require "singleton" require ::File.expand_path('configured_report', File.dirname(__FILE__)) require ::File.expand_path('generic_settings', File.dirname(__FILE__)) require ::File.expand_path('report_formatters', File.dirname(__FILE__)) module Cornucopia module Util class Configuration include Singleton attr_accessor :configurations def initialize @configurations = configurations.order_seed = nil configurations.rand_seed = nil configurations.rand_context_seed = nil configurations.user_log_files = {} configurations.default_num_lines = 500 configurations.grab_logs = true configurations.backup_logs_on_failure = true configurations.print_timeout_min = 10 configurations.selenium_cache_retry_count = 5 configurations.analyze_find_exceptions = true configurations.analyze_selector_exceptions = true configurations.ignore_finder_errors_on_success = true configurations.ignore_has_selector_errors = true configurations.record_test_start_and_end_in_log = true configurations.record_test_start_and_end_format = "******** %{start_end}: %{test_name}" configurations.retry_with_found = false configurations.retry_match_with_found = false configurations.open_report_settings = { default: false } configurations.base_folder = "cornucopia_report" # configurations.alternate_retry = false configurations.default_configuration = { rspec: { min_fields: [ :example__full_description, :example__location, :example__exception__to_s, :example__exception__backtrace ], more_info_fields: [ :example__exception__class__name, :example, :example__example_group_instance, :example__metadata__caller, { report_element: :rspec__configuration__seed, report_options: { ignore_missing: true } }, { report_element: :rspec__configuration__ordering_manager__seed, report_options: { ignore_missing: true } }, :logs, :capybara_page_diagnostics ], expand_fields: [ :example, :example__example_group_instance__response, :example__example_group_instance__controller, :example__example_group_instance__request, :example__example_group_instance ], expand_inline_fields: [ :example__example_group_instance____memoized ], exclude_fields: [ :example__fixture_connections, :example, :example__example_group_instance, ], }, cucumber: { min_fields: [ { report_element: :scenario__feature__title, report_options: { label: "feature" } }, { report_element: :scenario__feature__location, # report_options: { format: ->(value) { "#{value.file}:#{value.line}" } } report_options: { format_object: Cornucopia::Util::CucumberFormatter, format_function: :format_location } }, { report_element: :scenario__title, report_options: { label: "scenario" } }, { report_element: :scenario__location, report_options: { format_object: Cornucopia::Util::CucumberFormatter, format_function: :format_location } }, :scenario__exception__to_s, :scenario__exception__backtrace ], more_info_fields: [ :scenario__exception__class__name, :scenario, :scenario__feature__comment, :scenario__feature__keyword, :scenario__feature__description, :scenario__feature__gherkin_statement, :scenario__feature__tags, :scenario__current_visitor__configuration, :cucumber, :logs, :capybara_page_diagnostics ], expand_fields: [ :scenario, :cucumber, ], expand_inline_fields: [ ], exclude_fields: [ :scenario__background, :scenario__feature, :scenario__current_visitor, :scenario__raw_steps, :scenario__title, :scenario__location, :cucumber____cucumber_runtime, :cucumber____natural_language, :cucumber___rack_test_sessions, :cucumber___rack_mock_sessions, :cucumber__integration_session ] }, cucumber_outline: { min_fields: [ { report_element: :scenario__scenario_outline__name, report_options: { label: "feature_outline" } }, { report_element: :scenario__name, report_options: { label: "scenario_example" } }, { report_element: :scenario__scenario_outline__example_sections__0__0__0, # report_options: { format: ->(value) { "#{value.file}:#{value.line}" } } report_options: { format_object: Cornucopia::Util::CucumberFormatter, format_function: :format_location } }, :scenario__exception__to_s, :scenario__exception__backtrace ], more_info_fields: [ :scenario__exception__class__name, :scenario, :scenario__scenario_outline__example_sections__0__1__comments, :scenario__scenario_outline__example_sections__0__1__keyword, :scenario__scenario_outline__example_sections__0__1__description, :scenario__source_tag_names, :scenario__scenario_outline__example_sections__0__1__tags, :scenario__scenario_outline__example_sections__0__0, :scenario__scenario_outline, :cucumber, :logs, :capybara_page_diagnostics ], expand_fields: [ :scenario, :scenario__scenario_outline, :cucumber, ], expand_inline_fields: [ ], exclude_fields: [ :scenario__background, :scenario__scenario_outline__background, :scenario__table, :scenario__feature, :scenario__current_visitor, :scenario__raw_steps, :scenario__title, :cucumber____cucumber_runtime, :cucumber____natural_language, :cucumber___rack_test_sessions, :cucumber___rack_mock_sessions, :cucumber__integration_session ] }, spinach: { min_fields: [ :failure_description, :running_scenario__feature__name, :running_scenario__name, :running_scenario__line, :step_data__name, :step_data__line, :exception__to_s, :exception__backtrace ], more_info_fields: [ :exception__class__name, :running_scenario__feature__tags, :running_scenario, :step_data, :step_definitions, :logs, :capybara_page_diagnostics ], expand_fields: [ :running_scenario, :step_data, :step_definitions ], expand_inline_fields: [ ], exclude_fields: [ :running_scenario__feature, :step_data__scenario__feature, :running_scenario__name, :running_scenario__line, :step_data__name, :step_data__line ] }, capybara_page_diagnostics: { min_fields: [ :capybara__page_url, :capybara__title, :capybara__screen_shot ], more_info_fields: [ :capybara, :capybara__other_windows, ], expand_fields: [ :capybara, :capybara__other_windows, "capybara__other_windows__*", ], expand_inline_fields: [ :capybara, ], exclude_fields: [ :capybara__page_url, :capybara__title, :capybara__screen_shot, :capybara__page_url, :capybara__title, :capybara__screen_shot, :capybara__options, :capybara__report, :capybara__table, :capybara__unsupported_list, :capybara__allow_other_windows, :capybara__iterating, :capybara__session, :capybara__driver, :capybara__window_handles, :capybara__current_window, "capybara__other_windows__*__options", "capybara__other_windows__*__report", "capybara__other_windows__*__table", "capybara__other_windows__*__unsupported_list", "capybara__other_windows__*__allow_other_windows", "capybara__other_windows__*__iterating", "capybara__other_windows__*__session", "capybara__other_windows__*__driver", "capybara__other_windows__*__window_handles", "capybara__other_windows__*__current_window" ], leaf_options: [ { report_element: [:html_source, :html_frame, :screen_shot ], report_options: { prevent_shrink: true, exclude_code_block: true, do_not_pretty_print: true } }, { report_element: [:html_file], report_options: { exclude_code_block: true }, } ] }, capybara_finder_diagnostics: { min_fields: [ :finder__function_name, :finder__args__0, :finder__search_args, :finder__options, :exception__to_s, :exception__backtrace ], more_info_fields: [ :exception__class__name, :finder, :capybara_page_diagnostics ], expand_fields: [ :finder, :finder__args, :finder__all_elements, :finder__all_other_elements, "finder__all_elements__*", "finder__all_other_elements__*", "finder__all_elements__*__native_size", "finder__all_other_elements__*__native_size", "finder__all_elements__*__elem_location", "finder__all_other_elements__*__elem_location", :finder__search_args, :finder__options ], expand_inline_fields: [ :finder ], exclude_fields: [ :finder__return_value, :finder__function_name, :finder__args__0, :finder__search_args, :finder__options, :finder__report_options, :finder__test_object, "finder__all_elements__*__found_element", "finder__all_other_elements__*__found_element" ] } } configurations.configured_reports = {} end class << self # rand_seed is the seed value used to seed the srand function at the start of a test # suite. This is done to allow tests with random elements in them to be repeatable. # If a test fails, simply set Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.rand_seed to the # value of the failed tests seed value (output in the stdout and the generated report) # and run the test again. This should re-run the exact same test, resulting in a # repeatable test even with randomization in it. def seed=(value) Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.rand_seed = value srand(value) if value end def seed Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.rand_seed end # rand_context_seed is the seed value used to seed the srand function at the start of a context. # This is done to allow tests with random elements in them to be repeatable. # If a test fails, simply set Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.rand_context_seed to the # value of the failed tests context_seed value (output in the stdout and the generated report) # and run the test again. This should re-run the exact same test, resulting in a # repeatable test even with randomization in it. def context_seed=(value) Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.rand_context_seed = value srand(value) if value end def context_seed Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.rand_context_seed end # order_seed is the seed value used to set the order that randomly ordered tests are run in. # This is provided as a convenience method. I think it is easier to set this in rails_helper than it is to # set it on the command line. This also provides a uniform method to do it. def order_seed=(value) Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.order_seed = value if value if RSpec.configuration.respond_to?(:seed) RSpec.configuration.seed = value else # :nocov: RSpec.configuration.ordering_manager.seed = value # :nocov: end end end def order_seed Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.order_seed end # grab_logs indicates if the system should try to automatically grab a tail of # the log file if outputing a diagnostics report. # # The system will try to grab the following log files: # * Rails.env.log # * any user specified logs # # The log capture is done by reading from the end of the file # of the log file. If the log file cannot be found, or if the system # cannot open the file (no access rights, etc.) nothing will be output. # # Related options: # user_log_files # num_lines # add_log_file # remove_log_file def grab_logs=(value) Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.grab_logs = value end def grab_logs Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.grab_logs end # backup_logs_on_failure causes the system to copy the log files at the end of the report cycle if there were # any errors during the creation of the report system. # # The system will try to grab the following log files: # * Rails.env.log # * any user specified logs # # The log capture is done with a simple file copy. # # Related options: # user_log_files # num_lines # add_log_file # remove_log_file # grab_logs def backup_logs_on_failure=(value) Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.backup_logs_on_failure = value end def backup_logs_on_failure Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.backup_logs_on_failure end # user_log_files returns a hash of all of the log files which # the user has specified are to be grabbed. # # The keys are the relative paths of the log files to be # grabbed, and the values are the options specified for the # files. The values may be an empty hash. def user_log_files Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.user_log_files.clone end # num_lines returns the number of lines that will be grabbed # for a file. If no file name is supplied, or the name does not match a # user file, the default log length will returned. def num_lines(log_file_name=nil) Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.user_log_files[log_file_name].try(:[], :num_lines) || Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.default_num_lines end # default_num_lines sets the default number of lines to extract from the log file def default_num_lines=(value) Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.default_num_lines = value end # Adds the specified log file to the list of log files to capture. # If the log file is already in the list, the passed in options will be merged with # the existing options. # See Cornucopia::LogCapture def add_log_file(log_file_name, options = {}) Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.user_log_files[log_file_name] ||= {} Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.user_log_files[log_file_name] = Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.user_log_files[log_file_name].merge options end # Removes the specified log file from the list of log files to capture. # NOTE: You cannot remove the default log file. def remove_log_file(log_file_name) Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.user_log_files.delete log_file_name end # returns the report configuration object for that type of report # # values for report_name: # :rspec # :cucumber # :spinach # :capybara_page_diagnostics def report_configuration(report_name) Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.configured_reports[report_name] ||=[report_name]) end # sets the report configuration object for that type of report from a configuration has that is passed in # # values for report_name: # :rspec # :cucumber # :spinach # :capybara_page_diagnostics def set_report_configuration(report_name, configuration) if configuration.is_a?(Cornucopia::Util::ConfiguredReport) Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.configured_reports[report_name] = configuration else Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.configured_reports[report_name] = end end # returns the report configuration object for that type of report # # values for report_name: # :rspec # :cucumber # :spinach # :capybara_page_diagnostics def default_report_configuration(report_name) Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.default_configuration[report_name].try :clone end # Sets or returns the minimum amount of time in seconds to allow for the printing of variables. # If it is available, the larger of this value and Capybara.default_wait_time will be used. # # This value exists to prevent the printing of a value on a report from taking too long # and holding up the system. If it takes longer than this amount of time to get the value # it probably isn't diagnostically important. # # Default: 10 def print_timeout_min Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.print_timeout_min end def print_timeout_min=(value) Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.print_timeout_min = value end # The Selenium driver can throw a StaleElementReferenceError exception sometimes. # I often see it with animated items like dialog boxes and the like. When the system # is looping trying to find the element or stop seeing it. # # Because the element likely just disappeared between when it was found and when it # was returned, trying again will often make the problem go away. # # The default for this setting is 5 which will retry the find function if this error # occurs. # # NOTE: This should already be the default action (basically) for the Selenium # driver, yet from a purely practical standpoint, this seems to be a problem # that I've run into a lot. I am doing it this way to see if I can reduce the # the occurrence of it. def selenium_cache_retry_count Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.selenium_cache_retry_count end def selenium_cache_retry_count=(value) Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.selenium_cache_retry_count = value end # This setting is used by the Capybara utilities. # # When Capybara::Node.find throws an exception, if this is set, the system will try to # use the FinderDiagnostics to output some diagnostic information about the page and the finder # to try to assist in determining what happened. def analyze_find_exceptions Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.analyze_find_exceptions end def analyze_find_exceptions=(value) Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.analyze_find_exceptions = value end # This setting is used by the Capybara utilities. # # When Capybara::Node.analyze_selector throws an exception, if this is set, the system will try to # use the FinderDiagnostics to output some diagnostic information about the page and the # selector to try to assist in determining what happened. def analyze_selector_exceptions Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.analyze_selector_exceptions end def