# encoding: utf-8 module RailsBestPractices module Reviews # review a controller file to make sure to use model association instead of foreign key id assignment. # # See the best practice details here http://rails-bestpractices.com/posts/2-use-model-association. # # Implementation: # # Review process: # check model define nodes in all controller files, # if there is an attribute assignment node with message xxx_id=, # and after it, there is a call node with message "save" or "save!", # and the receivers of attribute assignment node and call node are the same, # then model association should be used instead of xxx_id assignment. class UseModelAssociationReview < Review interesting_nodes :def interesting_files CONTROLLER_FILES url "http://rails-bestpractices.com/posts/2-use-model-association" # check method define nodes to see if there are some attribute assignments that can use model association instead. # # it will check attribute assignment node with message xxx_id=, and call node with message "save" or "save!" # # 1. if there is an attribute assignment node with message xxx_id=, # then remember the receiver of attribute assignment node. # 2. after assignment, if there is a call node with message "save" or "save!", # and the receiver of call node is one of the receiver of attribute assignment node, # then the attribute assignment should be replaced by using model association. add_callback :start_def do |node| @assignments = {} node.recursive_children do |child| case child.sexp_type when :assign attribute_assignment(child) when :call call_assignment(child) else end end @assignments = nil end private # check an attribute assignment node, if its message is xxx_id, # then remember the receiver of the attribute assignment in @assignments. def attribute_assignment(node) if node.left_value.message.to_s =~ /_id$/ receiver = node.left_value.receiver.to_s @assignments[receiver] = true end end # check a call node with message "save" or "save!", # if the receiver of call node exists in @assignments, # then the attribute assignment should be replaced by using model association. def call_assignment(node) if ["save", "save!"].include? node.message.to_s receiver = node.receiver.to_s add_error "use model association (for #{receiver})" if @assignments[receiver] end end end end end