require 'thor' require 'uktt' module Uktt # Implemets a CLI using Thor class CLI < Thor class_option :host, aliases: ['-h', '--host'], type: :string, desc: "Use specified API host, otherwise `#{API_HOST_LOCAL}`", banner: 'http://localhost:3002' class_option :version, aliases: ['-a', '--api-version'], type: :string, desc: 'Request a specific API version, otherwise `v1`', banner: 'v1' class_option :debug, aliases: ['-d', '--debug'], type: :boolean, desc: 'Show request and response headers, otherwise not shown', banner: true class_option :return_json, aliases: ['-j', '--json'], type: :boolean, desc: 'Request JSON response, otherwise OpenStruct', banner: true class_option :prod, aliases: ['-p', '--production'], type: :string, desc: "Use production API host, otherwise `#{API_HOST_LOCAL}`", banner: true class_option :goods, aliases: ['-g', '--goods'], type: :string, desc: 'Retrieve goods nomenclatures in this object', banner: false class_option :note, aliases: ['-n', '--note'], type: :string, desc: 'Retrieve a note for this object', banner: false class_option :changes, aliases: ['-c', '--changes'], type: :string, desc: 'Retrieve changes for this object', banner: false desc 'section', 'Retrieves a section' def section(section_id) if options[:goods] && options[:version] != 'v2' puts 'V2 is required. Use `-a v2`' return elsif options[:changes] puts 'Option not supported for this object' return end uktt = host, section_id: section_id)) puts uktt.send(action) end desc 'sections', 'Retrieves all sections' def sections puts host)).retrieve_all end desc 'chapter', 'Retrieves a chapter' def chapter(chapter_id) if options[:goods] && options[:version] != 'v2' puts 'V2 is required. Use `-a v2`' return end uktt = host, chapter_id: chapter_id)) puts uktt.send(action) end desc 'chapters', 'Retrieves all chapters' def chapters puts host)).retrieve_all end desc 'heading', 'Retrieves a heading' def heading(heading_id) if options[:goods] && options[:version] != 'v2' puts 'V2 is required. Use `-a v2`' return elsif options[:note] puts 'Option not supported for this object' return end uktt = host, heading_id: heading_id)) puts uktt.send(action) end desc 'commodity', 'Retrieves a commodity' def commodity(commodity_id) if options[:goods] || options[:note] puts 'Option not supported for this object' return end puts host, commodity_id: commodity_id)).send(action) end desc 'monetary_exchange_rates', 'Retrieves monetary exchange rates' def monetary_exchange_rates puts host)).retrieve_all end desc 'pdf', 'Makes a PDF of a chapter' method_option :filepath, aliases: ['-f', '--filepath'], type: :string, desc: 'Save PDF to path and name, otherwise saves in `pwd`', banner: '`pwd`' def pdf(chapter_id) puts "Making a PDF for Chapter #{chapter_id}" start_time = puts "Finished #{ chapter_id)).make_chapter} in #{ - start_time}" end desc 'test', 'Runs API specs' def test host, version, _json, _debug, _filepath = handle_class_options(options) ver = version ? "VER=#{version} " : '' prod = host == API_HOST_PROD ? 'PROD=true ' : '' puts `#{ver}#{prod}bundle exec rspec ./spec/uktt_api_spec.rb` end desc 'info', 'Prints help for `uktt`' method_option :version, aliases: ['-v', '--version'] def info if options[:version] puts Uktt::VERSION elsif ARGV help else help end end default_task :info no_commands do def handle_class_options(options) [ options[:host] || (options[:prod] ? API_HOST_PROD : API_HOST_LOCAL), options[:api_version] || 'v1', options[:json] || false, options[:debug] || false, options[:filepath] || nil, options[:goods] || false, options[:note] || false, options[:changes] || false, ] end def action if options[:goods] return :goods_nomenclatures elsif options[:note] return :note elsif options[:changes] return :changes else return :retrieve end end def host return ENV['HOST'] if ENV['HOST'] options[:prod] ? API_HOST_PROD : Uktt::Http.api_host end end end end