(function (factory) {
/* global define */
if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
// AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
define(['jquery', 'codemirror'], factory);
} else {
// Browser globals: jQuery, CodeMirror
factory(window.jQuery, window.CodeMirror);
}(function ($, CodeMirror) {
// Array.prototype.reduce fallback
// https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/Reduce
if ('function' !== typeof Array.prototype.reduce) {
Array.prototype.reduce = function (callback, optInitialValue) {
var idx, value, length = this.length >>> 0, isValueSet = false;
if (1 < arguments.length) {
value = optInitialValue;
isValueSet = true;
for (idx = 0; length > idx; ++idx) {
if (this.hasOwnProperty(idx)) {
if (isValueSet) {
value = callback(value, this[idx], idx, this);
} else {
value = this[idx];
isValueSet = true;
if (!isValueSet) {
throw new TypeError('Reduce of empty array with no initial value');
return value;
* object which check platform/agent
var agent = {
bMac: navigator.appVersion.indexOf('Mac') > -1,
bMSIE: navigator.userAgent.indexOf('MSIE') > -1,
bFF: navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Firefox') > -1,
bCodeMirror: !!CodeMirror
* func utils (for high-order func's arg)
var func = (function () {
var eq = function (elA) {
return function (elB) {
return elA === elB;
var eq2 = function (elA, elB) {
return elA === elB;
var fail = function () {
return false;
var not = function (f) {
return function () {
return !f.apply(f, arguments);
var self = function (a) {
return a;
return {
eq: eq,
eq2: eq2,
fail: fail,
not: not,
self: self
* list utils
var list = (function () {
var head = function (array) { return array[0]; };
var last = function (array) { return array[array.length - 1]; };
var initial = function (array) { return array.slice(0, array.length - 1); };
var tail = function (array) { return array.slice(1); };
* get sum from a list
* @param {array} array - array
* @param {function} fn - iterator
var sum = function (array, fn) {
fn = fn || func.self;
return array.reduce(function (memo, v) {
return memo + fn(v);
}, 0);
* returns a copy of the collection with array type.
* @param {collection} collection - collection eg) node.childNodes, ...
var from = function (collection) {
var result = [], idx = -1, length = collection.length;
while (++idx < length) {
result[idx] = collection[idx];
return result;
* cluster item by second function
* @param {array} array - array
* @param {function} fn - predicate function for cluster rule
var clusterBy = function (array, fn) {
if (array.length === 0) { return []; }
var aTail = tail(array);
return aTail.reduce(function (memo, v) {
var aLast = last(memo);
if (fn(last(aLast), v)) {
aLast[aLast.length] = v;
} else {
memo[memo.length] = [v];
return memo;
}, [[head(array)]]);
* returns a copy of the array with all falsy values removed
* @param {array} array - array
* @param {function} fn - predicate function for cluster rule
var compact = function (array) {
var aResult = [];
for (var idx = 0, sz = array.length; idx < sz; idx ++) {
if (array[idx]) { aResult.push(array[idx]); }
return aResult;
return { head: head, last: last, initial: initial, tail: tail,
sum: sum, from: from, compact: compact, clusterBy: clusterBy };
* dom utils
var dom = (function () {
* returns predicate which judge whether nodeName is same
var makePredByNodeName = function (sNodeName) {
// nodeName of element is always uppercase.
return function (node) {
return node && node.nodeName === sNodeName;
var isPara = function (node) {
// Chrome(v31.0), FF(v25.0.1) use DIV for paragraph
return node && /^DIV|^P|^LI|^H[1-7]/.test(node.nodeName);
var isList = function (node) {
return node && /^UL|^OL/.test(node.nodeName);
* returns whether node is `editor-editable` or not.
var isEditable = function (node) {
return node && $(node).hasClass('editor-editable');
var isControlSizing = function (node) {
return node && $(node).hasClass('editor-control-sizing');
* find nearest ancestor predicate hit
* @param {element} node
* @param {function} pred - predicate function
var ancestor = function (node, pred) {
while (node) {
if (pred(node)) { return node; }
if (isEditable(node)) { break; }
node = node.parentNode;
return null;
* returns new array of ancestor nodes (until predicate hit).
