Use helpers `body` and `format` to define content of http message, and how it should be formatted. We support several formats, namely: `:json` (default), `:text`, `:form`, `:yaml`, and `:multipart`. ## Plain Formats With default `:json` format, the body should be a hash: ```ruby class CatsAPI < Evil::Client format { :json } # ... scope :cats do # ... operation :create do option :species option :name body { { species: species, name: name } } end end end ``` Before sending to the stack of [middleware], it will be dumped: ```ruby CatsAPI.cats.create species: "Acinonyx jubatus", name: "Cheetah" # sends a request with a body: '{"species":"Acinonyx jubatus","name":"Cheetah"}' # and a header "Content-Type": "application/json" ``` The same content, but formatted as `:yaml` will send another body and header: ```ruby class CatsAPI < Evil::Client format { :yaml } end CatsAPI.cats.create species: "Acinonyx jubatus", name: "Cheetah" # sends a request with a body: "---\n:species: Acinonyx jubatus\n:name: Cheetah\n' # and a header "Content-Type": "application/yaml" ``` The `:form` format will make body url encoded: ```ruby class CatsAPI < Evil::Client format { :form } end CatsAPI.cats.create species: "Acinonyx jubatus", name: "Cheetah" # sends a request with a body: "species=Acinonyx jubatus&name=Cheetah" # and a header "Content-Type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ``` The `:text` just stringifies it as is: ```ruby class CatsAPI < Evil::Client format { :text } end CatsAPI.cats.create species: "Acinonyx jubatus", name: "Cheetah" # sends a request with a body: '{:species=>"Acionyx jubatus",:name=>"Cheetah"}' # and a header "Content-Type": "text/plain" ``` This format doesn't require the body to be hash. It can be anything. ## Multipart Formats When you need sending files you should select the `:multipart` format. This time the whole body is formatted as `form/multipart`. Depending on its type (hash, file, StringIO), the content will be formatted correspondingly. Arrays are treated as several parts of the body. All other objects will be stringified. ```ruby class CatsAPI < Evil::Client # ... scope :cats do # ... operation :upload do option :files, method(:Array) format { :multipart } body { files } end end end CatsAPI.cats.upload files: ["Cheetah"),"Lion")] ``` [middleware]: