--- - cmd: init help: init mkit client request: {} - cmd: ps usage: - "[service_id_or_name]" help: show services status (alias for status) args: - name: id help: - id - Service id or name mandatory: false uri: "/<%=id%>" request: verb: get uri: "/services" - cmd: status usage: - "[service_id_or_name]" help: show services status args: - name: id help: - id - Service id or name mandatory: false uri: "/<%=id%>" request: verb: get uri: "/services" - cmd: start usage: - "" help: start service args: - name: id help: - id - Service id or name mandatory: true request: verb: put uri: "/services/<%=id%>/start" - cmd: stop usage: - "" help: stop service args: - name: id help: - id - Service id or name mandatory: true request: verb: put uri: "/services/<%=id%>/stop" - cmd: restart usage: - "" help: restart service args: - name: id help: - id - Service id or name mandatory: true request: verb: put uri: "/services/<%=id%>/restart" - cmd: create usage: - "" help: create new service args: - name: file help: - file - Service definition mandatory: true request: verb: post uri: "/services" - cmd: update usage: - "" help: update service args: - name: file help: - file - Service definition mandatory: true request: verb: put uri: "/services/<%=id%>" - cmd: get request: verb: get uri: "/services/<%=id%>" defaults: format: yaml usage: - " [options]" help: print service configuration args: - name: id help: - id - Service id or name mandatory: true - name: format help: - -y - ...as yaml format (default) mandatory: false param: "yaml" type: flag switch: - "-y" - name: format help: - -j - ...as json format mandatory: false param: "json" type: flag switch: - "-j" - name: format help: - -t - ...as table format (i.e. status format) mandatory: false param: "table" type: flag switch: - "-t" - name: details help: - -d - include service dynamic details mandatory: false param: "<%=true%>" type: flag switch: - "-d" - cmd: rm usage: - "" help: remove service args: - name: id help: - id - Service id or name mandatory: true request: verb: delete uri: "/services/<%=id%>" - cmd: exec usage: - " [options] -- [args...]" help: execute a command in a running pod request: verb: ws_console uri: "/services/<%=id%>/pods/exec" args: - name: id help: - id - Service id or name mandatory: true - name: pod_id help: - -p - Execute command for specified pod (default first) mandatory: false param: "<%=pod_id%>" type: option switch: - "-p" - name: detached help: - -d - Run command in background mandatory: false param: "<%=true%>" type: flag switch: - "-d" - name: separator help: - -- - Ends mkit options and starts the command mandatory: false type: separator - name: varargs help: - command - Command and options mandatory: true type: varargs param: <%=varargs%> - cmd: logs usage: - " [-p ] [-f] [-n ]" help: view service logs request: verb: ws # new type uri: "/services/<%=id%>/logs" args: - name: id mandatory: true # uri: "/<%=id%>" # if exists, add it to main type: value # option | flag | value # option takes a value, flag does not takes a value, value is like id_or_name help: - id - Service id or name - name: pod_id help: - -p - Show logs for specified pod (default first) mandatory: false param: "<%=pod_id%>" type: option switch: - "-p" - name: follow help: - -f - Follow log output mandatory: false param: "<%=true%>" # templated. param ou uri - param -> add query parameter name=param_value type: flag switch: - "-f" - name: nr_lines help: - -n - Number of lines to show from the end of the logs (default 10) mandatory: false param: "<%=nr_lines%>" type: option switch: - "-n" - cmd: version help: prints mkit client and server version request: verb: get uri: "/mkit/version" - cmd: proxy usage: - "" help: haproxy status and control options: - cmd: start help: start proxy service request: verb: put uri: "/mkit/proxy/start" - cmd: stop help: stop proxy service request: verb: put uri: "/mkit/proxy/stop" - cmd: restart help: restarts proxy service request: verb: put uri: "/mkit/proxy/restart" - cmd: status help: proxy service status request: verb: get uri: "/mkit/proxy/status" - cmd: profile usage: - "<[set ]|[show]>" help: mkit client configuration profile options: - cmd: set help: set mkit client configuration profile usage: - "" request: verb: set args: - name: profile help: - profile - profile name mandatory: true - cmd: show help: show mkit client current profile request: verb: show