ZipCode.class_eval do data_miner do process "Start from scratch" do delete_all end import 'the Mapping Hacks zipcode database', :url => '', # :filename => 'zipcode.csv' do key 'name', :field_name => 'zip', :sprintf => '%05d' store 'state_postal_abbreviation', :field_name => 'state' store 'description', :field_name => 'city' store 'latitude' store 'longitude' end import 'a list of zipcode states and eGRID Subregions from the US EPA', :url => '', :sheet => 'Zip-subregion' do key 'name', :field_name => 'ZIP (character)' store 'state_postal_abbreviation', :field_name => 'State' store 'egrid_subregion_abbreviation', :field_name => 'Primary eGRID Subregion' end import 'a Brighter Planet-created list of zipcode Climate Divisions', :url => "file://#{Earth::DATA_DIR}/locality/zip_climate_divisions.csv" do key 'name', :field_name => 'zip_code_name', :sprintf => '%05d' store 'climate_division_name' end # NOTE: ZCTAs are not zip codes but are based on the most common zip code in the area they cover - see import 'US Census 2010 zip code tabulation area populations', :url => '' do key 'name', :field_name => 'ZCTA5', :sprintf => '%05d' store 'population', :field_name => 'ZPOP' end import 'misc zip code data not included in other sources', :url => "file://#{Earth::DATA_DIR}/locality/misc_zip_data.csv" do key 'name', :sprintf => '%05d' store 'state_postal_abbreviation', :nullify => true store 'egrid_subregion_abbreviation', :nullify => true end process "Derive missing state postal abbreviations from climate division name" do where("state_postal_abbreviation IS NULL AND climate_division_name IS NOT NULL").update_all %{ state_postal_abbreviation = LEFT(climate_division_name, 2) } end # FIXME TODO figure out how to speed this up then re-enable it # process "Look up missing latitude and longitude" do # where("latitude IS NULL OR longitude IS NULL").each do |zip| # if (location = Geokit::Geocoders::MultiGeocoder.geocode # zip.update_attributes! :latitude =>, :longitude => location.lng # end # end # end end end