## # This code was generated by # \ / _ _ _| _ _ # | (_)\/(_)(_|\/| |(/_ v1.0.0 # / / # # frozen_string_literal: true module Twilio module REST class Api < Domain class V2010 < Version class AccountContext < InstanceContext class ConferenceContext < InstanceContext class ParticipantList < ListResource ## # Initialize the ParticipantList # @param [Version] version Version that contains the resource # @param [String] account_sid The SID of the # {Account}[https://www.twilio.com/docs/iam/api/account] that created the # Participant resource. # @param [String] conference_sid The SID of the conference the participant is in. # @return [ParticipantList] ParticipantList def initialize(version, account_sid: nil, conference_sid: nil) super(version) # Path Solution @solution = {account_sid: account_sid, conference_sid: conference_sid} @uri = "/Accounts/#{@solution[:account_sid]}/Conferences/#{@solution[:conference_sid]}/Participants.json" end ## # Create the ParticipantInstance # @param [String] from The phone number, Client identifier, or username portion of # SIP address that made this call. Phone numbers are in # {E.164}[https://www.twilio.com/docs/glossary/what-e164] format (e.g., # +16175551212). Client identifiers are formatted `client:name`. If using a phone # number, it must be a Twilio number or a Verified {outgoing caller # id}[https://www.twilio.com/docs/voice/api/outgoing-caller-ids] for your account. # If the `to` parameter is a phone number, `from` must also be a phone number. If # `to` is sip address, this value of `from` should be a username portion to be # used to populate the P-Asserted-Identity header that is passed to the SIP # endpoint. # @param [String] to The phone number, SIP address, or Client identifier that # received this call. Phone numbers are in # {E.164}[https://www.twilio.com/docs/glossary/what-e164] format (e.g., # +16175551212). SIP addresses are formatted as `sip:name@company.com`. Client # identifiers are formatted `client:name`. {Custom # parameters}[https://www.twilio.com/docs/voice/api/conference-participant-resource#custom-parameters] # may also be specified. # @param [String] status_callback The URL we should call using the # `status_callback_method` to send status information to your application. # @param [String] status_callback_method The HTTP method we should use to call # `status_callback`. Can be: `GET` and `POST` and defaults to `POST`. # @param [Array[String]] status_callback_event The conference state changes that # should generate a call to `status_callback`. Can be: `initiated`, `ringing`, # `answered`, and `completed`. Separate multiple values with a space. The default # value is `completed`. # @param [String] label A label for this participant. If one is supplied, it may # subsequently be used to fetch, update or delete the participant. # @param [String] timeout The number of seconds that we should allow the phone to # ring before assuming there is no answer. Can be an integer between `5` and # `600`, inclusive. The default value is `60`. We always add a 5-second timeout # buffer to outgoing calls, so value of 10 would result in an actual timeout that # was closer to 15 seconds. # @param [Boolean] record Whether to record the participant and their conferences, # including the time between conferences. Can be `true` or `false` and the default # is `false`. # @param [Boolean] muted Whether the agent is muted in the conference. Can be # `true` or `false` and the default is `false`. # @param [String] beep Whether to play a notification beep to the conference when # the participant joins. Can be: `true`, `false`, `onEnter`, or `onExit`. The # default value is `true`. # @param [Boolean] start_conference_on_enter Whether to start the conference when # the participant joins, if it has not already started. Can be: `true` or `false` # and the default is `true`. If `false` and the conference has not started, the # participant is muted and hears background music until another participant starts # the conference. # @param [Boolean] end_conference_on_exit Whether to end the conference when the # participant leaves. Can be: `true` or `false` and defaults to `false`. # @param [String] wait_url The URL we should call