require File.expand_path('../spec_helper', __FILE__) shared_examples_for "all success return values" do it %[should have a return code of Zookeeper::ZOK] do @rv[:rc].should == Zookeeper::ZOK end it %[should have a req_id integer] do @rv[:req_id].should be_kind_of(Integer) end end describe Zookeeper do before do @path = "/_zktest_" @data = "underpants" @zk ='localhost:2181') # uncomment for driver debugging output #@zk.set_debug_level(Zookeeper::ZOO_LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG) unless defined?(::JRUBY_VERSION) @zk.create(:path => @path, :data => @data) end after do @zk.delete(:path => @path) @zk.close wait_until do begin !@zk.connected? rescue RuntimeError true end end end # unfortunately, we can't test w/o exercising other parts of the driver, so # if "set" is broken, this test will fail as well (but whaddyagonnado?) describe :get do describe :sync do it_should_behave_like "all success return values" before do @rv = @zk.get(:path => @path) end it %[should return the data] do @rv[:data].should == @data end it %[should return a stat] do @rv[:stat].should_not be_nil @rv[:stat].should be_kind_of(ZookeeperStat::Stat) end end describe :sync_watch do it_should_behave_like "all success return values" before do @event = nil @watcher = @rv = @zk.get(:path => @path, :watcher => @watcher, :watcher_context => @path) end it %[should return the data] do @rv[:data].should == @data end it %[should set a watcher on the node] do # test the watcher by changing node data @zk.set(:path => @path, :data => 'blah')[:rc].should be_zero wait_until(1.0) { @watcher.completed? } @watcher.path.should == @path @watcher.context.should == @path @watcher.should be_completed @watcher.type.should == Zookeeper::ZOO_CHANGED_EVENT end end describe :async do it_should_behave_like "all success return values" before do @cb = @rv = @zk.get(:path => @path, :callback => @cb, :callback_context => @path) wait_until(1.0) { @cb.completed? } @cb.should be_completed end it %[should have a return code of ZOK] do @cb.return_code.should == Zookeeper::ZOK end it %[should have the stat object in the callback] do @cb.stat.should_not be_nil @cb.stat.should be_kind_of(ZookeeperStat::Stat) end it %[should have the data] do == @data end end describe :async_watch do it_should_behave_like "all success return values" before do @cb = @watcher = @rv = @zk.get(:path => @path, :callback => @cb, :callback_context => @path, :watcher => @watcher, :watcher_context => @path) wait_until(1.0) { @cb.completed? } @cb.should be_completed end it %[should have the stat object in the callback] do @cb.stat.should_not be_nil @cb.stat.should be_kind_of(ZookeeperStat::Stat) end it %[should have the data] do == @data end it %[should have a return code of ZOK] do @cb.return_code.should == Zookeeper::ZOK end it %[should set a watcher on the node] do @zk.set(:path => @path, :data => 'blah')[:rc].should be_zero wait_until(2) { @watcher.completed? } @watcher.should be_completed @watcher.path.should == @path @watcher.context.should == @path end end describe 'bad arguments' do it %[should barf with a BadArguments error] do lambda { @zk.get(:bad_arg => 'what!?') }.should raise_error(ZookeeperExceptions::ZookeeperException::BadArguments) end end end # get describe :set do before do @new_data = "Four score and \007 years ago" @stat = @zk.stat(:path => @path)[:stat] end describe :sync do describe 'without version' do it_should_behave_like "all success return values" before do @rv = @zk.set(:path => @path, :data => @new_data) end it %[should return the new stat] do @rv[:stat].should_not be_nil @rv[:stat].should be_kind_of(ZookeeperStat::Stat) @rv[:stat].version.should > @stat.version end end describe 'with current version' do it_should_behave_like "all success return values" before do @rv = @zk.set(:path => @path, :data => @new_data, :version => @stat.version) end it %[should return the new stat] do @rv[:stat].should_not be_nil @rv[:stat].should be_kind_of(ZookeeperStat::Stat) @rv[:stat].version.should > @stat.version end end describe 'with outdated version' do before do # need to do a couple of sets to ramp up the version 3.times { |n| @stat = @zk.set(:path => @path, :data => "#{@new_data}#{n}")[:stat] } @rv = @zk.set(:path => @path, :data => @new_data, :version => 0) end it %[should have a return code of ZBADVERSION] do @rv[:rc].should == Zookeeper::ZBADVERSION end it %[should return a stat with !exists] do @rv[:stat].exists.should be_false end end describe 'error' do it %[should barf if the data size is too large], :input_size => true do large_data = '0' * (1024 ** 2) lambda { @zk.set(:path => @path, :data => large_data) }.should raise_error(ZookeeperExceptions::ZookeeperException::DataTooLargeException) end end end # sync describe :async do before do @cb = end describe 'without version' do it_should_behave_like "all success return values" before do @rv = @zk.set(:path => @path, :data => @new_data, :callback => @cb, :callback_context => @path) wait_until(2) { @cb.completed? } @cb.should be_completed end it %[should have the stat in the callback] do @cb.stat.should_not be_nil @cb.stat.version.should > @stat.version end it %[should have a return code of ZOK] do @cb.return_code.should == Zookeeper::ZOK end end describe 'with current version' do it_should_behave_like "all success return values" before do @rv = @zk.set(:path => @path, :data => @new_data, :callback => @cb, :callback_context => @path, :version => @stat.version) wait_until(2) { @cb.completed? } @cb.should be_completed end it %[should have the stat in the callback] do @cb.stat.should_not be_nil @cb.stat.version.should > @stat.version end it %[should have a return code of ZOK] do @cb.return_code.should == Zookeeper::ZOK end end describe 'with outdated version' do before do # need to do a couple of sets to ramp up the version 3.times { |n| @stat = @zk.set(:path => @path, :data => "#{@new_data}#{n}")[:stat] } @rv = @zk.set(:path => @path, :data => @new_data, :callback => @cb, :callback_context => @path, :version => 0) wait_until(2) { @cb.completed? } @cb.should be_completed end it %[should have a return code of ZBADVERSION] do @cb.return_code.should == Zookeeper::ZBADVERSION end it %[should return a stat with !exists] do @cb.stat.exists.should be_false end end describe 'error' do it %[should barf if the data size is too large], :input_size => true do large_data = '0' * (1024 ** 2) lambda { @zk.set(:path => @path, :data => large_data, :callback => @cb, :callback_context => @path) }.should raise_error(ZookeeperExceptions::ZookeeperException::DataTooLargeException) end end end # async end # set describe :get_children do before do @children = %w[child0 child1 child2] @children.each do |name| @zk.create(:path => "#{@path}/#{name}", :data => name) end end after do @children.each do |name| @zk.delete(:path => "#{@path}/#{name}") end end describe :sync do it_should_behave_like "all success return values" before do @rv = @zk.get_children(:path => @path) end it %[should have an array of names of the children] do @rv[:children].should be_kind_of(Array) @rv[:children].length.should == 3 @rv[:children].sort.should == @children.sort end # "Three shall be the number of the counting, and the number of the counting shall be 3" it %[should have a stat object whose num_children is 3] do @rv[:stat].should_not be_nil @rv[:stat].should be_kind_of(ZookeeperStat::Stat) @rv[:stat].num_children.should == 3 end end describe :sync_watch do it_should_behave_like "all success return values" before do @addtl_child = 'child3' @watcher = @rv = @zk.get_children(:path => @path, :watcher => @watcher, :watcher_context => @path) end after do @zk.delete(:path => "#{@path}/#{@addtl_child}") end it %[should have an array of names of the children] do @rv[:children].should be_kind_of(Array) @rv[:children].length.should == 3 @rv[:children].sort.should == @children.sort end it %[should have a stat object whose num_children is 3] do @rv[:stat].should_not be_nil @rv[:stat].should be_kind_of(ZookeeperStat::Stat) @rv[:stat].num_children.should == 3 end it %[should set a watcher for children on the node] do @watcher.should_not be_completed @zk.create(:path => "#{@path}/#{@addtl_child}", :data => '')[:rc].should == Zookeeper::ZOK wait_until { @watcher.completed? } @watcher.should be_completed @watcher.path.should == @path @watcher.context.should == @path @watcher.type.should == Zookeeper::ZOO_CHILD_EVENT end end describe :async do it_should_behave_like "all success return values" before do @cb = @rv = @zk.get_children(:path => @path, :callback => @cb, :callback_context => @path) wait_until { @cb.completed? } @cb.should be_completed end it %[should succeed] do @cb.return_code.should == Zookeeper::ZOK end it %[should return an array of children] do @cb.children.should be_kind_of(Array) @cb.children.length.should == 3 @cb.children.sort.should == @children.sort end it %[should have a stat object whose num_children is 3] do @cb.stat.should_not be_nil @cb.stat.should be_kind_of(ZookeeperStat::Stat) @cb.stat.num_children.should == 3 end end describe :async_watch do it_should_behave_like "all success return values" before do @addtl_child = 'child3' @watcher = @cb = @rv = @zk.get_children(:path => @path, :watcher => @watcher, :watcher_context => @path, :callback => @cb, :callback_context => @path) wait_until { @cb.completed? } @cb.should be_completed end after do @zk.delete(:path => "#{@path}/#{@addtl_child}") end it %[should succeed] do @cb.return_code.should == Zookeeper::ZOK end it %[should return an array of children] do @cb.children.should be_kind_of(Array) @cb.children.length.should == 3 @cb.children.sort.should == @children.sort end it %[should have a stat object whose num_children is 3] do @cb.stat.should_not be_nil @cb.stat.should be_kind_of(ZookeeperStat::Stat) @cb.stat.num_children.should == 3 end it %[should set a watcher for children on the node] do @watcher.should_not be_completed @zk.create(:path => "#{@path}/#{@addtl_child}", :data => '')[:rc].should == Zookeeper::ZOK wait_until { @watcher.completed? } @watcher.should be_completed @watcher.path.should == @path @watcher.context.should == @path @watcher.type.should == Zookeeper::ZOO_CHILD_EVENT end end end # NOTE: the jruby version of stat on non-existent node will have a # return_code of 0, but the C version will have a return_code of -101 describe :stat do describe :sync do it_should_behave_like "all success return values" before do @rv = @zk.stat(:path => @path) end it %[should have a stat object] do @rv[:stat].should be_kind_of(Zookeeper::Stat) end end describe :sync_watch do it_should_behave_like "all success return values" before do @watcher = @rv = @zk.stat(:path => @path, :watcher => @watcher, :watcher_context => @path) end it %[should have a stat object] do @rv[:stat].should be_kind_of(Zookeeper::Stat) end it %[should set a watcher for data changes on the node] do @watcher.should_not be_completed @zk.set(:path => @path, :data => 'skunk')[:rc].should == Zookeeper::ZOK wait_until { @watcher.completed? } @watcher.should be_completed @watcher.path.should == @path @watcher.context.should == @path @watcher.type.should == Zookeeper::ZOO_CHANGED_EVENT end end describe :async do it_should_behave_like "all success return values" before do @cb = @rv = @zk.stat(:path => @path, :callback => @cb, :callback_context => @path) wait_until { @cb.completed? } @cb.should be_completed end it %[should succeed] do @cb.return_code.should == Zookeeper::ZOK end it %[should have a stat object] do @cb.stat.should be_kind_of(Zookeeper::Stat) end end describe :async_watch do it_should_behave_like "all success return values" before do @addtl_child = 'child3' @watcher = @cb = @rv = @zk.stat(:path => @path, :callback => @cb, :callback_context => @path, :watcher => @watcher, :watcher_context => @path) wait_until { @cb.completed? } @cb.should be_completed end after do @zk.delete(:path => "#{@path}/#{@addtl_child}") end it %[should succeed] do @cb.return_code.should == Zookeeper::ZOK end it %[should have a stat object] do @cb.stat.should be_kind_of(Zookeeper::Stat) end it %[should set a watcher for data changes on the node] do @watcher.should_not be_completed @zk.set(:path => @path, :data => 'skunk')[:rc].should == Zookeeper::ZOK wait_until { @watcher.completed? } @watcher.should be_completed @watcher.path.should == @path @watcher.context.should == @path @watcher.type.should == Zookeeper::ZOO_CHANGED_EVENT end end end # stat describe :create do before do # remove the path set up by the global 'before' block @zk.delete(:path => @path) end describe :sync do describe 'error' do it %[should barf if the data size is too large], :input_size => true do large_data = '0' * (1024 ** 2) lambda { @zk.create(:path => @path, :data => large_data) }.should raise_error(ZookeeperExceptions::ZookeeperException::DataTooLargeException) end end describe :default_flags do it_should_behave_like "all success return values" before do @rv = @zk.create(:path => @path) end it %[should return the path that was set] do @rv[:path].should == @path end it %[should have created a permanent node] do st = @zk.stat(:path => @path) st[:rc].should == Zookeeper::ZOK st[:stat].ephemeral_owner.should == 0 end end describe :ephemeral do it_should_behave_like "all success return values" before do @rv = @zk.create(:path => @path, :ephemeral => true) end it %[should return the path that was set] do @rv[:path].should == @path end it %[should have created a ephemeral node] do st = @zk.stat(:path => @path) st[:rc].should == Zookeeper::ZOK st[:stat].ephemeral_owner.should_not be_zero end end describe :sequence do it_should_behave_like "all success return values" before do @orig_path = @path @rv = @zk.create(:path => @path, :sequence => true) @path = @rv[:path] # make sure this gets cleaned up end it %[should return the path that was set] do @rv[:path].should_not == @orig_path end it %[should have created a permanent node] do st = @zk.stat(:path => @path) st[:rc].should == Zookeeper::ZOK st[:stat].ephemeral_owner.should be_zero end end describe :ephemeral_sequence do it_should_behave_like "all success return values" before do @orig_path = @path @rv = @zk.create(:path => @path, :sequence => true, :ephemeral => true) @path = @rv[:path] # make sure this gets cleaned up end it %[should return the path that was set] do @rv[:path].should_not == @orig_path end it %[should have created an ephemeral node] do st = @zk.stat(:path => @path) st[:rc].should == Zookeeper::ZOK st[:stat].ephemeral_owner.should_not be_zero end end describe :acl do it %[should work] do pending "need to write acl tests" end end end describe :async do before do @cb = end describe :default_flags do it_should_behave_like "all success return values" before do @rv = @zk.create(:path => @path, :callback => @cb, :callback_context => @path) wait_until(2) { @cb.completed? } @cb.should be_completed end it %[should have a path] do @cb.path.should_not be_nil end it %[should return the path that was set] do @cb.path.should == @path end it %[should have created a permanent node] do st = @zk.stat(:path => @path) st[:rc].should == Zookeeper::ZOK st[:stat].ephemeral_owner.should == 0 end end describe 'error' do it %[should barf if the data size is too large], :input_size => true do large_data = '0' * (1024 ** 2) lambda do @zk.create(:path => @path, :data => large_data, :callback => @cb, :callback_context => @path) end.should raise_error(ZookeeperExceptions::ZookeeperException::DataTooLargeException) end end describe :ephemeral do it_should_behave_like "all success return values" before do @rv = @zk.create(:path => @path, :ephemeral => true, :callback => @cb, :callback_context => @path) wait_until(2) { @cb.completed? } @cb.should be_completed end it %[should have a path] do @cb.path.should_not be_nil end it %[should return the path that was set] do @cb.path.should == @path end it %[should have created a ephemeral node] do st = @zk.stat(:path => @path) st[:rc].should == Zookeeper::ZOK st[:stat].ephemeral_owner.should_not be_zero end end describe :sequence do it_should_behave_like "all success return values" before do @orig_path = @path @rv = @zk.create(:path => @path, :sequence => true, :callback => @cb, :callback_context => @path) wait_until(2) { @cb.completed? } @cb.should be_completed @path = @cb.path end it %[should have a path] do @cb.path.should_not be_nil end it %[should return the path that was set] do @cb.path.should_not == @orig_path end it %[should have created a permanent node] do st = @zk.stat(:path => @path) st[:rc].should == Zookeeper::ZOK st[:stat].ephemeral_owner.should be_zero end end describe :ephemeral_sequence do it_should_behave_like "all success return values" before do @orig_path = @path @rv = @zk.create(:path => @path, :sequence => true, :ephemeral => true, :callback => @cb, :callback_context => @path) @path = @rv[:path] # make sure this gets cleaned up wait_until(2) { @cb.completed? } @cb.should