* @param {element} node
* @param {function} [optional] pred - predicate function
var listAncestor = function (node, pred) {
pred = pred || func.fail;
var aAncestor = [];
ancestor(node, function (el) {
return pred(el);
return aAncestor;
* returns common ancestor node between two nodes.
* @param {element} nodeA
* @param {element} nodeB
var commonAncestor = function (nodeA, nodeB) {
var aAncestor = listAncestor(nodeA);
for (var n = nodeB; n; n = n.parentNode) {
if ($.inArray(n, aAncestor) > -1) { return n; }
return null; // difference document area
* listing all Nodes between two nodes.
* FIXME: nodeA and nodeB must be sorted, use comparePoints later.
* @param {element} nodeA
* @param {element} nodeB
var listBetween = function (nodeA, nodeB) {
var aNode = [];
var bStart = false, bEnd = false;
var fnWalk = function (node) {
if (!node) { return; } // traverse fisnish
if (node === nodeA) { bStart = true; } // start point
if (bStart && !bEnd) { aNode.push(node); } // between
if (node === nodeB) { bEnd = true; return; } // end point
for (var idx = 0, sz = node.childNodes.length; idx < sz; idx++) {
fnWalk(commonAncestor(nodeA, nodeB)); // DFS with commonAcestor.
return aNode;
* listing all prevSiblings (until predicate hit).
* @param {element} node
* @param {function} [optional] pred - predicate function
var listPrev = function (node, pred) {
pred = pred || func.fail;
var aNext = [];
while (node) {
if (pred(node)) { break; }
node = node.previousSibling;
return aNext;
* listing nextSiblings (until predicate hit).
* @param {element} node
* @param {function} pred [optional] - predicate function
var listNext = function (node, pred) {
pred = pred || func.fail;
var aNext = [];
while (node) {
if (pred(node)) { break; }
node = node.nextSibling;
return aNext;
* insert node after preceding
* @param {element} node
* @param {element} preceding - predicate function
var insertAfter = function (node, preceding) {
var next = preceding.nextSibling, parent = preceding.parentNode;
if (next) {
parent.insertBefore(node, next);
} else {
return node;
* append children
* @param {element} node
* @param {collection} aChild
var appends = function (node, aChild) {
$.each(aChild, function (idx, child) {
return node;
var isText = makePredByNodeName('#text');
* returns #text's text size or element's childNodes size
* @param {element} node
var length = function (node) {
if (isText(node)) { return node.nodeValue.length; }
return node.childNodes.length;
* returns offset from parent.
* @param {element} node
var position = function (node) {
var offset = 0;
while ((node = node.previousSibling)) { offset += 1; }
return offset;
* return offsetPath(array of offset) from ancestor
* @param {element} ancestor - ancestor node
* @param {element} node
var makeOffsetPath = function (ancestor, node) {
var aAncestor = list.initial(listAncestor(node, func.eq(ancestor)));
return $.map(aAncestor, position).reverse();
* return element from offsetPath(array of offset)
* @param {element} ancestor - ancestor node
* @param {array} aOffset - offsetPath
var fromOffsetPath = function (ancestor, aOffset) {
var current = ancestor;
for (var i = 0, sz = aOffset.length; i < sz; i++) {
current = current.childNodes[aOffset[i]];
return current;
* split element or #text
* @param {element} node
* @param {number} offset
var splitData = function (node, offset) {
if (offset === 0) { return node; }
if (offset >= length(node)) { return node.nextSibling; }
// splitText
if (isText(node)) { return node.splitText(offset); }
// splitElement
var child = node.childNodes[offset];
