# encoding: UTF-8
require 'test_helper'
module Quesadilla
class MultiTest < TestCase
def test_that_it_extracts_links_and_tags
extraction = extract('Something #tagged with a link http://samsoff.es/posts/hire-sam')
expected = {
display_text: 'Something #tagged with a link samsoff.es/posts/hire-sam',
display_html: 'Something #tagged with a link samsoff.es/posts/hire-sam',
entities: [
type: 'hashtag',
text: '#tagged',
display_text: '#tagged',
hashtag: 'tagged',
indices: [10, 17],
display_indices: [10, 17]
type: 'link',
text: 'http://samsoff.es/posts/hire-sam',
display_text: 'samsoff.es/posts/hire-sam',
url: 'http://samsoff.es/posts/hire-sam',
indices: [30, 62],
display_indices: [30, 55]
assert_equal expected, extraction
def test_that_it_doesnt_lose_the_last_character
extraction = extract('Something that is **bold**?')
expected = {
display_text: 'Something that is bold?',
display_html: 'Something that is bold?',
entities: [
type: 'double_emphasis',
text: '**bold**',
display_text: 'bold',
indices: [18, 26],
display_indices: [18, 22]
assert_equal expected, extraction
extraction = extract('Something that is **bold**')
expected = {
display_text: 'Something that is bold',
display_html: 'Something that is bold',
entities: [
type: 'double_emphasis',
text: '**bold**',
display_text: 'bold',
indices: [18, 26],
display_indices: [18, 22]
assert_equal expected, extraction