# # Author: Waldemar Hummer (hummer@dsg.tuwien.ac.at) # require 'chef/log' require 'chef/run_context' require 'chef/client' require 'toaster/markup/markup_util' # the requires below are required, otherwise: # uninitialized constant RubyLexer::RubyParserStuff # [...]/ruby_parser-3.1.1/lib/ruby_lexer.rb:241:in require 'ruby_lexer' require 'ruby_parser_extras' class RubyLexer begin RubyParserStuff = Kernel.const_get("RubyParserStuff") rescue Object => exc begin RubyParserStuff = ::RubyParserStuff rescue Object => exc1 puts "WARN: Unable to load the module 'RubyParserStuff' into class RubyLexer" end end end require 'ruby_parser' require 'chef/application/solo' require 'toaster/markup/markup_util' require 'toaster/util/util' require 'rexml/document' module Toaster class ChefUtil @@chef_classes = {} @@create_backups = false #OPSCODE_API_URL = "http://cookbooks.opscode.com/api/v1/" OPSCODE_API_URL = "https://supermarket.getchef.com/api/v1/" OPSCODE_SEARCH_URL = "http://community.opscode.com/search" @@DEFAULT_CHEF_DIR = "/tmp/toaster_cookbooks/" @@DEFAULT_COOKBOOKS_DIR = "#{@@DEFAULT_CHEF_DIR}/cookbooks/" def self.guess_cookbook_from_runlist(runlist) guess_cookbook_or_recipe_from_runlist(runlist, "cookbook") end def self.guess_recipe_from_runlist(runlist) guess_cookbook_or_recipe_from_runlist(runlist, "recipe") end def self.guess_cookbook_or_recipe_from_runlist(runlist, type) candidates = [] runlist.each do |i| if !i.match(/toaster::testing/) if i.include?("recipe[") if type == "cookbook" candidates << i.gsub(/recipe\[(.*::)*([^\]]+)\]/, '\1').gsub(/::/, '') elsif type == "recipe" candidates << i.gsub(/recipe\[(.*::)*([^\]]+)\]/, '\2') end end end end return "default" if candidates.empty? puts "WARN: Multiple #{type}s found in runlist #{runlist}: #{candidates}" if candidates.size > 1 return candidates[0] end def self.extract_node_name(name) short_name = name short_name = short_name.gsub(/.*node\[(.+)\]/, '\1') if short_name.include?("node[") return short_name end def self.get_chef_log_level() return Chef::Log.level end def self.set_chef_log_level(level) Chef::Log.level = level end def self.get_absolute_file_path(cookbook_paths, relative_file_path) cookbook_paths.each do |path| f_path = File.join(path, relative_file_path) return f_path if File.exist?(f_path) end return nil end def self.get_attribute_file(recipe_file) attr_dir = File.join(File.dirname(recipe_file), "..", "attributes") recipe_name = recipe_file.gsub(/.*\/([^\/]+)\.rb$/, '\1') dflt_attr_file = File.join(attr_dir, "#{recipe_name}.rb") return dflt_attr_file if File.exist?(dflt_attr_file) return nil if !File.exist?(attr_dir) content = Dir.entries(attr_dir) content.each do |f| if f.to_s.match(/.*\.rb$/) return File.join(attr_dir, f) end end return nil end def self.wrap_node_name(node_name) node_name = "node[#{node_name}]" if !node_name.include?("node[") end def self.get_reduced_run_list(run_list) reduced_run_list = run_list.select{ |i| !"#{i}".match(/toaster::testing/) && !"#{i}".match(/chef-solo-search::default/) } return reduced_run_list end def self.prepare_run_list(chef_node, run_list_hash_OR_chef_node_file) run_list = [] #puts "run_list_hash_OR_chef_node_file - #{run_list_hash_OR_chef_node_file} - #{run_list_hash_OR_chef_node_file.class}" if !run_list_hash_OR_chef_node_file || (run_list_hash_OR_chef_node_file.kind_of?(Array) && run_list_hash_OR_chef_node_file.empty?) run_list = ["recipe[#{chef_node}::default]"] elsif run_list_hash_OR_chef_node_file.kind_of?(Array) run_list = run_list_hash_OR_chef_node_file else node_file = run_list_hash_OR_chef_node_file if File.exist?