node = insertAfter(node.cloneNode(false), node);
return appends(node, listNext(child));
* split dom tree by boundaryPoint(pivot and offset)
* @param {element} root
* @param {element} pivot - this will be boundaryPoint's node
* @param {number} offset - this will be boundaryPoint's offset
var split = function (root, pivot, offset) {
var aAncestor = listAncestor(pivot, func.eq(root));
if (aAncestor.length === 1) { return splitData(pivot, offset); }
return aAncestor.reduce(function (node, parent) {
var clone = parent.cloneNode(false);
insertAfter(clone, parent);
if (node === pivot) {
node = splitData(node, offset);
appends(clone, listNext(node));
return clone;
* remove node, (bRemoveChild: remove child or not)
* @param {element} node
* @param {boolean} bRemoveChild
var remove = function (node, bRemoveChild) {
if (!node || !node.parentNode) { return; }
if (node.removeNode) { return node.removeNode(bRemoveChild); }
var elParent = node.parentNode;
if (!bRemoveChild) {
var aNode = [];
var i, sz;
for (i = 0, sz = node.childNodes.length; i < sz; i++) {
for (i = 0, sz = aNode.length; i < sz; i++) {
elParent.insertBefore(aNode[i], node);
var html = function ($node) {
return dom.isTextarea($node[0]) ? $node.val() : $node.html();
return {
blank: agent.bMSIE ? ' ' : '
emptyPara: '
isText: isText,
isPara: isPara,
isList: isList,
isEditable: isEditable,
isControlSizing: isControlSizing,
isAnchor: makePredByNodeName('A'),
isDiv: makePredByNodeName('DIV'),
isLi: makePredByNodeName('LI'),
isSpan: makePredByNodeName('SPAN'),
isB: makePredByNodeName('B'),
isU: makePredByNodeName('U'),
isS: makePredByNodeName('S'),
isI: makePredByNodeName('I'),
isImg: makePredByNodeName('IMG'),
isTextarea: makePredByNodeName('TEXTAREA'),
ancestor: ancestor,
listAncestor: listAncestor,
listNext: listNext,
listPrev: listPrev,
commonAncestor: commonAncestor,
listBetween: listBetween,
insertAfter: insertAfter,
position: position,
makeOffsetPath: makeOffsetPath,
fromOffsetPath: fromOffsetPath,
split: split,
remove: remove,
html: html
* range module
var range = (function () {
var bW3CRangeSupport = !!document.createRange;
// return boundaryPoint from TextRange, inspired by Andy Na's HuskyRange.js
var textRange2bp = function (textRange, bStart) {
var elCont = textRange.parentElement(), nOffset;
var tester = document.body.createTextRange(), elPrevCont;
var aChild = list.from(elCont.childNodes);
for (nOffset = 0; nOffset < aChild.length; nOffset++) {
if (dom.isText(aChild[nOffset])) { continue; }
if (tester.compareEndPoints('StartToStart', textRange) >= 0) { break; }
elPrevCont = aChild[nOffset];
if (nOffset !== 0 && dom.isText(aChild[nOffset - 1])) {
var textRangeStart = document.body.createTextRange(), elCurText = null;
textRangeStart.moveToElementText(elPrevCont || elCont);
elCurText = elPrevCont ? elPrevCont.nextSibling : elCont.firstChild;
var pointTester = textRange.duplicate();
pointTester.setEndPoint('StartToStart', textRangeStart);
var nTextCount = pointTester.text.replace(/[\r\n]/g, '').length;
while (nTextCount > elCurText.nodeValue.length && elCurText.nextSibling) {
nTextCount -= elCurText.nodeValue.length;
elCurText = elCurText.nextSibling;
/* jshint ignore:start */
var sDummy = elCurText.nodeValue; //enforce IE to re-reference elCurText, hack
/* jshint ignore:end */
if (bStart && elCurText.nextSibling && dom.isText(elCurText.nextSibling) &&
nTextCount === elCurText.nodeValue.length) {
nTextCount -= elCurText.nodeValue.length;
elCurText = elCurText.nextSibling;
elCont = elCurText;
nOffset = nTextCount;
return {cont: elCont, offset: nOffset};