using the `wait_method` for the # music to play while participants are waiting for the conference to start. The # default value is the URL of our standard hold music. {Learn more about hold # music}[https://www.twilio.com/labs/twimlets/holdmusic]. # @param [String] wait_method The HTTP method we should use to call `wait_url`. # Can be `GET` or `POST` and the default is `POST`. When using a static audio # file, this should be `GET` so that we can cache the file. # @param [Boolean] early_media Whether to allow an agent to hear the state of the # outbound call, including ringing or disconnect messages. Can be: `true` or # `false` and defaults to `true`. # @param [String] max_participants The maximum number of participants in the # conference. Can be a positive integer from `2` to `250`. The default value is # `250`. # @param [String] conference_record Whether to record the conference the # participant is joining. Can be: `true`, `false`, `record-from-start`, and # `do-not-record`. The default value is `false`. # @param [String] conference_trim Whether to trim leading and trailing silence # from your recorded conference audio files. Can be: `trim-silence` or # `do-not-trim` and defaults to `trim-silence`. # @param [String] conference_status_callback The URL we should call using the # `conference_status_callback_method` when the conference events in # `conference_status_callback_event` occur. Only the value set by the first # participant to join the conference is used. Subsequent # `conference_status_callback` values are ignored. # @param [String] conference_status_callback_method The HTTP method we should use # to call `conference_status_callback`. Can be: `GET` or `POST` and defaults to # `POST`. # @param [Array[String]] conference_status_callback_event The conference state # changes that should generate a call to `conference_status_callback`. Can be: # `start`, `end`, `join`, `leave`, `mute`, `hold`, `modify`, `speaker`, and # `announcement`. Separate multiple values with a space. Defaults to `start end`. # @param [String] recording_channels The recording channels for the final # recording. Can be: `mono` or `dual` and the default is `mono`. # @param [String] recording_status_callback The URL that we should call using the # `recording_status_callback_method` when the recording status changes. # @param [String] recording_status_callback_method The HTTP method we should use # when we call `recording_status_callback`. Can be: `GET` or `POST` and defaults # to `POST`. # @param [String] sip_auth_username The SIP username used for authentication. # @param [String] sip_auth_password The SIP password for authentication. # @param [String] region The # {region}[https://support.twilio.com/hc/en-us/articles/223132167-How-global-low-latency-routing-and-region-selection-work-for-conferences-and-Client-calls] # where we should mix the recorded audio. Can be:`us1`, `ie1`, `de1`, `sg1`, # `br1`, `au1`, or `jp1`. # @param [String] conference_recording_status_callback The URL we should call # using the `conference_recording_status_callback_method` when the conference # recording is available. # @param [String] conference_recording_status_callback_method The HTTP method we # should use to call `conference_recording_status_callback`. Can be: `GET` or # `POST` and defaults to `POST`. # @param [Array[String]] recording_status_callback_event The recording state # changes that should generate a call to `recording_status_callback`. Can be: # `started`, `in-progress`, `paused`, `resumed`, `stopped`, `completed`, `failed`, # and `absent`. Separate multiple values with a space, ex: `'in-progress completed # failed'`. # @param [Array[String]] conference_recording_status_callback_event The conference # recording state changes that generate a call to # `conference_recording_status_callback`. Can be: `in-progress`, `completed`, # `failed`, and `absent`. Separate multiple values with a space, ex: `'in-progress # completed failed'` # @param [Boolean] coaching Whether the participant is coaching another call. Can # be: `true` or `false`. If not present, defaults to `false` unless # `call_sid_to_coach` is defined. If `true`, `call_sid_to_coach` must be defined. # @param [String] call_sid_to_coach The SID of the participant who is being # `coached`. The participant being coached is the only participant who can hear # the participant who is `coaching`. # @param [String] jitter_buffer_size Jitter buffer size for the connecting # participant. Twilio will use this setting to apply Jitter Buffer before # participant's audio is mixed into the conference. Can be: `off`, `small`, # `medium`, and `large`. Default to `large`. # @param [String] byoc The SID of a BYOC (Bring Your Own Carrier) trunk to route # this call with. Note that `byoc` is only meaningful when `to` is a phone number; # it will otherwise be ignored. (Beta) # @param [String] caller_id The phone number, Client identifier, or username # portion of SIP address that made this call. Phone numbers are in # {E.164}[https://www.twilio.com/docs/glossary/what-e164] format (e.g., # +16175551212). Client identifiers are formatted `client:name`. If using a phone # number, it must be a Twilio number or a Verified {outgoing caller # id}[https://www.twilio.com/docs/voice/api/outgoing-caller-ids] for your account. # If the `to` parameter is a phone number, `callerId` must also be a phone number. # If `to` is sip address, this value of `callerId` should be a username portion to # be used to populate the From header that is passed to the SIP endpoint. # @param [String] call_reason The Reason for the outgoing call. Use it to specify # the purpose of the call that is presented on the called party's phone. (Branded # Calls Beta) # @param [String] recording_track The audio track to record for the call. Can be: # `inbound`, `outbound` or `both`. The default is `both`. `inbound` records the # audio that is received by Twilio. `outbound` records the audio that is sent from # Twilio. `both` records the audio that is received and sent by Twilio. # @param [String] time_limit The maximum duration of the call in seconds. # Constraints depend on account and configuration. # @param [String] machine_detection Whether to detect if a human, answering # machine, or fax has picked up the call. Can be: `Enable` or `DetectMessageEnd`. # Use `Enable` if you would like us to return `AnsweredBy` as soon as the called # party is identified. Use `DetectMessageEnd`, if you would like to leave a # message on an answering machine. If `send_digits` is provided, this parameter is # ignored. For more information, see {Answering Machine # Detection}[https://www.twilio.com/docs/voice/answering-machine-detection]. # @param [String] machine_detection_timeout The number of seconds that we should # attempt to detect an answering machine before timing out and sending a voice # request with `AnsweredBy` of `unknown`. The default timeout is 30 seconds. # @param [String] machine_detection_speech_threshold The number of milliseconds # that is used as the measuring stick for the length of the speech activity, where # durations lower than this value will be interpreted as a human and longer than # this value as a machine. Possible Values: 1000-6000. Default: 2400. # @param [String] machine_detection_speech_end_threshold The number of # milliseconds of silence after speech activity at which point the speech activity # is considered complete. Possible Values: 500-5000. Default: 1200. # @param [String] machine_detection_silence_timeout The number of milliseconds of # initial silence after which an `unknown` AnsweredBy result will be returned. # Possible Values: 2000-10000. Default: 5000. # @param [String] amd_status_callback The URL that we should call using the # `amd_status_callback_method` to notify customer application whether the call was # answered by human, machine or fax. # @param [String] amd_status_callback_method The HTTP method we should use when # calling the `amd_status_callback` URL. Can be: `GET` or `POST` and the default # is `POST`. # @return [ParticipantInstance] Created ParticipantInstance def create(from: nil, to: nil, status_callback: :unset, status_callback_method: :unset, status_callback_event: :unset, label: :unset, timeout: :unset, record: :unset, muted: :unset, beep: :unset, start_conference_on_enter: :unset, end_conference_on_exit: :unset, wait_url: :unset, wait_method: :unset, early_media: :unset, max_participants: :unset, conference_record: :unset, conference_trim: :unset, conference_status_callback: :unset, conference_status_callback_method: :unset, conference_status_callback_event: :unset, recording_channels: :unset, recording_status_callback: :unset, recording_status_callback_method: :unset, sip_auth_username: :unset, sip_auth_password: :unset, region: :unset, conference_recording_status_callback: :unset, conference_recording_status_callback_method: :unset, recording_status_callback_event: :unset, conference_recording_status_callback_event: :unset, coaching: :unset, call_sid_to_coach: :unset, jitter_buffer_size: :unset, byoc: :unset, caller_id: :unset, call_reason: :unset, recording_track: :unset, time_limit: :unset, machine_detection: :unset, machine_detection_timeout: :unset, machine_detection_speech_threshold: :unset, machine_detection_speech_end_threshold: :unset, machine_detection_silence_timeout: :unset, amd_status_callback: :unset, amd_status_callback_method: :unset) data = Twilio::Values.of({ 'From' => from, 'To' => to, 'StatusCallback' => status_callback, 'StatusCallbackMethod' => status_callback_method, 'StatusCallbackEvent' => Twilio.serialize_list(status_callback_event) { |e| e }, 'Label' => label, 'Timeout' => timeout, 'Record' => record, 'Muted' => muted, 'Beep' => beep, 'StartConferenceOnEnter' => start_conference_on_enter, 'EndConferenceOnExit' => end_conference_on_exit, 'WaitUrl' => wait_url, 'WaitMethod' => wait_method, 'EarlyMedia' => early_media, 'MaxParticipants' => max_participants, 'ConferenceRecord' => conference_record, 'ConferenceTrim' => conference_trim, 'ConferenceStatusCallback' => conference_status_callback, 'ConferenceStatusCallbackMethod' => conference_status_callback_method, 'ConferenceStatusCallbackEvent' => Twilio.serialize_list(conference_status_callback_event) { |e| e }, 'RecordingChannels' => recording_channels, 'RecordingStatusCallback' => recording_status_callback, 'RecordingStatusCallbackMethod' => recording_status_callback_method, 'SipAuthUsername' => sip_auth_username, 'SipAuthPassword' => sip_auth_password, 'Region' => region, 'ConferenceRecordingStatusCallback' => conference_recording_status_callback, 'ConferenceRecordingStatusCallbackMethod' => conference_recording_status_callback_method, 'RecordingStatusCallbackEvent' => Twilio.serialize_list(recording_status_callback_event) { |e| e }, 'ConferenceRecordingStatusCallbackEvent' => Twilio.serialize_list(conference_recording_status_callback_event) { |e| e }, 'Coaching' => coaching, 'CallSidToCoach' => call_sid_to_coach, 'JitterBufferSize' => jitter_buffer_size, 'Byoc' => byoc, 'CallerId' => caller_id, 'CallReason' => call_reason, 'RecordingTrack' => recording_track, 'TimeLimit' => time_limit, 'MachineDetection' => machine_detection, 'MachineDetectionTimeout' => machine_detection_timeout, 'MachineDetectionSpeechThreshold' => machine_detection_speech_threshold, 'MachineDetectionSpeechEndThreshold' => machine_detection_speech_end_threshold, 'MachineDetectionSilenceTimeout' => machine_detection_silence_timeout, 'AmdStatusCallback' => amd_status_callback, 'AmdStatusCallbackMethod' => amd_status_callback_method, }) payload = @version.create('POST', @uri, data: data) ParticipantInstance.new( @version, payload, account_sid: @solution[:account_sid], conference_sid: @solution[:conference_sid], ) end ## # Lists ParticipantInstance records from the API as a list. # Unlike stream(), this operation is eager and will load `limit` records into # memory before returning. # @param [Boolean] muted Whether to return only participants that are muted. Can # be: `true` or `false`. # @param [Boolean] hold Whether to return only participants that are on hold. Can # be: `true` or `false`. # @param [Boolean] coaching Whether to return only participants who are coaching # another call. Can be: `true` or `false`. # @param [Integer] limit Upper limit for the number of records to return. stream() # guarantees to never return more than limit. Default is no limit # @param [Integer] page_size Number of records to fetch per request, when # not set will use the default value of 50 records. If no page_size is defined # but a limit is defined, stream() will attempt to read the limit