(node_file) run_list = JSON.parse(File.read(node_file))["run_list"] else run_list = [node_file] end end run_list = [run_list] if !run_list.kind_of?(Array) # append toaster::testing recipe to the beginning of the # run list to enable the testing mechanism! if run_list[0] != "recipe[toaster::testing]" # due to recent changes in Chef 11, we also need to add # chef-solo-search::default into the run_list, in order # to load the libraries defined there (we depend on # a library function that overwrites the search(...) # function). More info concerning this Chef 11 change: # http://docs.opscode.com/breaking_changes_chef_11.html#non-recipe-file-evaluation-includes-dependencies run_list.unshift("recipe[chef-solo-search::default]") # ... and now add toaster::testing to the beginning run_list.unshift("recipe[toaster::testing]") end # ... and append toaster::testing_post to the end of the run list if run_list[-1] != "recipe[toaster::testing_post]" run_list << "recipe[toaster::testing_post]" end return run_list end def self.create_chef_config(solo_file) root_dir = Util.project_root_dir() puts "DEBUG: Writing Chef configuration (cookbook_path) to '#{solo_file}'" Util.write(solo_file, (<<-EOF cookbook_path [ "#{File.expand_path(File.join(Dir.pwd, "cookbooks"))}", "#{File.expand_path(Dir.pwd)}", "#{File.join(root_dir, "chef", "cookbooks")}", "#{@@DEFAULT_COOKBOOKS_DIR}" ] EOF ), true) end def self.run_chef(chef_solo_file, node_file, print_output=true) cmd = "chef-solo -c #{chef_solo_file} -j #{node_file} 2>&1 | grep -v 'FATAL: No cookbook found in'" if print_output system(cmd) else `#{cmd}` end end def self.read_sourcecode(start_source_line) # start_source_line looks like the following example: # /home/user/dir/file.rb:82:in `from_file' file = get_sourcefile(start_source_line) line = get_sourceline(start_source_line) read_sourcecode_from_line(file, line) end def self.read_sourcecode_from_line(file, line) lines = File.readlines(file) parsed_source = nil last_line = -1 # read the source code file line by line and attempt to parse. for endline in line..lines.size code = lines[(line-1)..(endline-1)].join previous_stderr = $stderr $stderr.sync = true $stderr = StringIO.open('','w') begin parser = RubyParser.new parser.process(code.dup) parsed_source = code last_line = endline break rescue Exception => ex ## swallow ensure $stderr = previous_stderr end end #puts "source code, lines #{line} to #{last_line} of file #{file}:\n #{parsed_source}" return parsed_source end def self.get_sourcefile(start_source_line) l = start_source_line.split(":") return l[0] end def self.get_sourceline(start_source_line) l = start_source_line.split(":") return l[1].to_i end def self.get_cookbook_download_link(name, version="latest") url = "#{OPSCODE_API_URL}cookbooks/#{name}/versions/#{version}" puts "DEBUG: Getting Chef cookbook metadata from URL: '#{url}'" json = `curl #{url} 2> /dev/null` begin json = MarkupUtil.parse_json(json) rescue => ex raise "Unable to parse string as JSON (received from URL #{url}): #{json}" end return json["file"] end def self.download_cookbook_version(name, version="latest", target_dir=@@DEFAULT_COOKBOOKS_DIR, quiet=false, num_attempts=2) link = get_cookbook_download_link(name, version) download_cookbook_url(link, target_dir, quiet, num_attempts) end # TODO remove? # def self.download_cookbook_version1(name, version="latest", # target_dir=@@DEFAULT_COOKBOOKS_DIR, quiet=false, num_attempts=2) # # link = get_cookbook_download_link(name, version) # # `mkdir -p '#{target_dir}'` if !File.exist?(target_dir) # tgz_file = File.join(target_dir, "#{name}.tgz") # tar_file = File.join(target_dir, "#{name}.tar") # File.delete(tar_file) if File.exist?