require 'rails' # Supply generator for Rails 3.0.x or if asset pipeline is not enabled if ::Rails.version < '3.1' || !::Rails.application.config.assets.enabled module Mootools module Generators class InstallGenerator < ::Rails::Generators::Base desc "This generator installs MooTools #{Mootools::Rails::MOOTOOLS_VERSION}, MooTools-ujs, and (optionally) MooTools More #{Mootools::Rails::MOOTOOLS_MORE_VERSION}" class_option :more, :type => :boolean, :default => false, :desc => 'Include MooTools More' source_root File.expand_path('../../../../../vendor/assets/javascripts', __FILE__) def remove_prototype Rails::PROTOTYPE_JS.each do |name| remove_file "public/javascripts/#{name}.js" end end def copy_mootools say_status('copying', "MooTools (#{Mootools::Rails::MOOTOOLS_VERSION})", :green) copy_file 'mootools.js', 'public/javascripts/mootools.js' copy_file 'mootools.min.js', 'public/javascripts/mootools.min.js' end def copy_mootools_more if options.more? say_status('copying', "MooTools More (#{Mootools::Rails::MOOTOOLS_MORE_VERSION})", :green) copy_file 'mootools-more.js', 'public/javascripts/mootools-more.js' copy_file 'mootools-more.min.js', 'public/javascripts/mootools-more.min.js' end end def copy_ujs_driver say_status('copying', "MooTools UJS adapter (#{Mootools::Rails::MOOTOOLS_UJS_VERSION[0..5]})", :green) remove_file 'public/javascripts/rails.js' copy_file 'mootools_ujs.js', 'public/javascripts/mootools_ujs.js' end end end end else module Mootools module Generators class InstallGenerator < ::Rails::Generators::Base desc 'Just show instructions so people will know what to do when mistakenly using generator for Rails 3.1 apps' def do_nothing say_status('deprecated', 'You are using Rails 3.1 with the asset pipeline enabled, so this generator is not needed.') say_status('', 'The necessary files are already in your asset pipeline.') say_status('', 'Just add `//= require mootools` and `//= require mootools_ujs` to your app/assets/javascripts/application.js') say_status('', 'If you upgraded your app from Rails 3.0 and still have mootools.js, rails.js, or mootools_ujs.js in your javascripts, be sure to remove them.') say_status('', 'If you do not want the asset pipeline enabled, you may turn it off in application.rb and re-run this generator.') # ok, nothing end end end end end