# Option builder used in #convert and #mogrify helpers. module MojoMagick class OptBuilder def initialize @opts = [] end # Add command-line options with no processing def <<(arg) if arg.is_a?(Array) @opts += arg else @opts << arg end self end # Add files to command line, formatted if necessary def file(*args) args.each do |arg| add_formatted arg end self end alias files file def label(*args) @opts << "label:#{quoted_arg(args.join)}" end # Create a temporary file for the given image and add to command line def format(*args) @opts << '-format' args.each do |arg| add_formatted arg end end def blob(*args) data = args[0] opts = args[1] || {} opts.each do |k,v| send(k.to_s,v.to_s) end tmpfile = MojoMagick::tempfile(data, opts) file tmpfile end def image_block(&block) @opts << '\(' yield block @opts << '\)' self end # Generic commands. Arguments will be formatted if necessary def method_missing(command, *args) if command.to_s[-1, 1] == '!' @opts << "+#{command.to_s.chop}" else @opts << "-#{command}" end args.each do |arg| add_formatted arg end self end def to_s @opts.join ' ' end protected def add_formatted(arg) # Quote anything that would cause problems on *nix or windows @opts << quoted_arg(arg) end def quoted_arg(arg) return arg unless arg =~ /[#'<>^|&();` ]/ [ '"', arg.gsub('"', '\"').gsub("'", "\'"), '"'].join end end end