# -*- encoding: utf-8 -*- require 'helper' describe Octokit::Client::Users do before do @client = Octokit::Client.new(:login => 'sferik') end describe ".search_users" do context "with a username passed" do it "should return matching username" do stub_get("https://api.github.com/legacy/user/search/sferik"). to_return(:body => fixture("legacy/users.json")) users = @client.search_users("sferik") users.first.username.should == "sferik" end end end describe ".user" do context "with a username passed" do it "should return the user" do stub_get("/users/sferik"). to_return(:body => fixture("v3/user.json")) user = @client.user("sferik") user.login.should == "sferik" end end context "without a username passed" do it "should return the authenticated user" do stub_get("/user"). to_return(:body => fixture("v3/user.json")) user = @client.user user.login.should == "sferik" end end end describe ".update_user" do context "with a location passed" do it "should update the user's location" do stub_patch("/user"). with(:body => {:name => "Erik Michaels-Ober", :email => "sferik@gmail.com", :company => "Code for America", :location => "San Francisco", :hireable => false}). to_return(:body => fixture("v3/user.json")) user = @client.update_user(:name => "Erik Michaels-Ober", :email => "sferik@gmail.com", :company => "Code for America", :location => "San Francisco", :hireable => false) user.login.should == "sferik" end end end describe ".followers" do context "with a username passed" do it "should return the user's followers" do stub_get("https://api.github.com/users/sferik/followers"). to_return(:body => fixture("v3/followers.json")) users = @client.followers("sferik") users.first.login.should == "puls" end end context "without a username passed" do it "should return the user's followers" do stub_get("https://api.github.com/users/sferik/followers"). to_return(:body => fixture("v3/followers.json")) users = @client.followers users.first.login.should == "puls" end end end describe ".following" do context "with a username passed" do it "should return the user's following" do stub_get("https://api.github.com/users/sferik/following"). to_return(:body => fixture("v3/following.json")) users = @client.following("sferik") users.first.login.should == "rails" end end context "without a username passed" do it "should return the user's following" do stub_get("https://api.github.com/users/sferik/following"). to_return(:body => fixture("v3/following.json")) users = @client.following users.first.login.should == "rails" end end end describe ".follows?" do context "with one user following another" do it "should return true" do stub_get("https://api.github.com/user/following/puls"). to_return(:status => 204, :body => "") follows = @client.follows?("sferik", "puls") follows.should be_true end end context "with one user not following another" do it "should return false" do stub_get("https://api.github.com/user/following/dogbrainz"). to_return(:status => 404, :body => "") follows = @client.follows?("sferik", "dogbrainz") follows.should be_false end end end describe ".follow" do it "should follow a user" do stub_put("https://api.github.com/user/following/dianakimball"). to_return(:status => 204, :body => "") following = @client.follow("dianakimball") following.should be_true end end describe ".unfollow" do it "should unfollow a user" do stub_delete("https://api.github.com/user/following/dogbrainz"). to_return(:status => 204, :body => "") following = @client.unfollow("dogbrainz") following.should be_true end end describe ".starred?" do context "with on user starring a repo" do it "should return true" do stub_get("https://api.github.com/user/starred/sferik/rails_admin"). to_return(:status => 204, :body => "") starred = @client.starred?("sferik", "rails_admin") starred.should be_true end end context "with on user not starring a repo" do it "should return false" do stub_get("https://api.github.com/user/starred/sferik/dogbrainz"). to_return(:status => 404, :body => "") starred = @client.starred?("sferik", "dogbrainz") starred.should be_false end end end describe ".starred" do context "with a username passed" do it "should return starred repositories" do stub_get("https://api.github.com/users/sferik/starred"). to_return(:body => fixture("v3/starred.json")) repositories = @client.starred("sferik") repositories.first.name.should == "grit" end end context "without a username passed" do it "should return starred repositories" do stub_get("https://api.github.com/users/sferik/starred"). to_return(:body => fixture("v3/starred.json")) repositories = @client.starred repositories.first.name.should == "grit" end end end describe ".watched" do context "with a username passed" do it "should return watched repositories" do stub_get("https://api.github.com/users/sferik/watched"). to_return(:body => fixture("v3/watched.json")) repositories = @client.watched("sferik") repositories.first.name.should == "grit" end end context "without a username passed" do it "should return watched repositories" do stub_get("https://api.github.com/users/sferik/watched"). to_return(:body => fixture("v3/watched.json")) repositories = @client.watched repositories.first.name.should == "grit" end end end describe ".keys" do it "should return public keys" do stub_get("https://api.github.com/user/keys"). to_return(:body => fixture("v3/public_keys.json")) public_keys = @client.keys public_keys.first.id.should == 103205 end end describe ".add_key" do it "should add a public key" do title, key = "Moss", "ssh-dss AAAAB3NzaC1kc3MAAACBAJz7HanBa18ad1YsdFzHO5Wy1/WgXd4BV+czbKq7q23jungbfjN3eo2a0SVdxux8GG+RZ9ia90VD/X+PE4s3LV60oXZ7PDAuyPO1CTF0TaDoKf9mPaHcPa6agMJVocMsgBgwviWT1Q9VgN1SccDsYVDtxkIAwuw25YeHZlG6myx1AAAAFQCgW+OvXWUdUJPBGkRJ8ML7uf0VHQAAAIAlP5G96tTss0SKYVSCJCyocn9cyGQdNjxah4/aYuYFTbLI1rxk7sr/AkZfJNIoF2UFyO5STbbratykIQGUPdUBg1a2t72bu31x+4ZYJMngNsG/AkZ2oqLiH6dJKHD7PFx2oSPalogwsUV7iSMIZIYaPa03A9763iFsN0qJjaed+gAAAIBxz3Prxdzt/os4XGXSMNoWcS03AFC/05NOkoDMrXxQnTTpp1wrOgyRqEnKz15qC5dWk1ynzK+LJXHDZGA8lXPfCjHpJO3zrlZ/ivvLhgPdDpt13MAhIJFH06hTal0woxbk/fIdY71P3kbgXC0Ppx/0S7BC+VxqRCA4/wcM+BoDbA== host" stub_post("https://api.github.com/user/keys"). with(:title => title, :key => key). to_return(:status => 201, :body => fixture("v3/public_key.json")) public_key = @client.add_key(title, key) public_key.id.should == 103205 end end describe ".remove_key" do it "should remove a public key" do stub_delete("https://api.github.com/user/keys/103205"). to_return(:status => 204, :body => "") response = @client.remove_key(103205) response.should be_true end end describe ".emails" do it "should return email addresses" do stub_get("https://api.github.com/user/emails"). to_return(:body => fixture("v3/emails.json")) emails = @client.emails emails.first.should == "sferik@gmail.com" end end describe ".add_email" do it "should add an email address" do stub_post("https://api.github.com/user/emails"). with(:email => "sferik@gmail.com"). to_return(:body => fixture("v3/emails.json")) emails = @client.add_email("sferik@gmail.com") emails.first.should == "sferik@gmail.com" end end describe ".remove_email" do it "should remove an email address" do stub_delete("https://api.github.com/user/emails?email=sferik@gmail.com"). to_return(:status => 204, :body => "") response = @client.remove_email("sferik@gmail.com") response.should be_true end end end