analyze_selector_exceptions=(value) Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.analyze_selector_exceptions = value end # This setting is used by the report builder. # # If a test has finder errors but still succeeds, ignore the errors and do not report them. This is useful # for tests that test the existence of an element on the page using something like: # expect(my_page).not_to have_page_element def ignore_finder_errors_on_success Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.ignore_finder_errors_on_success end def ignore_finder_errors_on_success=(value) Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.ignore_finder_errors_on_success = value end # This setting is used by the matcher analysis. # # Generally speaking has_selector? is allowed to return true or false without needing to be to analyzed. # So, the system ignores has_selector? failures and doesn't output an analysis. # # This will perform an analysis for each has_selector? failure. def ignore_has_selector_errors Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.ignore_has_selector_errors end def ignore_has_selector_errors=(value) Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.ignore_has_selector_errors = value end # Sometimes, the analysis process found the element when it wasn't found other ways. # This will cause the finder to try again with the found element. # # The default is false because I haven't seen this be useful in a while. # # WARNING: Using this is unsafe. If you use it, you could get false positive # results in your test. def retry_with_found Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.retry_with_found end def retry_with_found=(value) Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.retry_with_found = value end # Sometimes, the analysis process found the element when it wasn't found other ways. # This will cause the match accessor to try again with the found element. # # The default is true because I have been getting a fair number of false negatives. def retry_match_with_found Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.retry_match_with_found end def retry_match_with_found=(value) Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.retry_match_with_found = value end # To make it easier to know about and to see the reports, this configuration will cause a report to be # automatically opened if there is anything to report when the report is closed. # # The posible values for report_name are: # nil # "rspec_report" # "cucumber_report" # "spinach_report" def auto_open_report_after_generation(open_report, report_name = nil) Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.open_report_settings[report_name || :default] = open_report end def open_report_after_generation(report_name) open_report = Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.open_report_settings[report_name] open_report = Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.open_report_settings[:default] if open_report.nil? open_report end ### Commented this out. ### When I originally found a need for this type of function, I needed this feature. ### Since then, I haven't. I don't think this is needed anymore, so I'm leaving it out ### in this re-write for now. I'll add it back if I feel it is needed. # # I have actually found times when the Selenium driver (in particular) simply would not work. # # It was a bug. I think I've upgraded a couple of times since then and the problem probably # # went away. It is useful code anyway, so I'm keeping it. # # # # In the event that default code simply won't work, this is a hail mary option which tries # # to do whatever you were trying to do directly through javascript. # # # # This will only work if the element you are trying to manipulate (get the text or value from, # # click, etc.) has an ID. # # # # The default is false since it is unlikely to work in so many circumstances # # # # WARNING: Using this is unsafe. If you use it, you could get false positive # # results in your test. # def alternate_retry # Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.alternate_retry # end # # def alternate_retry=(value) # Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.alternate_retry = value # end # Sets or returns the name of the folder to generate reports into. # # Default: "cornucopia_report" def base_folder Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.base_folder end def base_folder=(value) Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.base_folder = value end # This setting is used by the test system hooks. # # If true (the default) this will cause the system to output a line to the Rails log indicating when a test # starts and when it ends. def record_test_start_and_end_in_log Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.record_test_start_and_end_in_log end def record_test_start_and_end_in_log=(value) Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.record_test_start_and_end_in_log = value end # This setting is used by the test system hooks. # # This value specifies the text that is output into the log file at the start/end of a test. # Two variables are passed into the format string to be inserted into the text: # # * %{start_end} - This will be either "Start" or "End" # * %{test_name} - This will the the name of the test. def record_test_start_and_end_format Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.record_test_start_and_end_format end def record_test_start_and_end_format=(value) Cornucopia::Util::Configuration.instance.configurations.record_test_start_and_end_format = value end end end end end