# @internal
# Yet another hack how to enable the syntax highlighting for the byebug gem. Works for v10.0.0 and higher.
# (See https://gist.github.com/marian13/5dade20a431d7254db30e543167058ce)
# WARNING: Although this hack is based on the monkey patching,
# use this technique for other issues in your own codebases with a precaution.
require "byebug/runner" unless defined? Byebug::VERSION
if Gem::Version.new(Byebug::VERSION) >= Gem::Version.new("10.0.0")
module Byebug
class SourceFileFormatter
# This is a replacement of the internal Byebug::SourceFileFormatter.file method
# which adds syntax highlighting capability to it.
# The original implementation simply returns the file path
# which is passed to the Byebug::SourceFileFormatter constructor just as file.
# (See https://github.com/deivid-rodriguez/byebug/blob/master/lib/byebug/source_file_formatter.rb#L13)
# The current replacement, instead of returning the original file path,
# returns a copy of it, where the syntax is highlighted by the Rouge gem(A pure Ruby code highlighter).
# (See https://github.com/rouge-ruby/rouge)
# In order to create a copy, it utilizes Ruby's tempfile stdlib.
# (See https://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.7.0/libdoc/tempfile/rdoc/Tempfile.html)
# A tempfile is automatically deleted from the underlying OS when it is garbage-collected.
def file
@highlighted_file ||=
if defined? Rouge
source = File.read(@file)
theme = Rouge::Themes::Monokai.new
formatter = Rouge::Formatters::Terminal256.new(theme)
lexer = Rouge::Lexers::Ruby.new
dest = formatter.format(lexer.lex(source))
# Tempfile with the highlighted syntax is assigned to the instance variable
# in order to prevent its premature garbage collection.
@tempfile_with_highlighted_syntax = Tempfile.new.tap { |t| t.write(dest) }.tap(&:close)
warn %q{Rouge(a pure Ruby code highlighter) is not defined. Maybe you forgot to require it? (require 'rouge')}
warn "Byebug version is lower than v10.0.0..."