groonga - An open-source fulltext search engine and column store.

10. Limitations

Groonga has some limitations.

10.1. Limitations of table

A table has the following limitations.

  • The maximum one key size: 4096Bytes
  • The maximum total size of keys: 4GBytes

Keep in mind that these limitations may vary depending on conditions.

10.2. Limitations of indexing

A full-text index has the following limitations.

  • The maximum number of records: 268,435,455 (more than 268 million)
  • The maximum number of distinct terms: 268,435,455 (more than 268 million)
  • The maximum index size: 256GBytes

Keep in mind that these limitations may vary depending on conditions.

10.3. Limitations of column

A column has the following limitation.

  • The maximum stored data size of each column: 256GiB

Table Of Contents

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9.2. 検索

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11. トラブルシューティング

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