require 'spec_helper.rb' describe Daru::MultiIndex do before(:each) do @index_tuples = [ [:a,:one,:bar], [:a,:one,:baz], [:a,:two,:bar], [:a,:two,:baz], [:b,:one,:bar], [:b,:two,:bar], [:b,:two,:baz], [:b,:one,:foo], [:c,:one,:bar], [:c,:one,:baz], [:c,:two,:foo], [:c,:two,:bar] ] @multi_mi = Daru::MultiIndex.from_tuples(@index_tuples) end context ".initialize" do it "accepts labels and levels as arguments" do mi = levels: [[:a,:b,:c], [:one, :two]], labels: [[0,0,1,1,2,2], [0,1,0,1,0,1]]) expect(mi[:a, :two]).to eq(1) end it "raises error for wrong number of labels or levels" do expect { levels: [[:a,:a,:b,:b,:c,:c], [:one, :two]], labels: [[0,0,1,1,2,2]]) }.to raise_error end end context ".from_tuples" do it "creates 2 layer MultiIndex from tuples" do tuples = [ [:a, :one], [:a, :two], [:b, :one], [:b, :two], [:c, :one], [:c, :two] ] mi = Daru::MultiIndex.from_tuples(tuples) expect(mi.levels).to eq([[:a, :b, :c], [:one,:two]]) expect(mi.labels).to eq([[0,0,1,1,2,2], [0,1,0,1,0,1]]) end it "creates a triple layer MultiIndex from tuples" do expect(@multi_mi.levels).to eq([[:a,:b,:c], [:one, :two],[:bar,:baz,:foo]]) expect(@multi_mi.labels).to eq([ [0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2], [0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1,1], [0,1,0,1,0,0,1,2,0,1,2,0] ]) end end context '.try_from_tuples' do it 'creates MultiIndex, if there are tuples' do tuples = [ [:a, :one], [:a, :two], [:b, :one], [:b, :two], [:c, :one], [:c, :two] ] mi = Daru::MultiIndex.try_from_tuples(tuples) expect(mi).to be_a Daru::MultiIndex end it 'returns nil, if MultiIndex can not be created' do mi = Daru::MultiIndex.try_from_tuples([:a, :b, :c]) expect(mi).to be_nil end end context "#size" do it "returns size of MultiIndex" do expect(@multi_mi.size).to eq(12) end end context "#[]" do it "returns the row number when specifying the complete tuple" do expect(@multi_mi[:a, :one, :baz]).to eq(1) end it "returns MultiIndex when specifying incomplete tuple" do expect(@multi_mi[:b]).to eq(Daru::MultiIndex.from_tuples([ [:b,:one,:bar], [:b,:two,:bar], [:b,:two,:baz], [:b,:one,:foo] ])) expect(@multi_mi[:b, :one]).to eq(Daru::MultiIndex.from_tuples([ [:b,:one,:bar], [:b,:one,:foo] ])) # TODO: Return Daru::Index if a single layer of indexes is present. end it "returns MultiIndex when specifying wholly numeric ranges" do expect(@multi_mi[3..6]).to eq(Daru::MultiIndex.from_tuples([ [:a,:two,:baz], [:b,:one,:bar], [:b,:two,:bar], [:b,:two,:baz] ])) end it "raises error when specifying invalid index" do expect { @multi_mi[:a, :three] }.to raise_error IndexError expect { @multi_mi[:a, :one, :xyz] }.to raise_error IndexError expect { @multi_mi[:x] }.to raise_error IndexError expect { @multi_mi[:x, :one] }.to raise_error IndexError expect { @multi_mi[:x, :one, :bar] }.to raise_error IndexError end it "works with numerical first levels" do mi = Daru::MultiIndex.from_tuples([ [2000, 'M'], [2000, 'F'], [2001, 'M'], [2001, 'F'] ]) expect(mi[2000]).to eq(Daru::MultiIndex.from_tuples([ [2000, 'M'], [2000, 'F'] ])) expect(mi[2000,'M']).to eq(0) end end context "#include?" do it "checks if a completely specified tuple exists" do expect(@multi_mi.include?([:a,:one,:bar])).to eq(true) end it "checks if a top layer incomplete tuple exists" do expect(@multi_mi.include?