import java.util.List; import java.util.Arrays; import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.Ignore; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; public class KindergartenGardenTest { @Test public void singleStudent() { String student = "Alice"; String plants = "RC\nGG"; List expected = Arrays.asList(Plant.RADISHES, Plant.CLOVER, Plant.GRASS, Plant.GRASS); assertEquals( expected, new KindergartenGarden(plants).getPlantsOfStudent(student) ); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void singleStudent2() { String student = "Alice"; String plants = "VC\nRC"; List expected = Arrays.asList(Plant.VIOLETS, Plant.CLOVER, Plant.RADISHES, Plant.CLOVER); assertEquals( expected, new KindergartenGarden(plants).getPlantsOfStudent(student) ); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void twoStudents() { String student = "Bob"; String plants = "VVCG\nVVRC"; List expected = Arrays.asList(Plant.CLOVER, Plant.GRASS, Plant.RADISHES, Plant.CLOVER); assertEquals( expected, new KindergartenGarden(plants).getPlantsOfStudent(student) ); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void oneGardenSecondStudent() { String student = "Bob"; String plants = "VVCCGG\nVVCCGG"; List expected = Arrays.asList(Plant.CLOVER, Plant.CLOVER, Plant.CLOVER, Plant.CLOVER); assertEquals( expected, new KindergartenGarden(plants).getPlantsOfStudent(student) ); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void oneGardenThirdStudent() { String student = "Charlie"; String plants = "VVCCGG\nVVCCGG"; List expected = Arrays.asList(Plant.GRASS, Plant.GRASS, Plant.GRASS, Plant.GRASS); assertEquals( expected, new KindergartenGarden(plants).getPlantsOfStudent(student) ); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void fullGardenFirstStudent() { String student = "Alice"; String plants = "VRCGVVRVCGGCCGVRGCVCGCGV\nVRCCCGCRRGVCGCRVVCVGCGCV"; List expected = Arrays.asList(Plant.VIOLETS, Plant.RADISHES, Plant.VIOLETS, Plant.RADISHES); assertEquals( expected, new KindergartenGarden(plants).getPlantsOfStudent(student) ); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void fullGardenSecondStudent() { String student = "Bob"; String plants = "VRCGVVRVCGGCCGVRGCVCGCGV\nVRCCCGCRRGVCGCRVVCVGCGCV"; List expected = Arrays.asList(Plant.CLOVER, Plant.GRASS, Plant.CLOVER, Plant.CLOVER); assertEquals( expected, new KindergartenGarden(plants).getPlantsOfStudent(student) ); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void fullGardenSecondToLastStudent() { String student = "Kincaid"; String plants = "VRCGVVRVCGGCCGVRGCVCGCGV\nVRCCCGCRRGVCGCRVVCVGCGCV"; List expected = Arrays.asList(Plant.GRASS, Plant.CLOVER, Plant.CLOVER, Plant.GRASS); assertEquals( expected, new KindergartenGarden(plants).getPlantsOfStudent(student) ); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void fullGardenLastStudent() { String student = "Larry"; String plants = "VRCGVVRVCGGCCGVRGCVCGCGV\nVRCCCGCRRGVCGCRVVCVGCGCV"; List expected = Arrays.asList(Plant.GRASS, Plant.VIOLETS, Plant.CLOVER, Plant.VIOLETS); assertEquals( expected, new KindergartenGarden(plants).getPlantsOfStudent(student) ); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void customStudentGardenFirstStudent() { String[] studentArray = {"Samantha", "Patricia", "Xander", "Roger"}; String student = "Patricia"; String plants = "VCRRGVRG\nRVGCCGCV"; List expected = Arrays.asList(Plant.VIOLETS, Plant.CLOVER, Plant.RADISHES, Plant.VIOLETS); assertEquals( expected, new KindergartenGarden(plants, studentArray).getPlantsOfStudent(student) ); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void customStudentGardenSecondStudent() { String[] studentArray = {"Samantha", "Patricia", "Xander", "Roger"}; String student = "Roger"; String plants = "VCRRGVRG\nRVGCCGCV"; List expected = Arrays.asList(Plant.RADISHES, Plant.RADISHES, Plant.GRASS, Plant.CLOVER); assertEquals( expected, new KindergartenGarden(plants, studentArray).getPlantsOfStudent(student) ); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void customStudentGardenThirdStudent() { String[] studentArray = {"Samantha", "Patricia", "Xander", "Roger"}; String student = "Samantha"; String plants = "VCRRGVRG\nRVGCCGCV"; List expected = Arrays.asList(Plant.GRASS, Plant.VIOLETS, Plant.CLOVER, Plant.GRASS); assertEquals( expected, new KindergartenGarden(plants, studentArray).getPlantsOfStudent(student) ); } @Ignore("Remove to run test") @Test public void customStudentGardenFourthStudent() { String[] studentArray = {"Samantha", "Patricia", "Xander", "Roger"}; String student = "Xander"; String plants = "VCRRGVRG\nRVGCCGCV"; List expected = Arrays.asList(Plant.RADISHES, Plant.GRASS, Plant.CLOVER, Plant.VIOLETS); assertEquals( expected, new KindergartenGarden(plants, studentArray).getPlantsOfStudent(student) ); } }