with the most # efficient page size, i.e. min(limit, 1000) # @return [Array] Array of up to limit results def list(muted: :unset, hold: :unset, coaching: :unset, limit: nil, page_size: nil) self.stream( muted: muted, hold: hold, coaching: coaching, limit: limit, page_size: page_size ).entries end ## # Streams ParticipantInstance records from the API as an Enumerable. # This operation lazily loads records as efficiently as possible until the limit # is reached. # @param [Boolean] muted Whether to return only participants that are muted. Can # be: `true` or `false`. # @param [Boolean] hold Whether to return only participants that are on hold. Can # be: `true` or `false`. # @param [Boolean] coaching Whether to return only participants who are coaching # another call. Can be: `true` or `false`. # @param [Integer] limit Upper limit for the number of records to return. stream() # guarantees to never return more than limit. Default is no limit. # @param [Integer] page_size Number of records to fetch per request, when # not set will use the default value of 50 records. If no page_size is defined # but a limit is defined, stream() will attempt to read the limit with the most # efficient page size, i.e. min(limit, 1000) # @return [Enumerable] Enumerable that will yield up to limit results def stream(muted: :unset, hold: :unset, coaching: :unset, limit: nil, page_size: nil) limits = @version.read_limits(limit, page_size) page = self.page(muted: muted, hold: hold, coaching: coaching, page_size: limits[:page_size], ) @version.stream(page, limit: limits[:limit], page_limit: limits[:page_limit]) end ## # When passed a block, yields ParticipantInstance records from the API. # This operation lazily loads records as efficiently as possible until the limit # is reached. def each limits = @version.read_limits page = self.page(page_size: limits[:page_size], ) @version.stream(page, limit: limits[:limit], page_limit: limits[:page_limit]).each {|x| yield x} end ## # Retrieve a single page of ParticipantInstance records from the API. # Request is executed immediately. # @param [Boolean] muted Whether to return only participants that are muted. Can # be: `true` or `false`. # @param [Boolean] hold Whether to return only participants that are on hold. Can # be: `true` or `false`. # @param [Boolean] coaching Whether to return only participants who are coaching # another call. Can be: `true` or `false`. # @param [String] page_token PageToken provided by the API # @param [Integer] page_number Page Number, this value is simply for client state # @param [Integer] page_size Number of records to return, defaults to 50 # @return [Page] Page of ParticipantInstance def page(muted: :unset, hold: :unset, coaching: :unset, page_token: :unset, page_number: :unset, page_size: :unset) params = Twilio::Values.of({ 'Muted' => muted, 'Hold' => hold, 'Coaching' => coaching, 'PageToken' => page_token, 'Page' => page_number, 'PageSize' => page_size, }) response = @version.page('GET', @uri, params: params) ParticipantPage.new(@version, response, @solution) end ## # Retrieve a single page of ParticipantInstance records from the API. # Request is executed immediately. # @param [String] target_url API-generated URL for the requested results page # @return [Page] Page of ParticipantInstance def get_page(target_url) response = @version.domain.request( 'GET', target_url ) ParticipantPage.new(@version, response, @solution) end ## # Provide a user friendly representation def to_s '#' end end class ParticipantPage < Page ## # Initialize the ParticipantPage # @param [Version] version Version that contains the resource # @param [Response] response Response from the API # @param [Hash] solution Path solution for the resource # @return [ParticipantPage] ParticipantPage def initialize(version, response, solution) super(version, response) # Path Solution @solution = solution end ## # Build an instance of ParticipantInstance # @param [Hash] payload Payload response from the API # @return [ParticipantInstance] ParticipantInstance def get_instance(payload) ParticipantInstance.new( @version, payload, account_sid: @solution[:account_sid], conference_sid: @solution[:conference_sid], ) end ## # Provide a user friendly