be_completed @path = @cb.path end it %[should have a path] do @cb.path.should_not be_nil end it %[should return the path that was set] do @path.should_not == @orig_path end it %[should have created an ephemeral node] do st = @zk.stat(:path => @path) st[:rc].should == Zookeeper::ZOK st[:stat].ephemeral_owner.should_not be_zero end end # ephemeral_sequence end # async end # create describe :delete do describe :sync do describe 'without version' do it_should_behave_like "all success return values" before do @zk.create(:path => @path) @rv = @zk.delete(:path => @path) end it %[should have deleted the node] do @zk.stat(:path => @path)[:stat].exists.should be_false end end describe 'with current version' do it_should_behave_like "all success return values" before do @zk.create(:path => @path) @stat = @zk.stat(:path => @path)[:stat] @stat.exists.should be_true @rv = @zk.delete(:path => @path, :version => @stat.version) end it %[should have deleted the node] do @zk.stat(:path => @path)[:stat].exists.should be_false end end describe 'with old version' do before do 3.times { |n| @stat = @zk.set(:path => @path, :data => n.to_s)[:stat] } @rv = @zk.delete(:path => @path, :version => 0) end it %[should have a return code of ZBADVERSION] do @rv[:rc].should == Zookeeper::ZBADVERSION end end end # sync describe :async do before do @cb = end describe 'without version' do it_should_behave_like "all success return values" before do @rv = @zk.delete(:path => @path, :callback => @cb, :callback_context => @path) wait_until { @cb.completed? } @cb.should be_completed end it %[should have a success return_code] do @cb.return_code.should == Zookeeper::ZOK end it %[should have deleted the node] do @zk.stat(:path => @path)[:stat].exists.should be_false end end describe 'with current version' do it_should_behave_like "all success return values" before do @stat = @zk.stat(:path => @path)[:stat] @rv = @zk.delete(:path => @path, :version => @stat.version, :callback => @cb, :callback_context => @path) wait_until { @cb.completed? } @cb.should be_completed end it %[should have a success return_code] do @cb.return_code.should == Zookeeper::ZOK end it %[should have deleted the node] do @zk.stat(:path => @path)[:stat].exists.should be_false end end describe 'with old version' do before do 3.times { |n| @stat = @zk.set(:path => @path, :data => n.to_s)[:stat] } @rv = @zk.delete(:path => @path, :version => 0, :callback => @cb, :callback_context => @path) wait_until { @cb.completed? } @cb.should be_completed end it %[should have a return code of ZBADVERSION] do @cb.return_code.should == Zookeeper::ZBADVERSION end end end # async end # delete describe :get_acl do describe :sync do it_should_behave_like "all success return values" before do @rv = @zk.get_acl(:path => @path) end it %[should return a stat for the path] do @rv[:stat].should be_kind_of(ZookeeperStat::Stat) end it %[should return the acls] do acls = @rv[:acl] acls.should be_kind_of(Array) h = acls.first h.should be_kind_of(Hash) h[:perms].should == Zookeeper::ZOO_PERM_ALL h[:id][:scheme].should == 'world' h[:id][:id].should == 'anyone' end end describe :async do it_should_behave_like "all success return values" before do @cb = @rv = @zk.get_acl(:path => @path, :callback => @cb, :callback_context => @path) wait_until(2) { @cb.completed? } @cb.should be_completed end it %[should return a stat for the path] do @cb.stat.should be_kind_of(ZookeeperStat::Stat) end it %[should return the acls] do acls = @cb.acl acls.should be_kind_of(Array) acl = acls.first acl.should be_kind_of(ZookeeperACLs::ACL) acl.perms.should == Zookeeper::ZOO_PERM_ALL == 'world' == 'anyone' end end end describe :set_acl do before do @perms = 5 @new_acl = [ => @perms, :id => ZookeeperACLs::ZOO_ANYONE_ID_UNSAFE)] pending("No idea how to set ACLs") end describe :sync do it_should_behave_like "all success return values" before do @rv = @zk.set_acl(:path => @path, :acl => @new_acl) end end end describe :session_id do it %[should return the session_id as a Fixnum] do @zk.session_id.should be_kind_of(Fixnum) end end describe :session_passwd do it %[should return the session passwd as a String] do @zk.session_passwd.should be_kind_of(String) end end end