// return TextRange from boundary point (inspired by google closure-library)
var bp2textRange = function (bp) {
var textRangeInfo = function (elCont, nOffset) {
var elNode, bCollapseToStart;
if (dom.isText(elCont)) {
var aPrevText = dom.listPrev(elCont, func.not(dom.isText));
var elPrevCont = list.last(aPrevText).previousSibling;
elNode = elPrevCont || elCont.parentNode;
nOffset += list.sum(list.tail(aPrevText), dom.length);
bCollapseToStart = !elPrevCont;
} else {
elNode = elCont.childNodes[nOffset] || elCont;
if (dom.isText(elNode)) {
return textRangeInfo(elNode, nOffset);
nOffset = 0;
bCollapseToStart = false;
return {cont: elNode, collapseToStart: bCollapseToStart, offset: nOffset};
var textRange = document.body.createTextRange();
var info = textRangeInfo(bp.cont, bp.offset);
textRange.moveStart('character', info.offset);
return textRange;
// {startContainer, startOffset, endContainer, endOffset}
var WrappedRange = function (sc, so, ec, eo) {
this.sc = sc;
this.so = so;
this.ec = ec;
this.eo = eo;
// nativeRange: get nativeRange from sc, so, ec, eo
var nativeRange = function () {
if (bW3CRangeSupport) {
var w3cRange = document.createRange();
w3cRange.setStart(sc, so);
w3cRange.setEnd(ec, eo);
return w3cRange;
} else {
var textRange = bp2textRange({cont: sc, offset: so});
textRange.setEndPoint('EndToEnd', bp2textRange({cont: ec, offset: eo}));
return textRange;
// select: update visible range
this.select = function () {
var nativeRng = nativeRange();
if (bW3CRangeSupport) {
var selection = document.getSelection();
if (selection.rangeCount > 0) { selection.removeAllRanges(); }
} else {
// listPara: listing paragraphs on range
this.listPara = function () {
var aNode = dom.listBetween(sc, ec);
var aPara = list.compact($.map(aNode, function (node) {
return dom.ancestor(node, dom.isPara);
return $.map(list.clusterBy(aPara, func.eq2), list.head);
// makeIsOn: return isOn(pred) function
var makeIsOn = function (pred) {
return function () {
var elAncestor = dom.ancestor(sc, pred);
return elAncestor && (elAncestor === dom.ancestor(ec, pred));
// isOnEditable: judge whether range is on editable or not
this.isOnEditable = makeIsOn(dom.isEditable);
// isOnList: judge whether range is on list node or not
this.isOnList = makeIsOn(dom.isList);
// isOnAnchor: judge whether range is on anchor node or not
this.isOnAnchor = makeIsOn(dom.isAnchor);
// isCollapsed: judge whether range was collapsed
this.isCollapsed = function () { return sc === ec && so === eo; };
// insertNode
this.insertNode = function (node) {
var nativeRng = nativeRange();
if (bW3CRangeSupport) {
} else {
nativeRng.pasteHTML(node.outerHTML); // NOTE: missing node reference.
this.toString = function () {
var nativeRng = nativeRange();
return bW3CRangeSupport ? nativeRng.toString() : nativeRng.text;
//bookmark: offsetPath bookmark
this.bookmark = function (elEditable) {
return {
s: { path: dom.makeOffsetPath(elEditable, sc), offset: so },
e: { path: dom.makeOffsetPath(elEditable, ec), offset: eo }
return { // Range Object
// create Range Object From arguments or Browser Selection
create : function (sc, so, ec, eo) {
if (arguments.length === 0) { // from Browser Selection
if (bW3CRangeSupport) { // webkit, firefox
var selection = document.getSelection();
if (selection.rangeCount === 0) { return null; }
var nativeRng = selection.getRangeAt(0);
sc = nativeRng.startContainer;
so = nativeRng.startOffset;
ec = nativeRng.endContainer;
eo = nativeRng.endOffset;
} else { // IE8: TextRange
var textRange = document.selection.createRange();
var textRangeEnd = textRange.duplicate();
