<% if @coverage_results.size == 0 %>

You made Spout cry... :'-(

No CSVs found in <%= Dir.pwd %>/csvs/<%= @subject_loader.csv_directory %>/

<% else %>
Data Dictionary Version
<%= @standard_version %>
Dataset Directory
csvs/<%= @subject_loader.csv_directory %>
<% if @extra_variable_ids.size > 0 %> <% end %> <% if @extra_domain_ids.size > 0 %> <% end %> <% @coverage_results.each do |csv, total_column_count, mapped_column_count| %> <% end %>
CSV Coverage Total Columns Defined Columns Missed
Variables Not Found in Any CSV <%= number_with_delimiter(@extra_variable_ids.size) %>
Domains Not Referenced by Any Variable <%= number_with_delimiter(@extra_domain_ids.size) %>
<%= csv %> <% if total_column_count.to_i > 0 %> <%= "%0.02f %" % (mapped_column_count * 100.0 / total_column_count) %> <% else %> --- <% end %> <%= number_with_delimiter(total_column_count) %> <%= number_with_delimiter(mapped_column_count) %> <%= number_with_delimiter(total_column_count - mapped_column_count) %>
<% if @extra_domain_ids.size > 0 %> <% @extra_domain_ids.each do |domain_id| %> <% end %>
Error Domain File Solution
Not referenced by any variable <%= domain_id %> <%= domain_id %>.json Recommend to remove this domain from data dictionary as no existing variable references the domain.
<% end %> <% @extra_variable_ids.each do |variable_id| %> <% end %> <% @matching_results.each do |csv_files, column, scr| %> <% end %>
CSV Column JSON File Variable ID Variable Type Variable Domain Values


<%= total_count = @matching_results.count %>

<% matched = @matching_results.count{|csv_files, column, scr| scr.file_name_test} %> <% matched_percent = (total_count == 0 ? 0 : (matched * 100.0 / total_count).floor) %> <% missing_percent = 100 - matched_percent %> <%= number_with_delimiter(matched) %> of <%= number_with_delimiter(total_count) %>
<% matched = @matching_results.count{|csv_files, column, scr| scr.json_id_test} %> <% matched_percent = (total_count == 0 ? 0 : (matched * 100.0 / total_count).floor) %> <% missing_percent = 100 - matched_percent %> <%= number_with_delimiter(matched) %> of <%= number_with_delimiter(total_count) %>
<% matched = @matching_results.count{|csv_files, column, scr| scr.variable_type_test} %> <% matched_percent = (total_count == 0 ? 0 : (matched * 100.0 / total_count).floor) %> <% missing_percent = 100 - matched_percent %> <%= number_with_delimiter(matched) %> of <%= number_with_delimiter(total_count) %>
<% matched = @matching_results.count{|csv_files, column, scr| scr.json["type"] == "choices" and scr.domain_test} %> <% total_count = @matching_results.count{|csv_files, column, scr| scr.json["type"] == "choices"} %> <% matched_percent = (total_count == 0 ? 0 : (matched * 100.0 / total_count).floor) %> <% missing_percent = 100 - matched_percent %> <%= number_with_delimiter(matched) %> of <%= number_with_delimiter(total_count) %>
  • Value exists in dataset, and value exists in domain
  • Value does not exist in dataset, but value exists in domain
  • Value exists in dataset, but value does not exist in domain
Not in any CSV file <%= variable_id %> <%= variable_id %>.json Recommend to remove this variable from data dictionary as this variable does not exist in any CSV.
<% csv_files.each do |csv_file| %> "><%= csv_file.gsub(/^csvs\/#{@subject_loader.csv_directory}\//, "") %>
<% end %>
<%= column %> <% if scr.file_name_test %>
<% else %> <%= column %>.json missing <% end %>
<% if scr.file_name_test %> <% if scr.json_id_test %> "id": "<%= column %>" <% else %> "id": <%= scr.json["id"].inspect %> <% end %> <% end %> <% if scr.file_name_test %> ">"type": <%= scr.json["type"].inspect %> <% end %> <% if (scr.json["type"] == "choices" || scr.json["domain"].to_s.downcase.strip != "") && scr.file_name_test %> <% if scr.domain_test || scr.json["domain"].to_s.strip == "" %> ">"domain": <%= scr.json["domain"].inspect %> <% else %> <%= scr.json["domain"] %>.json missing <% end %> <% end %> <% if scr.json["type"] == "choices" || scr.json["domain"].to_s.downcase.strip != "" %> <% unused_domain_values = scr.valid_values - scr.csv_values %> <% unused_values = (scr.valid_values | scr.csv_values) - (scr.valid_values & scr.csv_values) %> <% if scr.values_test && unused_values.empty? %>
<% else %> <% (scr.valid_values + scr.csv_values.compact.sort).uniq.each do |value| %> <% value_as_number = format("%g", value) rescue value_as_number = nil %> <% next if !scr.valid_values.include?(value) && %w(numeric integer).include?(scr.json["type"]) && !value_as_number.nil? %> <% class_type = "" %> <% class_type = "success" if scr.valid_values.include?(value) %> <% class_type = "default" if unused_domain_values.include?(value) %> <%= value %> <% end %> <% end %> <% end %>
<% end %>