module SparkApi module Models class Listing < Base extend Finders attr_accessor :photos, :videos, :virtual_tours, :documents, :open_houses, :tour_of_homes, :rental_calendars attr_accessor :constraints self.element_name="listings" DATA_MASK = "********" WRITEABLE_FIELDS = ["ListPrice", "ExpirationDate"] def initialize(attributes={}) @photos = [] @videos = [] @virtual_tours = [] @rental_calendars = [] @documents = [] @constraints = [] @tour_of_homes = [] @open_houses = [] if attributes.has_key?('StandardFields') pics, vids, tours, docs, ohouses, tourhomes = attributes['StandardFields'].values_at('Photos','Videos', 'VirtualTours', 'Documents', 'OpenHouses', 'TourOfHomes') end if attributes.has_key?('RentalCalendar') rentalcalendars = attributes['RentalCalendar'] end if pics != nil setup_attribute(@photos, pics, Photo) attributes['StandardFields'].delete('Photos') end if vids != nil setup_attribute(@videos, vids, Video) attributes['StandardFields'].delete('Videos') end if tours != nil setup_attribute(@virtual_tours, tours, VirtualTour) attributes['StandardFields'].delete('VirtualTours') end if docs != nil setup_attribute(@documents, docs, Document) attributes['StandardFields'].delete('Documents') end if ohouses != nil setup_attribute(@open_houses, ohouses, OpenHouse) attributes['StandardFields'].delete('OpenHouses') end if tourhomes != nil setup_attribute(@tour_of_homes, tourhomes, TourOfHome) attributes['StandardFields'].delete('TourOfHomes') end if rentalcalendars != nil setup_attribute(@rental_calendars, rentalcalendars, RentalCalendar) attributes.delete('RentalCalendar') end super(attributes) end def self.find_by_cart_id(cart_id, options={}) query = {:_filter => "ListingCart Eq '#{cart_id}'"} find(:all, options.merge(query)) end def{}) collect(connection.get("/my/listings", arguments)) end def{}) collect(connection.get("/office/listings", arguments)) end def{}) collect(connection.get("/company/listings", arguments)) end def self.nearby(latitude, longitude, arguments={}) nearby_args = {:_lat => latitude, :_lon => longitude}.merge(arguments) collect(connection.get("/listings/nearby", nearby_args)) end def self.tour_of_homes(arguments={}) collect(connection.get("/listings/tourofhomes", arguments)) end def tour_of_homes(arguments={}) @tour_of_homes ||= TourOfHome.find_by_listing_key(self.Id, arguments) return @tour_of_homes unless @tour_of_homes.nil? end def rental_calendars(arguments={}) @rental_calendars ||= RentalCalendar.find_by_listing_key(self.Id, arguments) return @rental_calendars unless @rental_calendars.nil? end def open_houses(arguments={}) @open_houses ||= OpenHouse.find_by_listing_key(self.Id, arguments) return @open_houses unless @open_houses.nil? end def my_notes Note.build_subclass.tap do |note| note.prefix = "/listings/#{self.ListingKey}" note.element_name = "/my/notes" end end # 'fore' is required when accessing an agent's shared # notes for a specific contact. If the ApiUser /is/ the # contact, then it can be inferred by the api, so it's # unecessary def shared_notes(fore=nil) Note.build_subclass.tap do |note| note.prefix = "/listings/#{self.ListingKey}" if fore.nil? note.element_name = "/shared/notes" else note.element_name = "/shared/notes/contacts/#{fore}" end end end def street_address (self.UnparsedFirstLineAddress || '').delete(DATA_MASK).strip().gsub(/\s{2,}/, ' ') end def region_address "#{self.City}, #{self.StateOrProvince} #{self.PostalCode}".delete(DATA_MASK).strip().gsub(/^,\s/, '').gsub(/,$/, '') end def full_address "#{self.street_address}, #{self.region_address}".strip().gsub(/^,\s/, '').gsub(/,$/, '') end def save(arguments={}) self.errors = [] begin return save!