require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/pops' require 'puppet_spec/compiler' require 'puppet/pops/types/ruby_generator' def root_binding return binding end module Puppet::Pops module Types describe 'Puppet Ruby Generator' do include PuppetSpec::Compiler let!(:parser) { TypeParser.singleton } let(:generator) { } context 'when generating from Object types' do def source <<-CODE type MyModule::FirstGenerated = Object[{ attributes => { name => String, age => { type => Integer, value => 30 }, what => { type => String, value => 'what is this', kind => constant }, uc_name => { type => String, kind => derived, annotations => { RubyMethod => { body => '@name.upcase' } } }, other_name => { type => String, kind => derived } }, functions => { some_other => { type => Callable[1,1] }, name_and_age => { type => Callable[1,1], annotations => { RubyMethod => { parameters => 'joiner', body => '"\#{@name}\#{joiner}\#{@age}"' } } }, } }] type MyModule::SecondGenerated = Object[{ parent => MyModule::FirstGenerated, attributes => { address => String, zipcode => String, email => String, another => { type => Optional[MyModule::FirstGenerated], value => undef }, number => Integer, aref => { type => Optional[MyModule::FirstGenerated], value => undef, kind => reference } } }] CODE end context 'when generating anonymous classes' do loader = nil let(:first_type) { parser.parse('MyModule::FirstGenerated', loader) } let(:second_type) { parser.parse('MyModule::SecondGenerated', loader) } let(:first) { generator.create_class(first_type) } let(:second) { generator.create_class(second_type) } before(:each) do eval_and_collect_notices(source) do |topscope| loader = topscope.compiler.loaders.find_loader(nil) end end after(:each) { typeset = nil } context 'the generated class' do it 'inherits the PuppetObject module' do expect(first < PuppetObject).to be_truthy end it 'is the superclass of a generated subclass' do expect(second < first).to be_truthy end end context 'the #create class method' do it 'has an arity that reflects optional arguments' do expect(first.method(:create).arity).to eql(-2) expect(second.method(:create).arity).to eql(-6) end it 'creates an instance of the class' do inst = first.create('Bob Builder', 52) expect(inst).to be_a(first) expect( eq('Bob Builder') expect(inst.age).to eq(52) end it 'will perform type assertion of the arguments' do expect { first.create('Bob Builder', '52') }.to( raise_error(TypeAssertionError, 'MyModule::FirstGenerated[age] has wrong type, expects an Integer value, got String') ) end it 'will not accept nil as given value for an optional parameter that does not accept nil' do expect { first.create('Bob Builder', nil) }.to( raise_error(TypeAssertionError, 'MyModule::FirstGenerated[age] has wrong type, expects an Integer value, got Undef') ) end it 'reorders parameters to but the optional parameters last' do inst = second.create('Bob Builder', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) expect( eq('Bob Builder') expect(inst.address).to eq('42 Cool Street') expect(inst.zipcode).to eq('12345') expect( eq('') expect(inst.number).to eq(23) expect(inst.what).to eql('what is this') expect(inst.age).to eql(30) expect(inst.another).to be_nil end it 'generates a code body for derived attribute from a RubyMethod body attribute' do inst = first.create('Bob Builder', 52) expect(inst.uc_name).to eq('BOB BUILDER') end it "generates a code body with 'not implemented' in the absense of a RubyMethod body attribute" do inst = first.create('Bob Builder', 52) expect { inst.other_name }.to raise_error(/no method is implemented for derived attribute MyModule::FirstGenerated\[other_name\]/) end it 'generates parameter list and a code body for derived function from a RubyMethod body attribute' do inst = first.create('Bob Builder', 52) expect(inst.name_and_age(' of age ')).to eq('Bob Builder of age 52') end end context 'the #from_hash class method' do it 'has an arity of one' do expect(first.method(:from_hash).arity).to eql(1) expect(second.method(:from_hash).arity).to eql(1) end it 'creates an instance of the class' do inst = first.from_hash('name' => 'Bob Builder', 'age' => 52) expect(inst).to be_a(first) expect( eq('Bob Builder') expect(inst.age).to eq(52) end it 'accepts an initializer where optional keys are missing' do inst = first.from_hash('name' => 'Bob Builder') expect(inst).to be_a(first) expect( eq('Bob Builder') expect(inst.age).to eq(30) end it 'does not accept an initializer where