require 'spec_helper' require 'rack/mock' def request(app, path) end describe Dragonfly::Server do describe "responses" do before(:each) do @app = test_app @uid ='HELLO THERE') @server = @server.url_format = '/media/:job' @job = @app.fetch(@uid) end after(:each) do @app.destroy(@uid) end describe "successful requests" do before(:each) do @server.url_format = '/media/:job/:name.:format' end [ '', '/name', '/name.ext' ].each do |suffix| it "should return successfully when given the url with suffix #{suffix.inspect}" do url = "/media/#{@job.serialize}#{suffix}" response = request(@server, url) response.status.should == 200 response.body.should == 'HELLO THERE' response.content_type.should == 'application/octet-stream' end end it "should return successfully with the correct sha given and protection on" do @server.protect_from_dos_attacks = true url = "/media/#{@job.serialize}?sha=#{@job.sha}" response = request(@server, url) response.status.should == 200 response.body.should == 'HELLO THERE' end it "should return a cacheable response" do url = "/media/#{@job.serialize}" response = request(@server, url) response.status.should == 200 response.headers['Cache-Control'].should == "public, max-age=31536000" end it "should return successfully even if the job is in the query string" do @server.url_format = '/' url = "/?job=#{@job.serialize}" response = request(@server, url) response.status.should == 200 response.body.should == 'HELLO THERE' end end describe "unsuccessful requests" do it "should return a 400 if no sha given but protection on" do @server.protect_from_dos_attacks = true url = "/media/#{@job.serialize}" response = request(@server, url) response.status.should == 400 end it "should return a 400 if wrong sha given and protection on" do @server.protect_from_dos_attacks = true url = "/media/#{@job.serialize}?sha=asdfs" response = request(@server, url) response.status.should == 400 end ['/media', '/media/'].each do |url| it "should return a 404 when no job given, e.g. #{url.inspect}" do response = request(@server, url) response.status.should == 404 response.body.should == 'Not found' response.content_type.should == 'text/plain' response.headers['X-Cascade'].should == 'pass' end end it "should return a 404 when the url matches but doesn't correspond to a job" do response = request(@server, '/media/sadhfasdfdsfsdf') response.status.should == 404 response.body.should == 'Not found' response.content_type.should == 'text/plain' response.headers['X-Cascade'].should be_nil end it "should return a 404 when the url isn't known at all" do response = request(@server, '/jfasd/dsfa') response.status.should == 404 response.body.should == 'Not found' response.content_type.should == 'text/plain' response.headers['X-Cascade'].should == 'pass' end it "should return a 404 when the url is a well-encoded but bad array" do url = "/media/#{Dragonfly::Serializer.json_b64_encode([['egg', {'some' => 'args'}]])}" response = request(@server, url) response.status.should == 404 response.body.should == 'Not found' response.content_type.should == 'text/plain' response.headers['X-Cascade'].should be_nil end it "should return a 403 Forbidden when someone uses fetch_url" do response = request(@server, "/media/#{@app.fetch_url('some.url').serialize}") response.status.should == 403 response.body.should == 'Forbidden' response.content_type.should == 'text/plain' end end describe "whitelists" do def assert_ok(job) response = request(@server, "/media/#{job.serialize}") response.status.should == 200 end def assert_forbidden(job) response = request(@server, "/media/#{job.serialize}") response.status.should == 403 response.body.should == 'Forbidden' response.content_type.should == 'text/plain' end describe "fetch_file" do it "should return a 403 Forbidden when someone uses fetch_file " do assert_forbidden @app.fetch_file('samples/egg.png') end it "returns OK when on whitelist (using full path)" do @server.add_to_fetch_file_whitelist [File.expand_path('samples/egg.png')] assert_ok @app.fetch_file('samples/egg.png') end end describe "fetch_url" do let (:url) {''} it "should return a 403 Forbidden when someone uses fetch_url " do assert_forbidden @app.fetch_url(url) end it "returns OK when on whitelist (using full url)" do stub_request(:get, url).to_return(:status => 200) @server.add_to_fetch_url_whitelist ["http://#{url}"] assert_ok @app.fetch_url(url) end end end end describe "dragonfly response" do before(:each) do @app = test_app @server = @server.url_format = '/media/:job' end it "should return a simple text response" do request(@server, '/dragonfly').should be_a_text_response end it "should be configurable" do @server.dragonfly_url = '/hello' request(@server, '/hello').should be_a_text_response request(@server, '/dragonfly').status.should == 404 end it "should be possible to turn it off" do @server.dragonfly_url = nil request(@server, '/').status.should == 404 request(@server, '/dragonfly').status.should == 404 end end describe "urls" do let (:app) { test_app } let (:server) { } let (:job) { app.fetch("some_uid") } describe "params" do before(:each) do server.url_format = '/media/:job/:zoo' end it "substitutes the relevant params" do server.url_for(job).should == "/media/#{job.serialize}" end it "adds given params" do server.url_for(job, :zoo => 'jokes', :on => 'me').should == "/media/#{job.serialize}/jokes?on=me" end it "uses the url_attr if it exists" do job.url_attributes.zoo = 'hair' server.url_for(job).should == "/media/#{job.serialize}/hair" end it "doesn't add any url_attributes that aren't needed" do job.url_attributes.gump = 'flub' server.url_for(job).should == "/media/#{job.serialize}" end it "overrides if a param is passed in" do job.url_attributes.zoo = 'hair' server.url_for(job, :zoo => 'dare').should == "/media/#{job.serialize}/dare" end describe "basename" do before(:each) do server.url_format = '/:job/:basename' end it "should use the name" do = 'hello.egg' server.url_for(job).should == "/#{job.serialize}/hello" end it "should not set if neither exist" do server.url_for(job).should == "/#{job.serialize}" end end describe "ext" do before(:each) do server.url_format = '/:job.:ext' end it "should use the name" do = 'hello.egg' server.url_for(job).should == "/#{job.serialize}.egg" end it "should not set if neither exist" do server.url_for(job).should == "/#{job.serialize}" end end end describe "host" do it "should add the host to the url if configured" do server.url_host = 'http://some.server:4000' server.url_for(job).should == "http://some.server:4000/#{job.serialize}" end it "should add the host to the url if passed in" do server.url_for(job, :host => '').should == "{job.serialize}" end it "should favour the passed in host" do server.url_host = 'http://some.server:4000' server.url_for(job, :host => 'https://smeedy').should == "https://smeedy/#{job.serialize}" end end describe "path_prefix" do before do server.url_format = '/media/:job' end it "adds the path_prefix to the url if configured" do server.url_path_prefix = '/logs' server.url_for(job).should == "/logs/media/#{job.serialize}" end it "favours the passed in path_prefix" do server.url_path_prefix = '/logs' server.url_for(job, :path_prefix => '/bugs').should == "/bugs/media/#{job.serialize}" end it "goes after the host" do server.url_for(job, :path_prefix => '/bugs', :host => 'http://wassup').should == "http://wassup/bugs/media/#{job.serialize}" end end describe "Denial of Service protection" do before(:each) do server.protect_from_dos_attacks = true end it "should generate the correct url" do server.url_for(job).should == "/#{job.serialize}?sha=#{job.sha}" end end end describe "before_serve callback" do before(:each) do @app = test_app @app.add_generator(:test){|content| content.update("TEST") } @server = @job = @app.generate(:test) end context "with no stop in the callback" do before(:each) do @x = x = "" @server.before_serve do |job, env| x << end end it "should be called before serving" do response = request(@server, "/#{@job.serialize}") response.body.should == 'TEST' @x.should == 'TEST' end it "should not be called before serving a 404 page" do response = request(@server, "blah") response.status.should == 404 @x.should == "" end end context "with a throw :halt in the callback" do before(:each) do @server.before_serve do |job, env| throw :halt, [200, {}, ['hello']] end end it 'return the specified response instead of job.result' do response = request(@server, "/#{@job.serialize}") response.body.should == 'hello' end it "should not apply the job if not asked to" do @app.generators.get(:test).should_not_receive(:call) response = request(@server, "/#{@job.serialize}") end end end end