module ActiveMerchant module Billing class BogusBraintreeGateway < BogusGateway def initialize(options = {}) #noop end def authorize(money, credit_card_or_vault_id, options = {}) case normalize(credit_card_or_vault_id) when /1$/ succuessful_auth_response when /2$/, FAILURE_MESSAGE, { authorized_amount: money, error: FAILURE_MESSAGE }, { test: true, error_code: STANDARD_ERROR_CODE[:processing_error] }) else raise Error, error_message(credit_card_or_vault_id) end end def capture(money, authorization, options = {}) params = { "customer_vault_id" => nil, "braintree_transaction" => { "order_id" => nil, "status" => "submitted_for_settlement", "credit_card_details" => { "masked_number" => "411111******1111", "bin" => "411111", "last_4" => "1111", "card_type" => "Visa", "token" => nil }, "customer_details" => { "id" => nil, "email" => nil }, "billing_details" => { "street_address" => "22 South 3rd St", "extended_address" => nil, "company" => nil, "locality" => "Philadelphia", "region" => "PA", "postal_code" => "19106", "country_name" => "United States of America" }, "shipping_details" => { "street_address" => nil, "extended_address" => nil, "company" => nil, "locality" => nil, "region" => nil, "postal_code" => nil, "country_name" => nil }, "vault_customer" => nil, "merchant_account_id" => "a", "processor_response_code" => "1000" } }, SUCCESS_MESSAGE, params, test: true) end def purchase(money, credit_card_or_vault_id, options = {}) case normalize(credit_card_or_vault_id) when /1$/ succuessful_purchase_response when /2$/, FAILURE_MESSAGE, { paid_amount: money, error: FAILURE_MESSAGE }, { test: true, error_code: STANDARD_ERROR_CODE[:processing_error] }) else raise Error, error_message(credit_card_or_vault_id) end end def refund(*args) params = { "braintree_transaction" => { "order_id" => nil, "status" => "submitted_for_settlement", "credit_card_details" => { "masked_number" => "424242******4242", "bin" => "424242", "last_4" => "4242", "card_type" => "Visa", "token" => nil }, "customer_details" => { "id" => nil, "email" => nil }, "billing_details" => { "street_address" => nil, "extended_address" => nil, "company" => nil, "locality" => "Philadelphia", "region" => nil, "postal_code" => nil, "country_name" => "United States of America" }, "shipping_details" => { "street_address" => nil, "extended_address" => nil, "company" => nil, "locality" => nil, "region" => nil, "postal_code" => nil, "country_name" => nil }, "vault_customer" => nil, "merchant_account_id" => "a", "processor_response_code" => "1002" } }, SUCCESS_MESSAGE, params, test: true) end def store(paysource, options = {}) params = { "braintree_customer" => { "email" => "", "first_name" => "Bob", "last_name" => "Bobsen", "id" => "65236875", "credit_cards" => [ { "bin" => "424242", "expiration_date" => "08/2022", "token" => "f94qx1", "last_4" => "4242", "card_type" => "Visa", "masked_number" => "424242******4242" } ] }, "customer_vault_id" => "65236875", "credit_card_token" => "f94qx1" } case normalize(paysource) when /1$/, SUCCESS_MESSAGE, params, test: true) when /2$/, FAILURE_MESSAGE, { billingid: nil, error: FAILURE_MESSAGE }, { test: true, error_code: STANDARD_ERROR_CODE[:processing_error] }) else raise Error, error_message(paysource) end end def void(authorization, options = {}) params = { "braintree_transaction" => { "order_id" => nil, "status" => "voided", "credit_card_details" => { "masked_number" => "424242******4242", "bin" => "424242", "last_4" => "4242", "card_type" => "Visa", "token" => nil }, "customer_details" => { "id" => nil, "email" => nil }, "billing_details" => { "street_address" => nil, "extended_address" => nil, "company" => nil, "locality" => nil, "region" => nil, "postal_code" => nil, "country_name" => nil }, "shipping_details" => { "street_address" => nil, "extended_address" => nil, "company" => nil, "locality" => nil, "region" => nil, "postal_code" => nil, "country_name" => nil }, "vault_customer" => nil, "merchant_account_id" => "a", "processor_response_code" => "1000" } }, SUCCESS_MESSAGE, params, test: true) end def method_missing(method, *args) return, "Bogus Gateway: Forced success", {}, { test: true }) if self.class.supported_methods.include?(method) super end private def succuessful_auth_response params = { "customer_vault_id" => "65236875", "braintree_transaction" => { "order_id" => nil, "status" => "authorized", "credit_card_details" => { "masked_number" => "424242******4242", "bin" => "424242", "last_4" => "4242", "card_type" => "Visa", "token" => 1 }, "customer_details" => { "id" => nil, "email" => nil }, "billing_details" => { "street_address" => "22 South 3rd St", "extended_address" => nil, "company" => "WebLinc", "locality" => "Philadelphia", "region" => "PA", "postal_code" => "19106", "country_name" => "United States of America" }, "shipping_details" => { "street_address" => nil, "extended_address" => nil, "company" => nil, "locality" => nil, "region" => nil, "postal_code" => nil, "country_name" => nil }, "vault_customer" => nil, "merchant_account_id" => "a", "processor_response_code" => "1000" } }, SUCCESS_MESSAGE, params, test: true) end def succuessful_purchase_response params = { "customer_vault_id" => "65236875", "braintree_transaction" => { "order_id" => nil, "status" => "authorized", "credit_card_details" => { "masked_number" => "424242******4242", "bin" => "424242", "last_4" => "4242", "card_type" => "Visa", "token" => "1" }, "customer_details" => { "id" => nil, "email" => nil }, "billing_details" => { "street_address" => "22 South 3rd St", "extended_address" => nil, "company" => "WebLinc", "locality" => "Philadelphia", "region" => "PA", "postal_code" => "19106", "country_name" => "United States of America" }, "shipping_details" => { "street_address" => nil, "extended_address" => nil, "company" => nil, "locality" => nil, "region" => nil, "postal_code" => nil, "country_name" => nil }, "vault_customer" => nil, "merchant_account_id" => "a", "processor_response_code" => "1000", "submit_for_settlement" => true } }, SUCCESS_MESSAGE, params, test: true) end end end end