optional values are nil and type does not accept nil' do expect { first.from_hash('name' => 'Bob Builder', 'age' => nil) }.to( raise_error(TypeAssertionError, "MyModule::FirstGenerated initializer has wrong type, entry 'age' expects an Integer value, got Undef") ) end end context 'creates an instance' do it 'that the TypeCalculator infers to the Object type' do expect(TypeCalculator.infer(first.from_hash('name' => 'Bob Builder'))).to eq(first_type) end it "where attributes of kind 'reference' are not considered part of #_pcore_all_contents" do inst = first.from_hash('name' => 'Bob Builder') wrinst = second.create('Bob Builder', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23, 40, inst, inst) results = [] wrinst._pcore_all_contents([]) { |v| results << v } expect(results).to eq([inst]) end end end context 'when generating static code' do module_def = nil before(:each) do # Ideally, this would be in a before(:all) but that is impossible since lots of Puppet # environment specific settings are configured by the spec_helper in before(:each) if module_def.nil? first_type = nil second_type = nil eval_and_collect_notices(source) do first_type = parser.parse('MyModule::FirstGenerated') second_type = parser.parse('MyModule::SecondGenerated') loader = Loaders.find_loader(nil) Loaders.implementation_registry.register_type_mapping(, [/^PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::(\w+)$/, 'MyModule::\1']), [/^MyModule::(\w+)$/, 'PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::\1'], loader) module_def = generator.module_definition([first_type, second_type], 'Generated stuff') end Loaders.clear Puppet[:code] = nil # Create the actual classes in the PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator module Puppet.override(:loaders =>, []))) do eval(module_def, root_binding) end end end after(:all) do # Don't want generated module to leak outside this test PuppetSpec.send(:remove_const, :RubyGenerator) end it 'the #_pcore_type class method returns a resolved Type' do first_type = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::FirstGenerated._pcore_type expect(first_type).to be_a(PObjectType) second_type = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::SecondGenerated._pcore_type expect(second_type).to be_a(PObjectType) expect(second_type.parent).to eql(first_type) end context 'the #create class method' do it 'has an arity that reflects optional arguments' do expect(PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::FirstGenerated.method(:create).arity).to eql(-2) expect(PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::SecondGenerated.method(:create).arity).to eql(-6) end it 'creates an instance of the class' do inst = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::FirstGenerated.create('Bob Builder', 52) expect(inst).to be_a(PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::FirstGenerated) expect( eq('Bob Builder') expect(inst.age).to eq(52) end it 'will perform type assertion of the arguments' do expect { PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::FirstGenerated.create('Bob Builder', '52') }.to( raise_error(TypeAssertionError, 'MyModule::FirstGenerated[age] has wrong type, expects an Integer value, got String') ) end it 'will not accept nil as given value for an optional parameter that does not accept nil' do expect { PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::FirstGenerated.create('Bob Builder', nil) }.to( raise_error(TypeAssertionError, 'MyModule::FirstGenerated[age] has wrong type, expects an Integer value, got Undef') ) end it 'reorders parameters to but the optional parameters last' do inst = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::SecondGenerated.create('Bob Builder', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) expect( eq('Bob Builder') expect(inst.address).to eq('42 Cool Street') expect(inst.zipcode).to eq('12345') expect( eq('') expect(inst.number).to eq(23) expect(inst.what).to eql('what is this') expect(inst.age).to eql(30) expect(inst.another).to be_nil end end context 'the #from_hash class method' do it 'has an arity of one' do expect(PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::FirstGenerated.method(:from_hash).arity).to eql(1) expect(PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::SecondGenerated.method(:from_hash).arity).to eql(1) end it 'creates an instance of the class' do inst = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::FirstGenerated.from_hash('name' => 