# frozen_string_literal: true require "git_plus" require "thor" require "thor/actions" require "refinements/strings" require "refinements/hashes" require "runcom" require "gemsmith/helpers/cli" require "gemsmith/helpers/template" require "pathname" module Gemsmith # The Command Line Interface (CLI) for the gem. # rubocop:disable Metrics/ClassLength class CLI < Thor include Thor::Actions include Helpers::CLI include Helpers::Template using Refinements::Strings using Refinements::Hashes package_name Identity::VERSION_LABEL # Overwrites Thor's template source root. def self.source_root Pathname(__dir__).join("templates").freeze end # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength def self.configuration repository = GitPlus::Repository.new Runcom::Config.new "#{Identity::NAME}/configuration.yml", defaults: { year: Time.now.year, github_user: repository.config_get("github.user"), gem: { label: "Undefined", name: "undefined", path: "undefined", class: "Undefined", platform: "Gem::Platform::RUBY", url: "", license: "MIT" }, author: { name: repository.config_get("user.name"), email: repository.config_get("user.email"), url: "" }, organization: { name: "", url: "" }, versions: { ruby: RUBY_VERSION, rails: "6.1" }, generate: { bundler_audit: true, circle_ci: false, cli: false, git_lint: true, git_hub: false, guard: true, pry: true, engine: false, reek: true, rspec: true, rubocop: true, simple_cov: true, security: false }, publish: { sign: false } } end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength def self.generators [ Generators::Gem, Generators::Documentation, Generators::Rake, Generators::CLI, Generators::Ruby, Generators::Engine, Generators::Rspec, Generators::BundlerAudit, Generators::GitLint, Generators::Reek, Generators::Guard, Generators::CircleCI, Generators::Bundler, Generators::GitHub, Generators::Pragma, Generators::Rubocop, Generators::Git ] end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength # Initialize. def initialize args = [], options = {}, config = {} super args, options, config @configuration = self.class.configuration rescue Runcom::Errors::Base => error abort error.message end desc "-g, [--generate=GEM]", "Generate new gem." map %w[-g --generate] => :generate method_option :bundler_audit, desc: "Add Bundler Audit support.", type: :boolean, default: configuration.to_h.dig(:generate, :bundler_audit) method_option :circle_ci, desc: "Add Circle CI support.", type: :boolean, default: configuration.to_h.dig(:generate, :circle_ci) method_option :cli, desc: "Add CLI support.", type: :boolean, default: configuration.to_h.dig(:generate, :cli) method_option :engine, desc: "Add Rails Engine support.", type: :boolean, default: configuration.to_h.dig(:generate, :engine) method_option :git_lint, desc: "Add Git Lint support.", type: :boolean, default: configuration.to_h.dig(:generate, :git_lint) method_option :git_hub, desc: "Add GitHub support.", type: :boolean, default: configuration.to_h.dig(:generate, :git_hub) method_option :guard, desc: "Add Guard support.", type: :boolean, default: configuration.to_h.dig(:generate, :guard) method_option :pry, desc: "Add Pry support.", type: :boolean, default: configuration.to_h.dig(:generate, :pry) method_option :reek, desc: "Add Reek support.", type: :boolean, default: configuration.to_h.dig(:generate, :reek) method_option :rspec, desc: "Add RSpec support.", type: :boolean, default: configuration.to_h.dig(:generate, :rspec) method_option :rubocop, desc: "Add Rubocop support.", type: :boolean, default: configuration.to_h.dig(:generate, :rubocop) method_option :simple_cov, desc: "Add SimpleCov support.", type: :boolean, default: configuration.to_h.dig(:generate, :simple_cov) method_option :security, desc: "Add security support.", type: :boolean, default: configuration.to_h.dig(:generate, :security) # :reek:TooManyStatements def generate name print_cli_and_rails_engine_option_error && return if options.cli? && options.engine? say_status :info, "Generating gem...", :green setup_configuration name: name, options: options.to_h self.class.generators.each { |generator| generator.run self, configuration: configuration } say_status :info, "Gem generation finished.", :green end desc "-o, [--open=GEM]", "Open a gem in default editor." map %w[-o --open] => :open def open name process_gem name, "edit" end desc "-r, [--read=GEM]", "Open a gem in default browser." map %w[-r --read] => :read def read name say_status :error, "Gem home page is not defined.", :red unless process_gem name, "visit" end desc "-c, [--config]", "Manage gem configuration." map %w[-c --config] => :config method_option :edit, aliases: "-e", desc: "Edit gem configuration.", type: :boolean, default: false method_option :info, aliases: "-i", desc: "Print gem configuration.", type: :boolean, default: false def config path = configuration.current if options.edit? then `#{ENV["EDITOR"]} #{path}` elsif options.info? path ? say(path) : say("Configuration doesn't exist.") else help :config end end desc "-v, [--version]", "Show gem version." map %w[-v --version] => :version def version say Identity::VERSION_LABEL end desc "-h, [--help=COMMAND]", "Show this message or get help for a command." map %w[-h --help] => :help def help task = nil say and super end private attr_reader :configuration # :reek:FeatureEnvy # rubocop:disable Metrics/MethodLength def setup_configuration name:, options: {} repository = GitPlus::Repository.new @configuration = configuration.to_h.merge( gem: { label: name.titleize, name: name, path: name.snakecase, class: name.camelcase, platform: "Gem::Platform::RUBY", url: %(https://github.com/#{repository.config_get "github.user"}/#{name}), license: "MIT" }, generate: options.symbolize_keys ) end # rubocop:enable Metrics/MethodLength def print_cli_and_rails_engine_option_error say_status :error, "Generating a gem with CLI and Rails Engine functionality is not allowed. " \ "Build separate gems for improved separation of concerns and design.", :red end end # rubocop:enable Metrics/ClassLength end