# Copyright (c) 2008-2009 The Rubyists, LLC (effortless systems) # Distributed under the terms of the MIT license. # See the LICENSE file that accompanied this software for the full MIT License text # require 'rake/gempackagetask' desc "make a gemspec" task :gemspec => [:manifest, :changelog, :authors] do gemspec_file = "#{GEMSPEC.name}.gemspec" File.open(gemspec_file, 'w+'){|gs| gs.puts(GEMSPEC.to_ruby) } end desc "package and install from gemspec" task :install => [:gemspec] do sh "gem build #{GEMSPEC.name}.gemspec" sh "gem install #{GEMSPEC.name}-#{GEMSPEC.version}.gem" end desc "uninstall the gem" task :uninstall => [:clean] do sh %{gem uninstall -x #{GEMSPEC.name}} end Rake::GemPackageTask.new(GEMSPEC) do |p| p.need_tar = true p.need_zip = true end