(tar_file) # cookbook_dir = File.join(target_dir, name) # if @@create_backups # if File.exist?(cookbook_dir) && !File.exist?("#{cookbook_dir}.bak") # `mv #{cookbook_dir} #{cookbook_dir}.bak` # end # end # while num_attempts > 0 # `rm -rf #{cookbook_dir}` # if !quiet # puts "DEBUG: Downloading '#{link}' to #{target_dir}" # end # error = false # `wget #{link} -O #{tgz_file} > /dev/null 2>&1` # error ||= $?.exitstatus != 0 # out = `cd #{target_dir} && tar zxf #{name}.tgz` # # tar reports status code 2 in case of error... # if $?.exitstatus > 1 # # sometimes, the files are in tar format, # # not in tgz format - let's give it a try! # puts "DEBUG: 'cd #{target_dir} && tar zxf #{name}.tgz' returned exit code #{$?.exitstatus}, trying to extract as tar file..." # full_file = "#{target_dir}/#{name}.tgz" # puts "DEBUG: File #{full_file} exists: #{File.exist?(full_file)}}" # out += `cd #{target_dir} && cp #{name}.tgz #{name}.tar` # out += `cd #{target_dir} && tar xf #{name}.tar` # end # error ||= $?.exitstatus > 1 # break if !error # puts "WARN: Could not download/extract #{link} to #{target_dir} . Remaining attempts: #{num_attempts}" # num_attempts -= 1 # sleep 2 # end # # return out # end def self.download_cookbook_url(link, target_dir=@@DEFAULT_COOKBOOKS_DIR, quiet=false, num_attempts=2) out = "" if !File.exist?(target_dir) FileUtils.mkpath(target_dir) end cookbooks_before = Dir.entries(target_dir) Toaster::Util.mktmpfile() { |tgz_file| while num_attempts > 0 if !quiet puts "DEBUG: Downloading '#{link}' to #{target_dir}" end error = false `wget #{link} -O #{tgz_file} > /dev/null 2>&1` error ||= $?.exitstatus != 0 cmd = "cd #{target_dir} && tar -z -x -f #{tgz_file}" out = `#{cmd}` # tar reports status code 2 in case of error... if $?.exitstatus > 1 # sometimes, the files are in tar format, # not in tgz format - let's give it a try! puts "DEBUG: '#{cmd}' returned exit code #{$?.exitstatus}, trying to extract as tar file..." #full_file = "#{target_dir}/#{name}.tgz" #puts "DEBUG: File #{full_file} exists: #{File.exist?(full_file)}}" #out += `cd #{target_dir} && cp #{name}.tgz #{name}.tar` out += `cd #{target_dir} && tar -x -f #{tgz_file}` end error ||= $?.exitstatus > 1 break if !error puts "WARN: Could not download/extract #{link} to #{target_dir} . Remaining attempts: #{num_attempts}" num_attempts -= 1 sleep 2 end } cookbooks_after = Dir.entries(target_dir) new_cb = cookbooks_after - cookbooks_before puts "INFO: Downloaded and installed new cookbooks: #{new_cb}" # download dependencies new_cb.each do |cb| download_dependencies(cb, nil, target_dir, true) end return new_cb end def self.fix_encodings(target_dir=@@DEFAULT_COOKBOOKS_DIR) # add 'encoding' headers to avoid "invalid multibyte char" errors out1 = `cd #{target_dir} && magic_encoding` puts "DEBUG: magic_encoding: #{out1}" end def self.download_cookbook_url_in_lxc(lxc, link, target_dir=@@DEFAULT_COOKBOOKS_DIR) cookbook_dir = "#{lxc['rootdir']}/#{target_dir}" download_cookbook_url(link, cookbook_dir) end def self.download_cookbook_version_in_lxc(lxc, name, version="latest", target_dir=@@DEFAULT_COOKBOOKS_DIR) cookbook_dir = "#{lxc['rootdir']}/#{target_dir}" download_cookbook_version(name, version, cookbook_dir) end def self.download_latest_cookbook(name, target_dir=@@DEFAULT_COOKBOOKS_DIR) download_cookbook_version(name, "latest", target_dir) end def self.download_latest_cookbook_in_lxc(lxc, name, target_dir=@@DEFAULT_COOKBOOKS_DIR) download_cookbook_version_in_lxc(lxc, name, "latest", target_dir) end def self.lxc_cookbook_dir(lxc, relative_dir=@@DEFAULT_COOKBOOKS_DIR) return "#{lxc['rootdir']}/#{relative_dir}" end def self.fix_known_bugs_in_recipes(cookbook_dir=@@DEFAULT_COOKBOOKS_DIR, phase="after") if phase == "before" puts "DEBUG: Cleaning up cookbooks directory before downloading.." # it seems that there is an issue with hadoop_cluster/attributes/default.rb if File.exist?