([:a])).to eq(true) end it "checks if a middle layer incomplete tuple exists" do expect(@multi_mi.include?([:a, :one])).to eq(true) end it "checks for non-existence of a tuple" do expect(@multi_mi.include?([:boo])).to eq(false) end end context "#key" do it "returns the tuple of the specified number" do expect(@multi_mi.key(3)).to eq([:a,:two,:baz]) end it "returns nil for non-existent pointer number" do expect { @multi_mi.key(100) }.to raise_error ArgumentError end end context "#to_a" do it "returns tuples as an Array" do expect(@multi_mi.to_a).to eq(@index_tuples) end end context "#dup" do it "completely duplicates the object" do duplicate = @multi_mi.dup expect(duplicate) .to eq(@multi_mi) expect(duplicate.object_id).to_not eq(@multi_mi.object_id) end end context "#inspect" do context 'small index' do subject { Daru::MultiIndex.from_tuples [ [:a,:one,:bar], [:a,:one,:baz], [:a,:two,:bar], [:a,:two,:baz], [:b,:one,:bar], [:b,:two,:bar], [:b,:two,:baz], [:b,:one,:foo], [:c,:one,:bar], [:c,:one,:baz], [:c,:two,:foo], [:c,:two,:bar] ] } its(:inspect) { eq %Q{ |#<Daru::MultiIndex(12x3)> | a one bar | baz | two bar | baz | b one bar | two bar | baz | one foo | c one bar | baz | two foo | bar }.unindent } end context 'large index' do subject { Daru::MultiIndex.from_tuples( (1..100).map { |i| %w[a b c].map { |c| [i, c] } }.flatten(1) ) } its(:inspect) { eq %Q{ |#<Daru::MultiIndex(300x2)> | 1 a | b | c | 2 a | b | c | 3 a | b | c | 4 a | b | c | 5 a | b | c | 6 a | b | c | 7 a | b | ... ... }.unindent } end end context "#==" do it "returns false for unequal MultiIndex comparisons" do mi1 = Daru::MultiIndex.from_tuples([ [:a, :one, :bar], [:a, :two, :baz], [:b, :one, :foo], [:b, :two, :bar] ]) mi2 = Daru::MultiIndex.from_tuples([ [:a, :two, :bar], [:b, :one, :foo], [:a, :one, :baz], [:b, :two, :baz] ]) expect(mi1 == mi2).to eq(false) end end context "#values" do it "returns an array of indices in order" do mi = Daru::MultiIndex.from_tuples([ [:a, :one, :bar], [:a, :two, :baz], [:b, :one, :foo], [:b, :two, :bar] ]) expect(mi.values).to eq([0,1,2,3]) end end context "#|" do before do @mi1 = Daru::MultiIndex.from_tuples([ [:a, :one, :bar], [:a, :two, :baz], [:b, :one, :foo], [:b, :two, :bar] ]) @mi2 = Daru::MultiIndex.from_tuples([ [:a, :two, :bar], [:b, :one, :foo], [:a, :one, :baz], [:b, :two, :baz] ]) end it "returns a union of two MultiIndex objects" do expect(@mi1 | @mi2).to eq( levels: [[:a, :b], [:one, :two], [:bar, :baz, :foo]], labels: [ [0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1], [0, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, 1] ]) ) end end context "#&" do before do @mi1 = Daru::MultiIndex.from_tuples([ [:a, :one], [:a, :two], [:b, :two] ]) @mi2 = Daru::MultiIndex.from_tuples([ [:a, :two], [:b, :one], [:b, :three] ]) end it "returns the intersection of two MI objects" do expect(@mi1 & @mi2).to eq(Daru::MultiIndex.from_tuples([ [:a, :two], ])) end end context "#empty?" do it "returns true if nothing present in MultiIndex" do expect( [[]], levels: [[]]).empty?).to eq(true) end end context "#drop_left_level" do it "drops the leftmost level" do expect( Daru::MultiIndex.from_tuples([ [:c,:one,:bar], [:c,:one,:baz], [:c,:two,:foo], [:c,:two,:bar] ]).drop_left_level).to eq( Daru::MultiIndex.from_tuples([ [:one,:bar], [:one,:baz], [:two,:foo], [:two,:bar] ]) ) end end context 'other forms of tuple list representation' do let(:index) { Daru::MultiIndex.from_tuples [ [:a,:one,:bar], [:a,:one,:baz], [:a,:two,:bar], [:a,:two,:baz], [:b,:one,:bar], [:b,:two,:bar], [:b,:two,:baz], [:b,:one,:foo], [:c,:one,:bar], [:c,:one,:baz], [:c,:two,:foo], [:c,:two,:bar] ] } context '#sparse_tuples' do subject { index.sparse_tuples } it { eq [ [:a ,:one,:bar], [nil, nil,:baz], [nil,:two,:bar], [nil, nil,:baz], [:b ,:one,:bar], [nil,:two,:bar], [nil, nil,:baz], [nil,:one,:foo], [:c ,:one,:bar], [nil, nil,:baz], [nil,:two,:foo], [nil, nil,:bar] ]} end end context "#pos" do let(:idx) do described_class.from_tuples([ [:b,:one,:bar], [:b,:two,:bar], [:b,:two,:baz], [:b,:one,:foo] ]) end context "single index" do it { expect(idx.pos :b, :one, :bar).to eq 0 } end context "multiple indexes" do subject { idx.pos :b, :one } it { be_a Array } its(:size) { eq 2 } it { eq [0, 3] } end context "single positional index" do it { expect(idx.pos 0).to eq 0 } end context "multiple positional indexes" do subject { idx.pos 0, 1 } it { be_a Array } its(:size) { eq 2 } it { eq [0, 1] } end # TODO: Add specs for IndexError end context "#subset" do let(:idx) do described_class.from_tuples([ [:b, :one, :bar], [:b, :two, :bar], [:b, :two, :baz], [:b, :one, :foo] ]) end context "multiple indexes" do subject { idx.subset :b, :one } it { be_a described_class } its(:size) { eq 2 } its(:to_a) { eq [[:bar], [:foo]] } end context "multiple positional indexes" do subject { idx.subset 0, 1 } it { be_a described_class } its(:size) { eq 2 } its(:to_a) { eq [[:b, :one, :bar], [:b, :two, :bar]] } end # TODO: Checks for invalid indexes end context "at" do let(:idx) do described_class.from_tuples([ [:b, :one, :bar], [:b, :two, :bar], [:b, :two, :baz], [:b, :one, :foo] ]) end context "single position" do it { expect( 2).to eq [:b, :two, :baz] } end context "multiple positions" do subject { 1, 2 } it { be_a described_class } its(:size) { eq 2 } its(:to_a) { eq [[:b, :two, :bar], [:b, :two, :baz]] } end context "range" do subject { 1..2 } it { be_a described_class } its(:size) { eq 2 } its(:to_a) { eq [[:b, :two, :bar], [:b, :two, :baz]] } end context "range with negative integers" do subject { 1..-2 } it { be_a described_class } its(:size) { eq 2 } its(:to_a) { eq [[:b, :two, :bar], [:b, :two, :baz]] } end context "rangle with single element" do subject { 1..1 } it { be_a described_class } its(:size) { eq 1 } its(:to_a) { eq [[:b, :two, :bar]] } end context "invalid position" do it { expect { 4 }.to raise_error IndexError } end context "invalid positions" do it { expect { 2, 4 }.to raise_error IndexError } end end context "#add" do let(:idx) do described_class.from_tuples [ [:a, :one, :bar], [:a, :two, :bar], [:b, :two, :baz], [:b, :one, :foo] ] end context "single index" do subject { idx.add :b, :two, :baz } its(:to_a) { eq [ [:a, :one, :bar], [:a, :two, :bar], [:b, :two, :baz], [:b, :one, :foo], [:b, :two, :baz]] } end end context "#valid?" do let(:idx) do described_class.from_tuples [ [:a, :one, :bar], [:a, :two, :bar], [:b, :two, :baz], [:b, :one, :foo] ] end context "single index" do it { expect(idx.valid? :a, :one, :bar).to eq true } it { expect(idx.valid? :b, :two, :three).to eq false } end context "multiple indexes" do it { expect(idx.valid? :a, :one).to eq true } it { expect(idx.valid? :a, :three).to eq false } end end end