# TalonOne::Account ## Properties Name | Type | Description | Notes ------------ | ------------- | ------------- | ------------- **id** | **Integer** | Internal ID of this entity. | **created** | **DateTime** | The time this entity was created. | **modified** | **DateTime** | The time this entity was last modified. | **company_name** | **String** | | **domain_name** | **String** | Subdomain Name for yourcompany.talon.one. | **state** | **String** | State of the account (active, deactivated). | **billing_email** | **String** | The billing email address associated with your company account. | **plan_name** | **String** | The name of your booked plan. | [optional] **plan_expires** | **DateTime** | The point in time at which your current plan expires. | [optional] **application_limit** | **Integer** | The maximum number of Applications covered by your plan. | [optional] **user_limit** | **Integer** | The maximum number of Campaign Manager Users covered by your plan. | [optional] **campaign_limit** | **Integer** | The maximum number of Campaigns covered by your plan. | [optional] **api_limit** | **Integer** | The maximum number of Integration API calls covered by your plan per billing period. | [optional] **application_count** | **Integer** | The current number of Applications in your account. | **user_count** | **Integer** | The current number of Campaign Manager Users in your account. | **campaigns_active_count** | **Integer** | The current number of active Campaigns in your account. | **campaigns_inactive_count** | **Integer** | The current number of inactive Campaigns in your account. | **attributes** | [**Object**](.md) | Arbitrary properties associated with this campaign. | [optional] ## Code Sample ```ruby require 'TalonOne' instance = TalonOne::Account.new(id: 6, created: 2020-06-10T09:05:27.993483Z, modified: 2021-09-12T10:12:42Z, company_name: null, domain_name: null, state: null, billing_email: null, plan_name: null, plan_expires: null, application_limit: null, user_limit: null, campaign_limit: null, api_limit: null, application_count: null, user_count: null, campaigns_active_count: null, campaigns_inactive_count: null, attributes: null) ```