var textRangeStart = textRange;
var bpStart = textRange2bp(textRangeStart, true),
bpEnd = textRange2bp(textRangeEnd, false);
sc = bpStart.cont;
so = bpStart.offset;
ec = bpEnd.cont;
eo = bpEnd.offset;
} else if (arguments.length === 2) { //collapsed
ec = sc;
eo = so;
return new WrappedRange(sc, so, ec, eo);
// createFromBookmark
createFromBookmark : function (elEditable, bookmark) {
var sc = dom.fromOffsetPath(elEditable, bookmark.s.path);
var so = bookmark.s.offset;
var ec = dom.fromOffsetPath(elEditable, bookmark.e.path);
var eo = bookmark.e.offset;
return new WrappedRange(sc, so, ec, eo);
* aysnc functions which returns deferred object
var async = (function () {
* readFile
* @param {file} file - file object
var readFile = function (file) {
return $.Deferred(function (deferred) {
var reader = new FileReader();
reader.onload = function (e) { deferred.resolve(e.target.result); };
reader.onerror = function () { deferred.reject(this); };
* loadImage from url string
* @param {string} sUrl
var loadImage = function (sUrl) {
return $.Deferred(function (deferred) {
var image = new Image();
image.onload = loaded;
image.onerror = errored; // URL returns 404, etc
image.onabort = errored; // IE may call this if user clicks "Stop"
image.src = sUrl;
function loaded() {
function errored() {
function unbindEvents() {
image.onload = null;
image.onerror = null;
image.onabort = null;
return { readFile: readFile, loadImage: loadImage };
* Style
var Style = function () {
// para level style
this.stylePara = function (rng, oStyle) {
var aPara = rng.listPara();
$.each(aPara, function (idx, elPara) {
$.each(oStyle, function (sKey, sValue) {
elPara.style[sKey] = sValue;
// get current style, elTarget: target element on event.
this.current = function (rng, elTarget) {
var $cont = $(dom.isText(rng.sc) ? rng.sc.parentNode : rng.sc);
var oStyle = $cont.css(['font-size', 'text-align',
'list-style-type', 'line-height']) || {};
oStyle['font-size'] = parseInt(oStyle['font-size']);
// document.queryCommandState for toggle state
oStyle['font-bold'] = document.queryCommandState('bold') ? 'bold' : 'normal';
oStyle['font-italic'] = document.queryCommandState('italic') ? 'italic' : 'normal';
oStyle['font-underline'] = document.queryCommandState('underline') ? 'underline' : 'normal';
// list-style-type to list-style(unordered, ordered)
if (!rng.isOnList()) {
oStyle['list-style'] = 'none';
} else {
var aOrderedType = ['circle', 'disc', 'disc-leading-zero', 'square'];
var bUnordered = $.inArray(oStyle['list-style-type'], aOrderedType) > -1;
oStyle['list-style'] = bUnordered ? 'unordered' : 'ordered';
var elPara = dom.ancestor(rng.sc, dom.isPara);
if (elPara && elPara.style['line-height']) {
oStyle['line-height'] = elPara.style.lineHeight;
} else {
var lineHeight = parseInt(oStyle['line-height']) / parseInt(oStyle['font-size']);
oStyle['line-height'] = lineHeight.toFixed(1);
oStyle.image = dom.isImg(elTarget) && elTarget;
oStyle.anchor = rng.isOnAnchor() && dom.ancestor(rng.sc, dom.isAnchor);
oStyle.aAncestor = dom.listAncestor(rng.sc, dom.isEditable);
return oStyle;
* History
var History = function () {
var aUndo = [], aRedo = [];
var makeSnap = function ($editable) {
var elEditable = $editable[0], rng = range.create();
return {
contents: $editable.html(),
bookmark: rng.bookmark(elEditable),
scrollTop: $editable.scrollTop()
var applySnap = function ($editable, oSnap) {
range.createFromBookmark($editable[0], oSnap.bookmark).select();
this.undo = function ($editable) {
var oSnap = makeSnap($editable);
if (aUndo.length === 0) { return; }
