require "waveapps/ruby/version" require "graphql/client" require "graphql/client/http" module Waveapps class Error < StandardError; end API_URL = "" WAVEAPPS_TOKEN = ENV.fetch('WAVEAPPS_TOKEN') HTTP = do def headers(context) # Optionally set any HTTP headers { "Authorization" => "Bearer #{WAVEAPPS_TOKEN}" } end end # Fetch latest schema on init, this will make a network request # Schema = GraphQL::Client.load_schema(HTTP) # However, it's smart to dump this to a JSON file and load from disk # # Run it from a script or rake task # rake schema:dump # Schema = GraphQL::Client.load_schema("./tmp/schema.json") Client = Schema, execute: HTTP) class Invoice ListInvoicesQuery = Waveapps::Client.parse <<-'GRAPHQL' query($businessId: ID!, $page: Int!, $pageSize: Int!) { business(id: $businessId) { id isClassicInvoicing invoices(page: $page, pageSize: $pageSize) { pageInfo { currentPage totalPages totalCount } edges { node { id createdAt modifiedAt pdfUrl viewUrl status title subhead invoiceNumber invoiceDate poNumber customer { id name # Can add additional customer fields here } currency { code } dueDate amountDue { value currency { symbol } } amountPaid { value currency { symbol } } taxTotal { value currency { symbol } } total { value currency { symbol } } exchangeRate footer memo disableCreditCardPayments disableBankPayments itemTitle unitTitle priceTitle amountTitle hideName hideDescription hideUnit hidePrice hideAmount items { product { id name # Can add additional product fields here } description quantity price subtotal { value currency { symbol } } total { value currency { symbol } } account { id name subtype { name value } # Can add additional account fields here } taxes { amount { value } salesTax { id name # Can add additional sales tax fields here } } } lastSentAt lastSentVia lastViewedAt } } } } } GRAPHQL def self.list_invoices(page: 1, page_size: 10, business_id:) result = Waveapps::Client.query(ListInvoicesQuery, variables: { businessId: business_id, page: page, pageSize: page_size }).data return nil if result.nil? {|n| n.node} end CreateInvoiceQuery = Waveapps::Client.parse <<-'GRAPHQL' mutation ($input: InvoiceCreateInput!) { invoiceCreate(input: $input) { didSucceed inputErrors { message code path } invoice { id createdAt modifiedAt pdfUrl viewUrl status title subhead invoiceNumber invoiceDate poNumber customer { id name # Can add additional customer fields here } currency { code } dueDate amountDue { value currency { symbol } } amountPaid { value currency { symbol } } taxTotal { value currency { symbol } } total { value currency { symbol } } exchangeRate footer memo disableCreditCardPayments disableBankPayments itemTitle unitTitle priceTitle amountTitle hideName hideDescription hideUnit hidePrice hideAmount items { product { id name # Can add additional product fields here } description quantity price subtotal { value currency { symbol } } total { value currency { symbol } } account { id name subtype { name value } # Can add additional account fields here } taxes { amount { value } salesTax { id name # Can add additional sales tax fields here } } } lastSentAt lastSentVia lastViewedAt } } } GRAPHQL # { # "input": { # "businessId": "", # "customerId": "", # "items": [ # { # "productId": "" # } # ] # } # } def self.create_invoice(items: , business_id: , customer_id: ) Waveapps::Client.query(CreateInvoiceQuery, variables: { input: { businessId: business_id, customerId: customer_id, items: { |pid| { productId: pid[:product_id], quantity: pid[:quantity], description: pid[:description], unitPrice: pid[:unit_price] }} } }) end DeleteInvoiceQuery = Waveapps::Client.parse <<-'GRAPHQL' mutation ($input: InvoiceDeleteInput!) { invoiceDelete(input: $input) { didSucceed inputErrors { code message path } } } GRAPHQL def self.delete_invoice(id) result = Waveapps::Client.query(DeleteInvoiceQuery, variables: {input: { id: id}}) end end end