representation def to_s '' end end class ParticipantContext < InstanceContext ## # Initialize the ParticipantContext # @param [Version] version Version that contains the resource # @param [String] account_sid The SID of the # {Account}[https://www.twilio.com/docs/iam/api/account] that created the # Participant resource to fetch. # @param [String] conference_sid The SID of the conference with the participant to # fetch. # @param [String] call_sid The # {Call}[https://www.twilio.com/docs/voice/api/call-resource] SID or label of the # participant to fetch. Non URL safe characters in a label must be percent # encoded, for example, a space character is represented as %20. # @return [ParticipantContext] ParticipantContext def initialize(version, account_sid, conference_sid, call_sid) super(version) # Path Solution @solution = {account_sid: account_sid, conference_sid: conference_sid, call_sid: call_sid, } @uri = "/Accounts/#{@solution[:account_sid]}/Conferences/#{@solution[:conference_sid]}/Participants/#{@solution[:call_sid]}.json" end ## # Fetch the ParticipantInstance # @return [ParticipantInstance] Fetched ParticipantInstance def fetch payload = @version.fetch('GET', @uri) ParticipantInstance.new( @version, payload, account_sid: @solution[:account_sid], conference_sid: @solution[:conference_sid], call_sid: @solution[:call_sid], ) end ## # Update the ParticipantInstance # @param [Boolean] muted Whether the participant should be muted. Can be `true` or # `false`. `true` will mute the participant, and `false` will un-mute them. # Anything value other than `true` or `false` is interpreted as `false`. # @param [Boolean] hold Whether the participant should be on hold. Can be: `true` # or `false`. `true` puts the participant on hold, and `false` lets them rejoin # the conference. # @param [String] hold_url The URL we call using the `hold_method` for music that # plays when the participant is on hold. The URL may return an MP3 file, a WAV # file, or a TwiML document that contains ``, ``, ``, or # `` verbs. # @param [String] hold_method The HTTP method we should use to call `hold_url`. # Can be: `GET` or `POST` and the default is `GET`. # @param [String] announce_url The URL we call using the `announce_method` for an # announcement to the participant. The URL may return an MP3 file, a WAV file, or # a TwiML document that contains ``, ``, ``, or `` # verbs. # @param [String] announce_method The HTTP method we should use to call # `announce_url`. Can be: `GET` or `POST` and defaults to `POST`. # @param [String] wait_url The URL we call using the `wait_method` for the music # to play while participants are waiting for the conference to start. The URL may # return an MP3 file, a WAV file, or a TwiML document that contains ``, # ``, ``, or `` verbs. The default value is the URL of our # standard hold music. {Learn more about hold # music}[https://www.twilio.com/labs/twimlets/holdmusic]. # @param [String] wait_method The HTTP method we should use to call `wait_url`. # Can be `GET` or `POST` and the default is `POST`. When using a static audio # file, this should be `GET` so that we can cache the file. # @param [Boolean] beep_on_exit Whether to play a notification beep to the # conference when the participant exits. Can be: `true` or `false`. # @param [Boolean] end_conference_on_exit Whether to end the conference when the # participant leaves. Can be: `true` or `false` and defaults to `false`. # @param [Boolean] coaching Whether the participant is coaching another call. Can # be: `true` or `false`. If not present, defaults to `false` unless # `call_sid_to_coach` is defined. If `true`, `call_sid_to_coach` must be defined. # @param [String] call_sid_to_coach The SID of the participant who is being # `coached`. The participant being coached is the only participant who can hear # the participant who is `coaching`. # @return [ParticipantInstance] Updated ParticipantInstance def update(muted: :unset, hold: :unset, hold_url: :unset, hold_method: :unset, announce_url: :unset, announce_method: :unset, wait_url: :unset, wait_method: :unset, beep_on_exit: :unset, end_conference_on_exit: :unset, coaching: :unset, call_sid_to_coach: :unset) data = Twilio::Values.of({ 