# frozen_string_literal: true module Critic::Policy extend ActiveSupport::Concern def self.policies @_policies ||= Hash.new { |h, k| h[k.to_s] = nil } end # @fixme do we really wish to demodulize ? def self.resource_class_for(object) if object.respond_to?(:model_name) # used for pulling class out of ActiveRecord::Relation objects object.model_name elsif object.is_a?(Class) object.to_s.demodulize else object.class.to_s.demodulize end end def self.for(resource) resource_class = resource_class_for(resource) policies.fetch(resource_class) { "#{resource_class}Policy".constantize } end included do include Critic::Callbacks end # Policy entry points module ClassMethods def authorize(action, subject, resource, args = nil) new(subject, resource).authorize(action, *args) end def scope(action = nil) action.nil? ? (@scope || :index) : (@scope = action) end end attr_reader :subject, :resource, :errors attr_accessor :authorization delegate :messages, :metadata, to: :authorization def initialize(subject, resource) @subject = subject @resource = resource @errors = [] end def failure_message(action) "#{subject} is not authorized to #{action} #{resource}" end def authorize(action, *args) self.authorization = Critic::Authorization.new(self, action) result = catch(:halt) { process_authorization(action, args) } authorization.result = result if authorization.result.nil? case authorization.result when Critic::Authorization # user has accessed authorization directly when String authorization.granted = false authorization.messages << result when nil, false authorization.granted = false authorization.messages << failure_message(action) else authorization.granted = true end authorization end protected def halt(*response) throw :halt, *response end private def process_authorization(action, args) public_send(action, *args) end end