(arguments) rescue BadResourceRequest => e self.errors << {:code => e.code, :message => e.message} if e.code == 1053 @constraints = [] e.details.each do |detail| detail.each_pair do |k,v| v.each { |constraint| @constraints <<} end end end SparkApi.logger.warn { "Failed to save resource #{self}: #{e.message}" } rescue NotFound => e SparkApi.logger.error { "Failed to save resource #{self}: #{e.message}" } end false end def save!(arguments={}) writable_changed_keys = changed & WRITEABLE_FIELDS if writable_changed_keys.empty? SparkApi.logger.warn { "No supported listing change detected" } else results = connection.put "#{self.class.path}/#{self.Id}", build_hash(writable_changed_keys), arguments @contstraints = [] results.details.each do |detail| detail.each_pair do |k,v| v.each { |constraint| @constraints <<} end end end true end def reorder_photos(arguments={}) begin return reorder_photos!(arguments) rescue BadResourceRequest => e SparkApi.logger.warn { "Failed to save resource #{self}: #{e.message}" } rescue NotFound => e SparkApi.logger.error { "Failed to save resource #{self}: #{e.message}" } end false end def reorder_photos!(arguments={}) results = connection.put subresource_path("photos"), arguments true end def reorder_photo(photo_id, index) unless Integer(index) raise ArgumentError, "Photo reorder failed. '#{index}' is not a number." end begin return reorder_photo!(photo_id, index) rescue BadResourceRequest => e SparkApi.logger.warn { "Failed to save resource #{self}: #{e.message}" } rescue NotFound => e SparkApi.logger.error { "Failed to save resource #{self}: #{e.message}" } end false end def reorder_photo!(photo_id, index) connection.put subresource_path("photos") + "/#{photo_id}", "Photos" => [{"Order"=>index}] true end def editable?(editable_settings = []) settings = Array(editable_settings) editable = attributes.include?("Permissions") && self.Permissions["Editable"] == true if editable settings.each{ |setting| editable = false unless self.Permissions["EditableSettings"][setting.to_s] == true } end editable end def ExpirationDate attributes["ExpirationDate"] end def ExpirationDate=(value) write_attribute("ExpirationDate", value) end def respond_to?(method_symbol, include_all=false) if super true else attributes['StandardFields'].include?(method_symbol.to_s) rescue false end end def delete_photos!(photoIds, args={}) connection.delete subresource_path("photos") + "/#{photoIds}", args end def delete_photos(photoIds, args={}) unless photoIds.is_a? String raise ArgumentError, "Batch photo delete failed. '#{photoIds}' is not a string." end begin return delete_photos!(photoIds, args) rescue BadResourceRequest => e SparkApi.logger.warn { "Failed to delete photos from resource #{self}: #{e.message}" } rescue NotFound => e SparkApi.logger.error { "Failed to delete photos from resource #{self}: #{e.message}" } end false end private # TODO trim this down so we're only overriding the StandardFields access def method_missing(method_symbol, *arguments) method_name = method_symbol.to_s if method_name =~ /(=|\?)$/ case $1 when "=" write_attribute($`,arguments.first) # TODO figure out a nice way to present setters for the standard fields when "?" attributes[$`] end else return attributes[method_name] if attributes.include?(method_name) return @attributes['StandardFields'][method_name] if attributes['StandardFields'].include?(method_name) super end end def build_hash(keys) hash = {} keys.each do |key| hash[key] = attributes[key] end hash end # Determine if passed a model or hash and push instance of Klass onto attributes array def setup_attribute(attributes, collection, klass) collection.collect do |c| attribute = (c.instance_of? klass) ? c : attributes.push(attribute) end end def subresource_path(subresource) "#{self.class.path}/#{self.Id}/#{subresource}" end end end end