'Muted' => muted, 'Hold' => hold, 'HoldUrl' => hold_url, 'HoldMethod' => hold_method, 'AnnounceUrl' => announce_url, 'AnnounceMethod' => announce_method, 'WaitUrl' => wait_url, 'WaitMethod' => wait_method, 'BeepOnExit' => beep_on_exit, 'EndConferenceOnExit' => end_conference_on_exit, 'Coaching' => coaching, 'CallSidToCoach' => call_sid_to_coach, }) payload = @version.update('POST', @uri, data: data) ParticipantInstance.new( @version, payload, account_sid: @solution[:account_sid], conference_sid: @solution[:conference_sid], call_sid: @solution[:call_sid], ) end ## # Delete the ParticipantInstance # @return [Boolean] true if delete succeeds, false otherwise def delete @version.delete('DELETE', @uri) end ## # Provide a user friendly representation def to_s context = @solution.map {|k, v| "#{k}: #{v}"}.join(',') "#" end ## # Provide a detailed, user friendly representation def inspect context = @solution.map {|k, v| "#{k}: #{v}"}.join(',') "#" end end class ParticipantInstance < InstanceResource ## # Initialize the ParticipantInstance # @param [Version] version Version that contains the resource # @param [Hash] payload payload that contains response from Twilio # @param [String] account_sid The SID of the # {Account}[https://www.twilio.com/docs/iam/api/account] that created the # Participant resource. # @param [String] conference_sid The SID of the conference the participant is in. # @param [String] call_sid The # {Call}[https://www.twilio.com/docs/voice/api/call-resource] SID or label of the # participant to fetch. Non URL safe characters in a label must be percent # encoded, for example, a space character is represented as %20. # @return [ParticipantInstance] ParticipantInstance def initialize(version, payload, account_sid: nil, conference_sid: nil, call_sid: nil) super(version) # Marshaled Properties @properties = { 'account_sid' => payload['account_sid'], 'call_sid' => payload['call_sid'], 'label' => payload['label'], 'call_sid_to_coach' => payload['call_sid_to_coach'], 'coaching' => payload['coaching'], 'conference_sid' => payload['conference_sid'], 'date_created' => Twilio.deserialize_rfc2822(payload['date_created']), 'date_updated' => Twilio.deserialize_rfc2822(payload['date_updated']), 'end_conference_on_exit' => payload['end_conference_on_exit'], 'muted' => payload['muted'], 'hold' => payload['hold'], 'start_conference_on_enter' => payload['start_conference_on_enter'], 'status' => payload['status'], 'uri' => payload['uri'], } # Context @instance_context = nil @params = { 'account_sid' => account_sid, 'conference_sid' => conference_sid, 'call_sid' => call_sid || @properties['call_sid'], } end ## # Generate an instance context for the instance, the context is capable of # performing various actions. All instance actions are proxied to the context # @return [ParticipantContext] ParticipantContext for this ParticipantInstance def context unless @instance_context @instance_context = ParticipantContext.new( @version, @params['account_sid'], @params['conference_sid'], @params['call_sid'], ) end @instance_context end ## # @return [String] The SID of the Account that created the resource def account_sid @properties['account_sid'] end ## # @return [String] The SID of the Call the resource is associated with def call_sid @properties['call_sid'] end ## # @return [String] The label of this participant def label @properties['label'] end ## # @return [String] The SID of the participant who is being `coached` def call_sid_to_coach @properties['call_sid_to_coach'] end ## # @return [Boolean] Indicates if the participant changed to coach def coaching @properties['coaching'] end ## # @return [String] The SID of the conference the participant is in def conference_sid @properties['conference_sid'] end ## # @return [Time] The RFC 2822 date and time in GMT that the resource was created def date_created @properties['date_created'] end ## # @return [Time] The RFC 2822 date and time in GMT that the resource was last updated def date_updated @properties['date_updated'] end ## # @return [Boolean] Whether the conference ends when the participant leaves def end_conference_on_exit @properties['end_conference_on_exit'] end ## # @return [Boolean] Whether the participant is muted