'Bob Builder', 'age' => 52) expect(inst).to be_a(PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::FirstGenerated) expect( eq('Bob Builder') expect(inst.age).to eq(52) end it 'accepts an initializer where optional keys are missing' do inst = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::FirstGenerated.from_hash('name' => 'Bob Builder') expect(inst).to be_a(PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::FirstGenerated) expect( eq('Bob Builder') expect(inst.age).to eq(30) end it 'does not accept an initializer where optional values are nil and type does not accept nil' do expect { PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::FirstGenerated.from_hash('name' => 'Bob Builder', 'age' => nil) }.to( raise_error(TypeAssertionError, "MyModule::FirstGenerated initializer has wrong type, entry 'age' expects an Integer value, got Undef") ) end end end end context 'when generating from TypeSets' do def source <<-CODE type MyModule = TypeSet[{ pcore_version => '1.0.0', version => '1.0.0', types => { MyInteger => Integer, FirstGenerated => Object[{ attributes => { name => String, age => { type => Integer, value => 30 }, what => { type => String, value => 'what is this', kind => constant } } }], SecondGenerated => Object[{ parent => FirstGenerated, attributes => { address => String, zipcode => String, email => String, another => { type => Optional[FirstGenerated], value => undef }, number => MyInteger } }] }, }] type OtherModule = TypeSet[{ pcore_version => '1.0.0', version => '1.0.0', types => { MyFloat => Float, ThirdGenerated => Object[{ attributes => { first => My::FirstGenerated } }], FourthGenerated => Object[{ parent => My::SecondGenerated, attributes => { complex => { type => Optional[ThirdGenerated], value => undef }, n1 => My::MyInteger, n2 => MyFloat } }] }, references => { My => { name => 'MyModule', version_range => '1.x' } } }] CODE end context 'when generating anonymous classes' do typeset = nil let(:first_type) { typeset['My::FirstGenerated'] } let(:second_type) { typeset['My::SecondGenerated'] } let(:third_type) { typeset['ThirdGenerated'] } let(:fourth_type) { typeset['FourthGenerated'] } let(:first) { generator.create_class(first_type) } let(:second) { generator.create_class(second_type) } let(:third) { generator.create_class(third_type) } let(:fourth) { generator.create_class(fourth_type) } before(:each) do eval_and_collect_notices(source) do typeset = parser.parse('OtherModule') end end after(:each) { typeset = nil } context 'the typeset' do it 'produces expected string representation' do expect(typeset.to_s).to eq( "TypeSet[{pcore_version => '1.0.0', name_authority => '', name => 'OtherModule', version => '1.0.0', types => {"+ "MyFloat => Float, "+ "ThirdGenerated => Object[{attributes => {'first' => My::FirstGenerated}}], "+ "FourthGenerated => Object[{parent => My::SecondGenerated, attributes => {"+ "'complex' => {type => Optional[ThirdGenerated], value => ?}, "+ "'n1' => My::MyInteger, "+ "'n2' => MyFloat"+ "}}]}, references => {My => {'name' => 'MyModule', 'version_range' => '1.x'}}}]") end end context 'the generated class' do it 'inherits the PuppetObject module' do expect(first < PuppetObject).to be_truthy end it 'is the superclass of a generated subclass' do expect(second < first).to be_truthy end end context 'the #create class method' do it 'has an arity that reflects optional arguments' do expect(first.method(:create).arity).to eql(-2) expect(second.method(:create).arity).to eql(-6) expect(third.method(:create).arity).to eql(1) expect(fourth.method(:create).arity).to eql(-8) end it 'creates an instance of the class' do inst = first.create('Bob Builder', 52) expect(inst).to be_a(first) expect( eq('Bob Builder') expect(inst.age).to eq(52) end it 'will perform type assertion of the arguments' do expect { first.create('Bob Builder', '52') }.to( raise_error(TypeAssertionError, 'MyModule::FirstGenerated[age] has wrong type, expects an Integer value, got String') ) end it 'will not accept nil as given value for an optional parameter that does not accept nil' do expect { first.create('Bob Builder', nil) }.to( raise_error(TypeAssertionError, 'MyModule::FirstGenerated[age] has wrong type, expects an Integer value, got Undef') ) end it 'reorders parameters to but the optional parameters last' do inst = second.create('Bob Builder', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) expect( eq('Bob Builder') expect(inst.address).to eq('42 Cool Street') expect(inst.zipcode).to eq('12345') expect( eq('') expect(inst.number).to eq(23) expect(inst.what).to eql('what is this') expect(inst.age).to eql(30) expect(inst.another).to be_nil end it 'two instances with the same attribute values are equal using #eql?' do inst1 = second.create('Bob Builder', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) inst2 = second.create('Bob Builder', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) expect(inst1.eql?