require 'spec_helper' describe MB::Component do let(:environment) { 'mb-test' } let(:chef_conn) { double('chef_conn') } let(:plugin) { double(MB::Plugin) } subject { component } let(:component) {"activemq", plugin) do group "masters" do # block end end } describe "#command" do let(:component) do"activemq", plugin) do command "existing" do # block end end end subject { component.command(name) } context "when the component has a command matching the given name" do let(:name) { "existing" } it { should be_a(MB::Command) } it { name.should eql("existing") } end context "when the component does not have a command matching the given name" do let(:name) { "not-there" } it { should be_nil } end end describe "#command!" do before do subject.stub(command: nil) end it "raises a CommandNotFound error when no matching command is present" do expect { subject.command!("stop") }.to raise_error(MB::CommandNotFound) end end describe "#description" do subject { component.description } it { should eq("activemq component commands") } context "with a description" do let(:component) {"activemq", plugin) do description "ActiveMQ" end } it { should eq("ActiveMQ") } end end describe "#groups" do subject do"activemq", plugin) do group "masters" do # block end end end it "returns a Set of Group objects" do subject.groups.should be_a(Set) subject.groups.should each be_a(MB::Group) end end describe "#group" do subject do"activemq", plugin) do group "masters" do # block end end end it "returns the group matching the given name" do"masters").name.should eql("masters") end end describe "#group!" do subject do"activemq", plugin) do group "masters" do # block end end end it "returns the group matching the given name" do!("masters").name.should eql("masters") end it "raises an exception on a missing group" do lambda {!("slaves") }.should raise_error(MB::GroupNotFound) end end describe "#nodes" do pending end describe "#add_group" do pending end describe "#service" do subject { MB::Component } it "returns a Set of services" do component ="activemq", plugin) do service "masters" do # block end end component.gears(MB::Gear::Service).should be_a(Set) end it "contains each service defined" do component ="activemq", plugin) do service "masters" do # block end end component.gears(MB::Gear::Service).should have(1).item end it "does not allow duplicate services" do lambda do"activemq", plugin) do service "masters" do # block end service "masters" do # block end end end.should raise_error(MB::DuplicateGear) end end describe "#versioned" do context "when passed nothing" do subject {"component_name", plugin) do versioned end } its(:version_attribute) { should == "component_name.version" } end context "when passed an attribute name" do subject {"versioned_component", plugin) do versioned_with "my.custom.attribute" end } its(:version_attribute) { should == "my.custom.attribute" } end end end