("#{cookbook_dir}/hadoop_cluster") puts "DEBUG: Removing cookbook directory #{cookbook_dir}/hadoop_cluster (bug in attributes)" `rm -rf "#{cookbook_dir}/hadoop_cluster"` end elsif phase == "after" puts "DEBUG: Fixing some known bugs in existing recipes.." # get rid of the col on at the end of this line: # "if (not new_resource.dependency.empty?):" if File.exist?("#{cookbook_dir}/node/providers/nodejs.rb") `sed -i "s/empty?):/empty?)/" #{cookbook_dir}/node/providers/nodejs.rb` end # recipe php::php5 doesn't exist anymore (bug in recipe cakephp::default) if File.exist?("#{cookbook_dir}/cakephp/recipes/default.rb") `sed -i 's/include_recipe .*php5.*$/include_recipe %w{php::default php::module_mysql}/' #{cookbook_dir}/cakephp/recipes/default.rb` end # cookbook "recognizer" uses old Chef syntax, incompatible with new Chef versions if File.exist?("#{cookbook_dir}/recognizer/libraries/json_file.rb") `sed -i 's/attribute :content, :kind_of => Hash/state_attrs :content/' #{cookbook_dir}/recognizer/libraries/json_file.rb` end # cookbook "netkernel" uses invalid syntax file = "#{cookbook_dir}/netkernel/recipes/default.rb" if File.exist?(file) `sed -i 's/source defaults.erb/source "defaults.erb"/' #{file}` end # cookbook "recognizer" uses invalid syntax file = "#{cookbook_dir}/recognizer/recipes/default.rb" if File.exist?(file) `sed -i 's/content recognizer_config/content recognizer_config.to_s/' #{file}` end # cookbook "bacula" uses invalid syntax file = "#{cookbook_dir}/bacula/recipes/bat.rb" if File.exist?(file) `sed -i 's/=> n\\[/=> node[/' #{file}` end # cookbook "openvpn" uses invalid syntax file = "#{cookbook_dir}/openvpn/recipes/default.rb" if File.exist?(file) `sed -i 's/routes.flatten\!/routes.dup.flatten\!/' #{file}` end # cookbook "bacula" uses invalid syntax file = "#{cookbook_dir}/sanitize/recipes/default.rb" if File.exist?(file) `sed -i 's/node\\[\\'build_essential\\'][\\'compiletime\\'] = /node.set\\[\\'build_essential\\'][\\'compiletime\\'] = /' #{file}` end # cookbook "riak" uses invalid attribute syntax files = ["#{cookbook_dir}/riak/attributes/kv.rb", "#{cookbook_dir}/riak/attributes/sasl.rb", "#{cookbook_dir}/riak/attributes/bitcask.rb"] files.each do |file| if File.exist?(file) `sed -i 's/node.riak.kv.storage_backend = /set["riak"]["kv"]["storage_backend"] = /' #{file}` `sed -i 's/node.riak.sasl.errlog_type = /set["riak"]["sasl"]["errlog_type"] = /' #{file}` `sed -i 's/node.riak.bitcask.sync_strategy = /set["riak"]["bitcask"]["sync_strategy"] = /' #{file}` end end # openldap/attributes/default.rb attempts to access node['domain'] which is nil file = "#{cookbook_dir}/openldap/attributes/default.rb" if File.exist?(file) if !File.read(file).match("file_patched_for_toaster_testing") `sed -i "1idefault['domain']='' if !node['domain']" "#{file}"` `sed -i "2i#file_patched_for_toaster_testing" "#{file}"` end end # fix new syntax of resource notifications files = ["apache2/definitions/apache_site.rb", "tomcat6/recipes/default.rb"] files.each do |file| file = "#{cookbook_dir}/#{file}" if File.exist?(file) `sed -i 's/resources(:\\([a-z_]*\\) => "\\([^"]*\\)")/"\\1[\\2]"/g' "#{file}"` end end # new attribute access in Chef 11 file = "#{cookbook_dir}/kafka/recipes/default.rb" if File.exist?(file) `sed -i "s/node\\\\[:kafka\\\\]\\\\[:broker_host_name\\\\] =/node.set[:kafka][:broker_host_name] =/" "#{file}"` `sed -i "s/node\\\\[:kafka\\\\]\\\\[:broker_id\\\\] =/node.set[:kafka][:broker_id] =/" "#{file}"` end file = "#{cookbook_dir}/network_interfaces/recipes/default.rb" if File.exist?