(inst2)).to be_truthy end it 'two instances with the same attribute values are equal using #==' do inst1 = second.create('Bob Builder', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) inst2 = second.create('Bob Builder', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) expect(inst1 == inst2).to be_truthy end it 'two instances with the different attribute in super class values are different' do inst1 = second.create('Bob Builder', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) inst2 = second.create('Bob Engineer', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) expect(inst1 == inst2).to be_falsey end it 'two instances with the different attribute in sub class values are different' do inst1 = second.create('Bob Builder', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) inst2 = second.create('Bob Builder', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) expect(inst1 == inst2).to be_falsey end end context 'the #from_hash class method' do it 'has an arity of one' do expect(first.method(:from_hash).arity).to eql(1) expect(second.method(:from_hash).arity).to eql(1) end it 'creates an instance of the class' do inst = first.from_hash('name' => 'Bob Builder', 'age' => 52) expect(inst).to be_a(first) expect( eq('Bob Builder') expect(inst.age).to eq(52) end it 'accepts an initializer where optional keys are missing' do inst = first.from_hash('name' => 'Bob Builder') expect(inst).to be_a(first) expect( eq('Bob Builder') expect(inst.age).to eq(30) end it 'does not accept an initializer where optional values are nil and type does not accept nil' do expect { first.from_hash('name' => 'Bob Builder', 'age' => nil) }.to( raise_error(TypeAssertionError, "MyModule::FirstGenerated initializer has wrong type, entry 'age' expects an Integer value, got Undef") ) end end context 'creates an instance' do it 'that the TypeCalculator infers to the Object type' do expect(TypeCalculator.infer(first.from_hash('name' => 'Bob Builder'))).to eq(first_type) end end end context 'when generating static code' do module_def = nil module_def2 = nil before(:each) do # Ideally, this would be in a before(:all) but that is impossible since lots of Puppet # environment specific settings are configured by the spec_helper in before(:each) if module_def.nil? typeset = nil eval_and_collect_notices(source) do typeset1 = parser.parse('MyModule') typeset2 = parser.parse('OtherModule') loader = Loaders.find_loader(nil) Loaders.implementation_registry.register_type_mapping(, [/^PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::(\w+)$/, 'MyModule::\1']), [/^MyModule::(\w+)$/, 'PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::\1'], loader) Loaders.implementation_registry.register_type_mapping(, [/^PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::Other::(\w+)$/, 'OtherModule::\1']), [/^OtherModule::(\w+)$/, 'PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::Other::\1'], loader) module_def = generator.module_definition_from_typeset(typeset1) module_def2 = generator.module_definition_from_typeset(typeset2) end Loaders.clear Puppet[:code] = nil # Create the actual classes in the PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator module Puppet.override(:loaders =>, []))) do eval(module_def, root_binding) eval(module_def2, root_binding) end end end after(:all) do # Don't want generated module to leak outside this test PuppetSpec.send(:remove_const, :RubyGenerator) end it 'the #_pcore_type class method returns a resolved Type' do first_type = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::FirstGenerated._pcore_type expect(first_type).to be_a(PObjectType) second_type = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::SecondGenerated._pcore_type expect(second_type).to be_a(PObjectType) expect(second_type.parent).to eql(first_type) end context 'the #create class method' do it 'has an arity that reflects optional arguments' do expect(PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::FirstGenerated.method(:create).arity).to