def muted @properties['muted'] end ## # @return [Boolean] Whether the participant is on hold def hold @properties['hold'] end ## # @return [Boolean] Whether the conference starts when the participant joins the conference def start_conference_on_enter @properties['start_conference_on_enter'] end ## # @return [participant.Status] The status of the participant's call in a session def status @properties['status'] end ## # @return [String] The URI of the resource, relative to `https://api.twilio.com` def uri @properties['uri'] end ## # Fetch the ParticipantInstance # @return [ParticipantInstance] Fetched ParticipantInstance def fetch context.fetch end ## # Update the ParticipantInstance # @param [Boolean] muted Whether the participant should be muted. Can be `true` or # `false`. `true` will mute the participant, and `false` will un-mute them. # Anything value other than `true` or `false` is interpreted as `false`. # @param [Boolean] hold Whether the participant should be on hold. Can be: `true` # or `false`. `true` puts the participant on hold, and `false` lets them rejoin # the conference. # @param [String] hold_url The URL we call using the `hold_method` for music that # plays when the participant is on hold. The URL may return an MP3 file, a WAV # file, or a TwiML document that contains ``, ``, ``, or # `` verbs. # @param [String] hold_method The HTTP method we should use to call `hold_url`. # Can be: `GET` or `POST` and the default is `GET`. # @param [String] announce_url The URL we call using the `announce_method` for an # announcement to the participant. The URL may return an MP3 file, a WAV file, or # a TwiML document that contains ``, ``, ``, or `` # verbs. # @param [String] announce_method The HTTP method we should use to call # `announce_url`. Can be: `GET` or `POST` and defaults to `POST`. # @param [String] wait_url The URL we call using the `wait_method` for the music # to play while participants are waiting for the conference to start. The URL may # return an MP3 file, a WAV file, or a TwiML document that contains ``, # ``, ``, or `` verbs. The default value is the URL of our # standard hold music. {Learn more about hold # music}[https://www.twilio.com/labs/twimlets/holdmusic]. # @param [String] wait_method The HTTP method we should use to call `wait_url`. # Can be `GET` or `POST` and the default is `POST`. When using a static audio # file, this should be `GET` so that we can cache the file. # @param [Boolean] beep_on_exit Whether to play a notification beep to the # conference when the participant exits. Can be: `true` or `false`. # @param [Boolean] end_conference_on_exit Whether to end the conference when the # participant leaves. Can be: `true` or `false` and defaults to `false`. # @param [Boolean] coaching Whether the participant is coaching another call. Can # be: `true` or `false`. If not present, defaults to `false` unless # `call_sid_to_coach` is defined. If `true`, `call_sid_to_coach` must be defined. # @param [String] call_sid_to_coach The SID of the participant who is being # `coached`. The participant being coached is the only participant who can hear # the participant who is `coaching`. # @return [ParticipantInstance] Updated ParticipantInstance def update(muted: :unset, hold: :unset, hold_url: :unset, hold_method: :unset, announce_url: :unset, announce_method: :unset, wait_url: :unset, wait_method: :unset, beep_on_exit: :unset, end_conference_on_exit: :unset, coaching: :unset, call_sid_to_coach: :unset) context.update( muted: muted, hold: hold, hold_url: hold_url, hold_method: hold_method, announce_url: announce_url, announce_method: announce_method, wait_url: wait_url, wait_method: wait_method, beep_on_exit: beep_on_exit, end_conference_on_exit: end_conference_on_exit, coaching: coaching, call_sid_to_coach: call_sid_to_coach, ) end ## # Delete the ParticipantInstance # @return [Boolean] true if delete succeeds, false otherwise def delete context.delete end ## # Provide a user friendly representation def to_s values = @params.map{|k, v| "#{k}: #{v}"}.join(" ") "" end ## # Provide a detailed, user friendly representation def inspect values = @properties.map{|k, v| "#{k}: #{v}"}.join(" ") "" end end end end end end end end