(file) `sed -i 's/node\\["network_interfaces"\\]\\["order"\\]=/node.set["network_interfaces"]["order"]=/' "#{file}"` end # add cookbook dependencies dependencies = { "vmware" => ["apt"], "maven" => ["ark"], "sonar" => ["ark", "maven"], "eaccelerator" => ["apache2"], "netkernel" => ["apache"], "chef-client-cron" => ["chef-client"] } dependencies.each do |cb,deps| deps.each do |dep| # add dependency to cookbook metadata file1 = "#{cookbook_dir}/#{dep}/" file2 = "#{cookbook_dir}/#{cb}/metadata.rb" if File.exist?(file1) && File.exist?(file2) if !File.read(file2).match(/depends\s+["']#{dep}["']/) `echo '' >> "#{file2}"` `echo 'depends "#{dep}"' >> "#{file2}"` end end end end # fix encodings in cookbook files fix_encodings(cookbook_dir) end end def self.download_dependencies(cookbook, recipe, cookbook_dir=@@DEFAULT_COOKBOOKS_DIR, overwrite_all=false, downloaded_so_far=[], parsed_so_far=[]) includes = [] if recipe include_commands = "((include_recipe)|(include_attribute)|(include_library))" recipe_files = [] recipe = recipe.split("::")[1] if recipe.include?("::") recipe_files << File.join(cookbook_dir, cookbook, "recipes", "#{recipe}.rb") recipe_files.each do |recipe_file| if !File.exist?(recipe_file) puts "WARN: Expected recipe file does not exist: #{recipe_file}" return end file = File.read(recipe_file) parsed_so_far << "#{cookbook}::#{recipe}" file.scan(/(#{include_commands}[\s'"]+.*)$/) { |rec,total_match| tmp_includes = [] # use eval(..) to handle cases like the following: # include_recipe %w{apache2 apache2::mod_php5} # include_recipe "apache2" # include_recipe ["apache2", "apache2::mod_php5"] rec.sub!(/#{include_commands}/, "tmp_includes=") begin eval(rec) rescue => ex puts "WARN: Unable to evaluate expression while parsing Chef recipe dependencies in file #{recipe_file}: '#{rec}': #{ex}" # this could be a case like the following: # include_recipe "nodejs::install_from_#{node['nodejs']['install_method']}" rec.scan(/["'](.*)::([^"']*)["']/) { |cb,rc| if rc.match(/^[a-z_\-A-Z0-9\.]+$/) tmp_includes << "#{cb}::#{rc}" else available_recipes_for_cookbook(cb, cookbook_dir).each do |rec_hash| tmp_includes << "#{cb}::#{rec_hash['recipe_name']}" end end } end tmp_includes = [tmp_includes] if !tmp_includes.kind_of?(Array) includes.concat(tmp_includes) } end end # additionally, load dependencies from metadata files metadata_json = File.join(cookbook_dir, cookbook, "metadata.json") if File.exist?(metadata_json) #puts "DEBUG: Reading dependencies from '#{metadata_json}'" json = MarkupUtil.parse_json(File.read(metadata_json)) if json["dependencies"] json["dependencies"].each do |dep_cb,dep_version| includes << dep_cb if !includes.include?(dep_cb) end end end metadata_rb = File.join(cookbook_dir, cookbook, "metadata.rb") #puts "DEBUG: Reading dependencies from '#{metadata_rb}'" if File.exist?(metadata_rb) file = File.read(metadata_rb) file.scan(/depends\s+["']([^"']+)["']/) { |dep_cb,total_string| includes << dep_cb if !includes.include?(dep_cb) } end puts "INFO: Recipe #{cookbook}::#{recipe} depends on: #{includes.inspect}" if !includes.empty? includes.each do |i| dep_recipe = i.include?("::") ? i.split("::")[1] : "default" dep_book = i.include?("::") ? i.split("::")[0] : i dep_file = File.join(cookbook_dir, dep_book, "recipes", "#{dep_recipe}.rb") if parsed_so_far.include?("#{dep_book}::#{dep_recipe}") || downloaded_so_far.include?(dep_book) #puts "INFO: possible loop detected in cookbook dependencies for #{cookbook}::#{dep_recipe}: #{dep_book.inspect}. Stopping recursive lookup at this point." else downloaded_so_far << dep_book if !File.exist?