eql(-2) expect(PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::SecondGenerated.method(:create).arity).to eql(-6) end it 'creates an instance of the class' do inst = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::FirstGenerated.create('Bob Builder', 52) expect(inst).to be_a(PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::FirstGenerated) expect( eq('Bob Builder') expect(inst.age).to eq(52) end it 'will perform type assertion of the arguments' do expect { PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::FirstGenerated.create('Bob Builder', '52') }.to( raise_error(TypeAssertionError, 'MyModule::FirstGenerated[age] has wrong type, expects an Integer value, got String') ) end it 'will not accept nil as given value for an optional parameter that does not accept nil' do expect { PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::FirstGenerated.create('Bob Builder', nil) }.to( raise_error(TypeAssertionError, 'MyModule::FirstGenerated[age] has wrong type, expects an Integer value, got Undef') ) end it 'reorders parameters to but the optional parameters last' do inst = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::SecondGenerated.create('Bob Builder', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) expect( eq('Bob Builder') expect(inst.address).to eq('42 Cool Street') expect(inst.zipcode).to eq('12345') expect( eq('') expect(inst.number).to eq(23) expect(inst.what).to eql('what is this') expect(inst.age).to eql(30) expect(inst.another).to be_nil end it 'two instances with the same attribute values are equal using #eql?' do inst1 = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::SecondGenerated.create('Bob Builder', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) inst2 = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::SecondGenerated.create('Bob Builder', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) expect(inst1.eql?(inst2)).to be_truthy end it 'two instances with the same attribute values are equal using #==' do inst1 = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::SecondGenerated.create('Bob Builder', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) inst2 = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::SecondGenerated.create('Bob Builder', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) expect(inst1 == inst2).to be_truthy end it 'two instances with the different attribute in super class values are different' do inst1 = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::SecondGenerated.create('Bob Builder', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) inst2 = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::SecondGenerated.create('Bob Engineer', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) expect(inst1 == inst2).to be_falsey end it 'two instances with the different attribute in sub class values are different' do inst1 = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::SecondGenerated.create('Bob Builder', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) inst2 = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::SecondGenerated.create('Bob Builder', '42 Cool Street', '12345', '', 23) expect(inst1 == inst2).to be_falsey end end context 'the #from_hash class method' do it 'has an arity of one' do expect(PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::FirstGenerated.method(:from_hash).arity).to eql(1) expect(PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::SecondGenerated.method(:from_hash).arity).to eql(1) end it 'creates an instance of the class' do inst = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::FirstGenerated.from_hash('name' => 'Bob Builder', 'age' => 52) expect(inst).to be_a(PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::FirstGenerated) expect( eq('Bob Builder') expect(inst.age).to eq(52) end it 'accepts an initializer where optional keys are missing' do inst = PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::FirstGenerated.from_hash('name' => 'Bob Builder') expect(inst).to be_a(PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::FirstGenerated) expect( eq('Bob Builder') expect(inst.age).to eq(30) end it 'does not accept an initializer where optional values are nil and type does not accept nil' do expect { PuppetSpec::RubyGenerator::My::FirstGenerated.from_hash('name' => 'Bob Builder', 'age' => nil) }.to( raise_error(TypeAssertionError, "MyModule::FirstGenerated initializer has wrong type, entry 'age' expects an Integer value, got Undef") ) end end end end end end end