all_surfaces2 = [] all_surfaces.sort.each do |ss| # see if surface is rectangular (only checking non rotated on vertical wall) # todo - add in more robust rectangle check that can look for rotate and tilted rectangles rect_tri = false x_vals = [] y_vals = [] z_vals = [] vertices = ss.vertices flag = false vertices.each do |vertex| # initialize new vertex to old vertex # rounding values to address tolerance issue 10 digits digits in x_vals << vertex.x.round(8) y_vals << vertex.y.round(8) z_vals << vertex.z.round(8) end if x_vals.uniq.size <= 2 && y_vals.uniq.size <= 2 && z_vals.uniq.size <= 2 rect_tri = true end has_doors = false ss.subSurfaces.sort.each do |subSurface| if subSurface.subSurfaceType == 'Door' || subSurface.subSurfaceType == 'OverheadDoor' has_doors = true end end if has_doors || rect_tri all_surfaces2 << ss next end # add triangulated surfaces # todo - bring in more attributes # get construction from sub-surfaces and then delete them pre_tri_sub_const = {} ss.subSurfaces.sort.each do |subSurface| if subSurface.construction.is_initialized && !subSurface.isConstructionDefaulted if pre_tri_sub_const.key?(subSurface.construction.get) pre_tri_sub_const[subSurface.construction.get] = subSurface.grossArea else pre_tri_sub_const[subSurface.construction.get] = + subSurface.grossArea end end subSurface.remove end ss.triangulation.each do |tri| new_surface = OpenStudio::Model::Surface.new(tri, model) new_surface.setSpace(ss.space.get) if ss.construction.is_initialized && !ss.isConstructionDefaulted new_surface.setConstruction(ss.construction.get) end if !pre_tri_sub_const.empty? non_rect_parent[new_surface] = pre_tri_sub_const.key(pre_tri_sub_const.values.max) end all_surfaces2 << new_surface end # remove orig surface ss.remove end else all_surfaces2 = all_surfaces end # add windows all_surfaces2.sort.each do |ss| orig_sub_surf_constructions = {} ss.subSurfaces.sort.each do |sub_surf| next if sub_surf.subSurfaceType == 'Door' || sub_surf.subSurfaceType == 'OverheadDoor' if sub_surf.construction.is_initialized if orig_sub_surf_constructions.key?(sub_surf.construction.get) orig_sub_surf_constructions[sub_surf.construction.get] += 1 else orig_sub_surf_constructions[sub_surf.construction.get] = 1 end end end # remove windows if ratio 0 or add in other cases if wwr == 0 # remove all sub surfaces ss.subSurfaces.sort.each(&:remove) new_window = [] window_confirmed = true else new_window = ss.setWindowToWallRatio(wwr, sillHeight_si.value, true) window_confirmed = false end if wwr > 0 && new_window.empty? # if new window is empty then inset base surface to add window (check may need to skip on base surfaces with doors) if inset_tri_sub # skip of surface already has sub-surfaces or if not triangle if ss.subSurfaces.empty? && ss.vertices.size <= 3 # get centroid vertices = ss.vertices centroid = OpenStudio.getCentroid(vertices).get x_cent = centroid.x y_cent = centroid.y z_cent = centroid.z # reduce vertices towards centroid scale = Math.sqrt(wwr) new_vertices = OpenStudio::Point3dVector.new vertices.each do |vertex| x = (vertex.x * scale + x_cent * (1.0 - scale)) y = (vertex.y * scale + y_cent * (1.0 - scale)) z = (vertex.z * scale + z_cent * (1.0 - scale)) new_vertices << OpenStudio::Point3d.new(x, y, z) end # create inset window new_window = OpenStudio::Model::SubSurface.new(new_vertices, model) new_window.setSurface(ss) new_window.setSubSurfaceType('FixedWindow') if non_rect_parent.key?(ss) new_window.setConstruction(non_rect_parent[ss]) end window_confirmed = true end end else if wwr > 0 new_window = new_window.get end window_confirmed = true end if !window_confirmed runner.registerWarning("Fenestration could not be added for #{ss.name}. Surface may not be rectangular or triangular, may have a door, or the requested WWR may be too large.") end # warn user if resulting window doesn't have a construction, as it will result in failed simulation. In the future may use logic from starting windows to apply construction to new window. if wwr > 0 && window_confirmed && new_window.construction.empty? # construction search order (orig window on this base surface, window in this orientation, andy window in building) if !orig_sub_surf_constructions.empty? new_window.setConstruction(orig_sub_surf_constructions.key(orig_sub_surf_constructions.values.max)) elsif !orig_sub_surf_const_for_target_facade.empty? new_window.setConstruction(orig_sub_surf_const_for_target_facade.key(orig_sub_surf_const_for_target_facade.values.max)) facade_const_warning = true elsif !orig_sub_surf_const_for_target_all_ext.empty? new_window.setConstruction(orig_sub_surf_const_for_target_all_ext.key(orig_sub_surf_const_for_target_all_ext.values.max)) bldg_const_warning = true else empty_const_warning = true if catchall_glazing_const.nil? material = OpenStudio::Model::SimpleGlazing.new(model) material.setUFactor(2.556) material.setSolarHeatGainCoefficient(0.764) material.setVisibleTransmittance(0.812) catchall_glazing_const = OpenStudio::Model::Construction.new(model) catchall_glazing_const.insertLayer(0, material) catchall_glazing_const.setName('Dbl Clr 3mm/13mm Air') # from E+ dataset end new_window.setConstruction(catchall_glazing_const) end end end end # warn if some constructions do not have sub-surfaces if facade_const_warning runner.registerInfo('One or more new sub-surfaces did not have construction, using most commonly used construction for this facade.') end if bldg_const_warning runner.registerInfo('One or more new sub-surfaces did not have construction, using most commonly used construction across the entire building.') end if empty_const_warning # TODO: - add in catchall like something equiv to double glazed of glass with new simple glazing construction runner.registerWarning("Could not find existing window with construction as guide for new windows. Using a catchall glazing of #{catchall_glazing_const.name}.") end # report initial condition wwr # the initial and final ratios does not currently account for either sub-surface or zone multipliers. starting_wwr = format('%.02f', (starting_ext_window_area / starting_gross_ext_wall_area)) runner.registerInitialCondition("The model's initial window to wall ratio for #{facade} facing exterior walls was #{starting_wwr}.") if !exterior_walls runner.registerAsNotApplicable("The model has no exterior #{facade.downcase} walls and was not altered") return true elsif !window_confirmed runner.registerAsNotApplicable("The model has exterior #{facade.downcase} walls, but no windows could be added with the requested window to wall ratio") return true end # data for final condition wwr surfaces.sort.each do |s| next if s.surfaceType != 'Wall' next if s.outsideBoundaryCondition != 'Outdoors' if s.space.empty? runner.registerWarning("#{s.name} doesn't have a parent space and won't be included in the measure reporting or modifications.") next end # get the absoluteAzimuth for the surface so we can categorize it absoluteAzimuth = OpenStudio.convert(s.azimuth, 'rad', 'deg').get + s.space.get.directionofRelativeNorth + model.getBuilding.northAxis absoluteAzimuth -= 360.0 until absoluteAzimuth < 360.0 if facade == 'North' next if !((absoluteAzimuth >= 315.0) || (absoluteAzimuth < 45.0)) elsif facade == 'East' next if !((absoluteAzimuth >= 45.0) && (absoluteAzimuth < 135.0)) elsif facade == 'South' next if !((absoluteAzimuth >= 135.0) && (absoluteAzimuth < 225.0)) elsif facade == 'West' next if !((absoluteAzimuth >= 225.0) && (absoluteAzimuth < 315.0)) elsif facade == 'All' # no next needed else runner.registerError('Unexpected value of facade: ' + facade + '.') return false end # get surface area adjusting for zone multiplier space = s.space if !space.empty? zone = space.get.thermalZone end if !zone.empty? zone_multiplier = zone.get.multiplier if zone_multiplier > 1 end else zone_multiplier = 1 # space is not in a thermal zone end surface_gross_area = s.grossArea * zone_multiplier # loop through sub surfaces and add area including multiplier ext_window_area = 0 s.subSurfaces.sort.each do |subSurface| # onlky one and should have multiplier of 1 ext_window_area += subSurface.grossArea * subSurface.multiplier * zone_multiplier end final_gross_ext_wall_area += surface_gross_area final_ext_window_area += ext_window_area end # get delta in ft^2 for final - starting window area increase_window_area_si = OpenStudio::Quantity.new(final_ext_window_area - starting_ext_window_area, unit_area_si) increase_window_area_ip = OpenStudio.convert(increase_window_area_si, unit_area_ip).get # calculate final envelope cost as positive value constructions = model.getConstructions.sort constructions.each do |construction| const_llcs = construction.lifeCycleCosts const_llcs.sort.each do |const_llc| if const_llc.category == 'Construction' envelope_cost += const_llc.totalCost end end end # report final condition final_wwr = format('%.02f', (final_ext_window_area / final_gross_ext_wall_area)) runner.registerFinalCondition("The model's final window to wall ratio for #{facade} facing exterior walls is #{final_wwr}. Window area increased by #{OpenStudio.toNeatString(increase_window_area_ip.value, 0)} (ft^2). The material and construction costs increased by $#{OpenStudio.toNeatString(envelope_cost, 0)}.") return true end end # this allows the measure to be used by the application SetWindowToWallRatioByFacade.new.registerWithApplication