(dep_file) || overwrite_all download_latest_cookbook(dep_book, cookbook_dir) end # recursively download cookbook dependencies #puts "DEBUG: Recursively downloading dependencies for '#{dep_book}::#{dep_recipe}'" download_dependencies(dep_book, dep_recipe, cookbook_dir, overwrite_all, downloaded_so_far, parsed_so_far) end end end def self.available_recipes_for_cookbook(cookbook_name, cookbooks_dir=@@DEFAULT_COOKBOOKS_DIR) result = [] out = `ls #{cookbooks_dir}/#{cookbook_name}/recipes` out = out.strip.split(/\s+/) out.each do |file| recipe = file.sub(/(.*)\.rb/, '\1') result << { "recipe_name" => recipe } end return result end def self.available_recipes_from_opscode(cookbook_name, version="latest", overwrite_downloads=false, target_dir="/tmp/opscode_cookbooks/") if target_dir FileUtils.mkpath(target_dir) if !File.directory?(target_dir) # check if cookbook folder already exists cookbook_folder = File.join(target_dir, cookbook_name) if File.directory?(cookbook_folder) && overwrite_downloads FileUtils.rm_rf(cookbook_folder) end if !File.directory?(cookbook_folder) download_cookbook_version(cookbook_name, version, target_dir, true) end return available_recipes_for_cookbook(cookbook_name, target_dir) else Util.mktmpdir() { |file| download_cookbook_version(cookbook_name, version, file, true) return available_recipes_for_cookbook(cookbook_name, file) } end end def self.runtime_resource_sourcecode(resource) return resource.to_text if resource.respond_to?("to_text") end def self.available_cookbooks_from_opscode(query_details=false, overwrite_downloads=false) result = [] tmpmap = {} max = 1000 start = 0 while start < max url = "#{OPSCODE_API_URL}cookbooks?start=#{start}&items=100" json = `curl '#{url}' 2> /dev/null` books = MarkupUtil.parse_json(json.strip) if books["items"].kind_of?(Array) result.concat(books["items"]) books["items"].each do |item| tmpmap[item["cookbook_name"]] = item end end max = books["total"].to_i if books["total"] && books["total"].to_i > 0 && books["total"].to_i < 2000 start += 100 end if query_details # download all (!) cookbooks from opscode download_all_from_opscode(nil, overwrite_downloads) # get information about all resources resources = parse_all_resources("*.rb") begin html = `curl '#{OPSCODE_SEARCH_URL}?page=1' 2> /dev/null` doc = Toaster::MarkupUtil.parse_xml(html, true) num_pages = REXML::XPath.match(doc, "//a[text()='Next']/preceding-sibling::a[1]/text()") num_pages = "#{num_pages[0]}".to_i (2..num_pages).each do |page_num| REXML::XPath.match(doc, "//ul[@class='cookbook-list']/li").each do |cbxml| cbxml = REXML::Document.new cbxml.to_s title = REXML::XPath.match(cbxml, "//a[@class='title']/text()")[0] title = "#{title}".strip if tmpmap[title] ratings = REXML::XPath.match(cbxml, "//span[@class='count']/text()")[0] downloads = REXML::XPath.match(cbxml, "//div[@class='downloads']/text()")[0] followers = REXML::XPath.match(cbxml, "//div[@class='followers']/text()")[0] platforms = REXML::XPath.match(cbxml, "//div[@class='platforms']/p/text()")[0] category = REXML::XPath.match(cbxml, "//div[@class='category']/a/text()")[0] ratings = "#{ratings}".gsub(/(\\n)|\s*/, "").gsub(/rating(s)*/, "").strip.to_i downloads = "#{downloads}".gsub(/(\\n)|\s*/, "").gsub(/download(s)*/, "").strip.to_i followers = "#{followers}".gsub(/(\\n)|\s*/, "").gsub(/follower(s)*/, "").strip.to_i platforms = "#{platforms}".gsub(/\\n/, "").gsub(/Platforms:/, "").gsub(">", ">").strip category = "#{category}".gsub(/\\n/, "").gsub("&", "&").strip #puts "ratings #{title}: #{ratings} - #{downloads} - #{followers} - #{platforms} - #{category}" tmpmap[title]["_ratings"] = ratings tmpmap[title]["_downloads"] = downloads tmpmap[title]["_followers"] = followers tmpmap[title]["_platforms"] = platforms tmpmap[title]["_category"] = category end end html = `curl '#{OPSCODE_SEARCH_URL}?page=#{page_num}' 2> /dev/null` doc = Toaster::MarkupUtil.parse_xml(html, true) end result.each do |cbook| fetch_cookbook_details(cbook["cookbook_name"], cbook, resources) end rescue Object => exc puts "WARN: Exception when querying cookbook details from #{OPSCODE_SEARCH_URL}?page=1: #{exc} - #{exc.backtrace}" end # sort results result.sort! { |a,b| a["_downloads"] = 0 if !a["_downloads"] b["_downloads"] = 0 if !b["_downloads"] a["_average_rating"] = 0 if !a["_average_rating"] b["_average_rating"] = 0 if !b["_average_rating"] (b["_downloads"] <=> a["_downloads"]) != 0 ? b["_downloads"] <=> a["_downloads"] : b["_average_rating"] <=> a["_average_rating"] } result.each_with_index do |cb,idx| cb["_position"] = idx + 1 end end return result end def self.fetch_cookbook_details(cookbook_name, cbook={}, resources={}, overwrite_downloads=false) url = "#{OPSCODE_API_URL}cookbooks/#{cookbook_name}/" json = `curl '#{url}' 2> /dev/null` details = MarkupUtil.parse_json(json.strip) latest_version = details['latest_version'].gsub(/.*\/([^\/]+)/, '\1') cbook['_latest_version'] = latest_version versions = [] details['versions'].each do |ver| versions << ver.gsub(/.*\/([^\/]+)/, '\1') end cbook["_versions"] = versions if !details["average_rating"].nil? cbook["_average_rating"] = details["average_rating"] end # load all recipe names for this cookbook if !cbook["_recipes"] cb_name = cookbook_name recipes = Toaster::ChefUtil.available_recipes_from_opscode( cb_name, cbook["_latest_version"], overwrite_downloads) cbook["_recipes"] = {} if !cbook["_recipes"] recipe_names = [] recipes.each do |r| rec_name = r["recipe_name"] recipe_names << rec_name cbook["_recipes"][rec_name] = {} cbook["_recipes"][rec_name]["_resource_names"] = [] if resources[cb_name] && resources[cb_name][rec_name] if resources[cb_name][rec_name]["_possibly_non_idempotent"] cbook["_possibly_non_idempotent"] = true end resources[cb_name][rec_name]["resources"].each do |line,code| if code code = code.split("\n")[0] resrc_name = code.gsub(/^\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]*)\s+(.*)\s+((do)|\{).*$/, '\1[\2]') resrc_name = resrc_name.strip #puts "TRACE: resource name: #{resrc_name}" cbook["_recipes"][rec_name]["_resource_names"] << resrc_name end end else puts "WARN: Did not find detailed Chef resource information for '#{cb_name}'::'#{rec_name}'" end end cbook["_recipe_names"] = recipe_names end return cbook end def self.available_cookbook_versions(cookbook_name) fetch_cookbook_details(cookbook_name)["_versions"].uniq end def self.download_all_from_opscode(target_dir="/tmp/opscode_cookbooks/", overwrite_downloads=false) target_dir = "/tmp/opscode_cookbooks/" if !target_dir if overwrite_downloads || !File.exist?(target_dir) `mkdir -p "#{target_dir}"` cookbooks = available_cookbooks_from_opscode() cookbooks.each do |cb| cookbook_name = cb["cookbook_name"] #puts "downloading cookbook #{cookbook_name} to #{target_dir}" download_cookbook_version(cookbook_name, "latest", target_dir, true) end end end def self.parse_resources(cookbook, recipe_name, version="latest", result = {}, cookbook_dir="/tmp/opscode_cookbooks/") recipe_file = "#{cookbook_dir}/#{cookbook}/recipes/#{recipe_name}.rb" attributes_file = "#{cookbook_dir}/#{cookbook}/attributes/#{recipe_name}.rb" recipe_file_relative = "#{cookbook}/recipes/#{recipe_name}.rb" attributes_source = File.exist?