applySnap($editable, aUndo.pop());
this.redo = function ($editable) {
var oSnap = makeSnap($editable);
if (aRedo.length === 0) { return; }
applySnap($editable, aRedo.pop());
this.recordUndo = function ($editable) {
aRedo = [];
var Table = function () {
* Create empty table element
* @param nRow {number}
* @param nCol {number}
this.createTable = function (nCol, nRow) {
var aTD = [], sTD;
for (var idxCol = 0; idxCol < nCol; idxCol++) {
aTD.push('' + dom.blank + ' | ');
sTD = aTD.join('');
var aTR = [], sTR;
for (var idxRow = 0; idxRow < nRow; idxRow++) {
aTR.push('' + sTD + '
sTR = aTR.join('');
var sTable = '';
return $(sTable)[0];
* Editor
var Editor = function () {
var style = new Style();
var table = new Table();
* save current range
* @param $editable {jQuery}
this.saveRange = function ($editable) {
$editable.data('range', range.create());
* restore lately range
* @param $editable {jQuery}
this.restoreRange = function ($editable) {
var rng = $editable.data('range');
if (rng) { rng.select(); }
* currentStyle
* @param elTarget {element}
this.currentStyle = function (elTarget) {
var rng = range.create();
return rng.isOnEditable() && style.current(rng, elTarget);
* undo
* @param $editable {jQuery}
this.undo = function ($editable) {
* redo
* @param $editable {jQuery}
this.redo = function ($editable) {
* record Undo
* @param $editable {jQuery}
var recordUndo = this.recordUndo = function ($editable) {
/* jshint ignore:start */
// native commands(with execCommand), generate function for execCommand
var aCmd = ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'strikethrough',
'justifyLeft', 'justifyCenter', 'justifyRight', 'justifyFull',
'insertOrderedList', 'insertUnorderedList',
'indent', 'outdent', 'formatBlock', 'removeFormat',
'backColor', 'foreColor', 'insertHorizontalRule'];
for (var idx = 0, len = aCmd.length; idx < len; idx ++) {
this[aCmd[idx]] = (function (sCmd) {
return function ($editable, sValue) {
document.execCommand(sCmd, false, sValue);
/* jshint ignore:end */
* handle tag key
* @param $editable {jQuery}
this.tab = function ($editable) {
var rng = range.create();
var sNbsp = new Array($editable.data('tabsize') + 1).join(' ');
rng.insertNode($('' + sNbsp + '')[0]);
var $tab = $('#editorTab').removeAttr('id');
rng = range.create($tab[0], 1);
* insert Image
* @param $editable {jQuery}
* @param sUrl {string}
this.insertImage = function ($editable, sUrl) {
async.loadImage(sUrl).done(function (image) {
var $image = $('
').attr('src', sUrl);
$image.css('width', Math.min($editable.width(), image.width));
}).fail(function () {
var callbacks = $editable.data('callbacks');
if (callbacks.onImageUploadError) {
* insert video
* @param $editable {jQuery}
* @param sUrl {string}
this.insertVideo = function ($editable, sUrl) {
// video url patterns(youtube, instagram, vimeo, dailymotion, youku)
var ytRegExp = /^.*(youtu.be\/|v\/|u\/\w\/|embed\/|watch\?v=|\&v=)([^#\&\?]*).*/;
var ytMatch = sUrl.match(ytRegExp);
var igRegExp = /\/\/instagram.com\/p\/(.[a-zA-Z0-9]*)/;
var igMatch = sUrl.match(igRegExp);
var vRegExp = /\/\/vine.co\/v\/(.[a-zA-Z0-9]*)/;
var vMatch = sUrl.match(vRegExp);
var vimRegExp = /\/\/(player.)?vimeo.com\/([a-z]*\/)*([0-9]{6,11})[?]?.*/;
var vimMatch = sUrl.match(vimRegExp);
var dmRegExp = /.+dailymotion.com\/(video|hub)\/([^_]+)[^#]*(#video=([^_&]+))?/;
var dmMatch = sUrl.match(dmRegExp);
var ykRegExp = /\/\/(v.youku.com)\/v_show\/id_(.+?).html/;
var ykMatch = sUrl.match(ykRegExp);
var $video;
if (ytMatch && ytMatch[2].length === 11) {
var youtubeId = ytMatch[2];
$video = $('