Pre-requisite: .fog file correctly configured with your credentials. hypervisor: ec2 ### example .fog file ### :default: :aws_access_key_id: IMTHEKEYID :aws_secret_access_key: IMALONGACCESSKYE ### Basic ec2 hosts file ### HOSTS: centos-5-64-1: roles: - master - dashboard - database - agent vmname: centos-5-x86-64-west platform: el-5-x86_64 hypervisor: ec2 amisize: c1.medium snapshot: pe centos-5-64-1: roles: - agent vmname: centos-5-x86-64-west platform: el-5-x86_64 hypervisor: ec2 amisize: c1.medium snapshot: pe CONFIG: nfs_server: none consoleport: 443 Currently, there is limited support EC2 nodes; we are adding support for new platforms shortly. AMIs are built for PE based installs on: - Enterprise Linux 6, 64 and 32 bit - Enterprise Linux 5, 32 bit - Ubuntu 10.04, 32 bit Beaker will automagically provision EC2 nodes, provided the 'platform:' section of your config file lists a supported platform type: ubuntu-10.04-i386, el-6-x86_64, el-6-i386, el-5-i386. ### Supported EC2 Variables ### These variables can either be set per-host or globally. ####`additional_ports`#### Ports to be opened on the instance, in addition to those opened by Beaker to support Puppet functionality. Can be a single value or an array. Example valid values: 1001, [1001], [1001, 1002]. Ports opened by default: * all hosts have [22, 61613, 8139] opened * `master` will also have 8140 opened * `dashboard` will also have [443, 4433, 4435] opened * `database` will also have [5432, 8080, 8081] opened ####`amisize` #### The [instance type]( - defaults to `m1.small`. ####`snapshot`#### The snapshot to use for ec2 instance creation. ####`subnet_id`#### If defined the instance will be created in this EC2 subnet. `vpc_id` must be defined. Cannot be defined at the same time as `subnet_ids`. ####`subnet_ids`#### If defined the instace will be crated in one of the provided array of EC2 subnets. `vpc_id` must be defined. Cannot be defined at the same time as `subnet_id`. ####`vmname`#### Used to look up the pre-defined AMI information in `config/image_templates/ec2.yaml`. Will default to `platform` if not defined. #####Example ec2.yaml##### In this example the `vmname` would be `puppetlabs-centos-5-x86-64-west`. Looking up the `vmname` in the `ec2.yaml` file provides an AMI ID by type (`pe` or `foss`) and the region. ``` AMI: puppetlabs-centos-5-x86-64-west: :image: :pe: ami-pl-12345 :region: us-west-2 ``` ####`volume_size`#### Size of the [EBS Volume]( that will be attached to the EC2 instance. ####`vpc_id`#### ID of the [VPC]( to create the instances in. If not provided will either use the default VPC for the provided region (marked as `isDefault`), otherwise falls back to `nil`. If subnet information is provided (`subnet_id`/`subnet_ids`) this must be defined.