(attributes_file) ? File.read(attributes_file) : "" if !File.exist?(recipe_file) download_cookbook_version(cookbook, version, cookbook_dir) end puts "TRACE: Scanning recipe file: #{recipe_file}" resource_lines = [] script_resource_lines = [] result[cookbook] = {} if !result[cookbook] result[cookbook][recipe_name] = {} if !result[cookbook][recipe_name] result[cookbook][recipe_name]["file"] = recipe_file_relative result[cookbook][recipe_name]["resources"] = {} if !result[cookbook][recipe_name]["resources"] result[cookbook][recipe_name]["resource_objs"] = {} if !result[cookbook][recipe_name]["resource_objs"] # resource names taken from # http://docs.opscode.com/resource.html # http://wiki.opscode.com/display/chef/Resources resource_names = ["apt_package", "bash", "chef_gem", "csh", "cron", "deploy", "directory", "dpkg_package", "easy_install_package", "env", "erlang_call", "erl_call", "execute", "file", "freebsd_package", "gem_package", "git", "group", "http_request", "ifconfig", "link", "log", "macports_package", "mdadm", "mount", "ohai", "package", "perl", "portage_package", "powershell_script", "python", "remote_directory", "remote_file", "route", "rpm_package", "ruby_block", "ruby", "scm", "script", "service", "solaris_package", "template", "user", "yum_package", "zypper_package", "mysql_service" # additional resource types ] script_resource_names = ["execute", "bash", "script", "ruby_block", "csh"] File.open(recipe_file) do |io| io.each_with_index { |line,idx| #if line.match(/^\s*((#{resource_names.join(")|(")}))\s+.*((do)|(\{)).*$/) if line.match(/^(\s*[0-9a-zA-Z_]+\s*=\s*)?\s*((#{resource_names.join(")|(")}))((\s+)|($)|(\s*\())/) resource_lines << idx elsif line.match(/execute.*do/) && !line.match(/^\s*#/) puts "WARN: NO resource line: #{line}" end } resource_lines.each do |line| code = read_sourcecode_from_line(recipe_file, line + 1) if !code puts "WARN: Could not parse code file #{recipe_file} : #{line + 1}" else resource_obj = ResourceInspector.get_resource_from_source(code, attributes_source) puts "received resource_obj: #{resource_obj}" result[cookbook][recipe_name]["resources"][line] = code result[cookbook][recipe_name]["resource_objs"][line] = resource_obj if !code.match(/not_if\s*/) && !code.match(/only_if\s*/) resource_type = code.split("\n")[0].gsub(/^\s*([a-zA-Z0-9_\-]*)\s+(.*)\s+((do)|\{).*$/, '\1') if script_resource_names.include?(resource_type) result[cookbook][recipe_name]["_possibly_non_idempotent"] = true end end end end end return result end def self.parse_all_resources(recipe_pattern="default.rb", cookbook_dir="/tmp/opscode_cookbooks/") # cookbook_name -> recipe_file -> line_no -> resource_code result = {} scanned_files = 0 Dir.entries(cookbook_dir).each do |cookbook| if cookbook.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9_\-]+$/) recipe_dir = "#{cookbook_dir}/#{cookbook}/recipes" Dir["#{recipe_dir}/#{recipe_pattern}"].each do |recipe_file| recipe_name = recipe_file.gsub(/.*\/([^\/]+)\.rb$/, '\1') parse_resources(cookbook, recipe_name, "latest", result, cookbook_dir) scanned_files += 1 end end end puts "INFO: Scanned #{scanned_files} files for resource information." return result end def self.diff_cookbook_versions(cookb, v1, v2) v1.gsub!(".", "_") v2.gsub!(".", "_") target_dir = "/tmp/toaster/tmp_chef_cb/#{cookb}" dir1 = "#{target_dir}/#{v1}" dir2 = "#{target_dir}/#{v2}" `mkdir -p '#{target_dir}'` if !File.directory?(dir1) `mkdir -p '#{dir1}'` download_cookbook_version(cookb, v1, dir1) end if !File.directory?(dir2) `mkdir -p '#{dir2}'` download_cookbook_version(cookb, v2, dir2) end return Util.diff_dirs(dir1, dir2) end end end