Caching and preloading
All HTTP requests go through the Up.js proxy.
It caches a [limited](/up.proxy.config) number of server responses
for a [limited](/up.proxy.config) amount of time,
making requests to these URLs return insantly.
The cache is cleared whenever the user makes a non-`GET` request
(like `POST`, `PUT` or `DELETE`).
The proxy can also used to speed up reaction times by [preloading
links when the user hovers over the click area](/up-preload) (or puts the mouse/finger
down before releasing). This way the response will already be cached when
the user performs the click.
You can [listen](/up.on) to the [`up:proxy:busy`](/up:proxy:busy)
and [`up:proxy:idle`](/up:proxy:idle) events to implement a spinner
that appears during a long-running request,
and disappears once the response has been received:
Please wait!
Here is the Javascript to make it alive:
up.compiler('.spinner', function($element) {
show = function() { $element.show() };
hide = function() { $element.hide() };
showOff = up.on('up:proxy:busy', show);
hideOff = up.on('up:proxy:idle', hide);
// Clean up when the element is removed from the DOM
return function() {
The `up:proxy:busy` event will be emitted after a delay of 300 ms
to prevent the spinner from flickering on and off.
You can change (or remove) this delay by [configuring `up.proxy`](/up.proxy.config) like this:
up.proxy.config.busyDelay = 150;
@class up.proxy
up.proxy = (($) ->
u = up.util
$waitingLink = undefined
preloadDelayTimer = undefined
busyDelayTimer = undefined
pendingCount = undefined
busyEventEmitted = undefined
queuedRequests = []
@property up.proxy.config
@param {Number} [config.preloadDelay=75]
The number of milliseconds to wait before [`[up-preload]`](/up-preload)
starts preloading.
@param {Number} [config.cacheSize=70]
The maximum number of responses to cache.
If the size is exceeded, the oldest items will be dropped from the cache.
@param {Number} [config.cacheExpiry=300000]
The number of milliseconds until a cache entry expires.
Defaults to 5 minutes.
@param {Number} [config.busyDelay=300]
How long the proxy waits until emitting the [`up:proxy:busy` event](/up:proxy:busy).
Use this to prevent flickering of spinners.
@param {Number} [config.maxRequests=4]
The maximum number of concurrent requests to allow before additional
requests are queued. This currently ignores preloading requests.
You might find it useful to set this to `1` in full-stack integration
tests (e.g. Selenium).
Note that your browser might [impose its own request limit](http://www.browserscope.org/?category=network)
regardless of what you configure here.
@param {Array} [config.wrapMethods]
An array of uppercase HTTP method names. AJAX requests with one of these methods
will be converted into a `POST` request and carry their original method as a `_method`
parameter. This is to [prevent unexpected redirect behavior](https://makandracards.com/makandra/38347).
@param {String} [config.wrapMethodParam]
The name of the POST parameter when wrapping HTTP methods in a `POST` request.
@param {Array} [config.safeMethods]
An array of uppercase HTTP method names that are considered idempotent.
The proxy cache will only cache idempotent requests and will clear the entire
cache after a non-idempotent request.
config = u.config
busyDelay: 300
preloadDelay: 75
cacheSize: 70
cacheExpiry: 1000 * 60 * 5
maxRequests: 4
wrapMethods: ['PATCH', 'PUT', 'DELETE']
wrapMethodParam: '_method'
safeMethods: ['GET', 'OPTIONS', 'HEAD']
cacheKey = (request) ->
[ request.url,
cache = u.cache
size: -> config.cacheSize
expiry: -> config.cacheExpiry
key: cacheKey
# log: 'up.proxy'
Returns a cached response for the given request.
Returns `undefined` if the given request is not currently cached.
@function up.proxy.get
@return {Promise}
A promise for the response that is API-compatible with the
promise returned by [`jQuery.ajax`](http://api.jquery.com/jquery.ajax/).
get = (request) ->
request = normalizeRequest(request)
candidates = [request]
unless request.target is 'html'
requestForHtml = u.merge(request, target: 'html')
unless request.target is 'body'
requestForBody = u.merge(request, target: 'body')
for candidate in candidates
if response = cache.get(candidate)
return response
Manually stores a promise for the response to the given request.
@function up.proxy.set
@param {String} request.url
@param {String} [request.method='GET']
@param {String} [request.target='body']
@param {Promise} response
A promise for the response that is API-compatible with the
promise returned by [`jQuery.ajax`](http://api.jquery.com/jquery.ajax/).
set = cache.set
Manually removes the given request from the cache.
You can also [configure](/up.proxy.config) when the proxy
automatically removes cache entries.
@function up.proxy.remove
@param {String} request.url
@param {String} [request.method='GET']
@param {String} [request.target='body']
remove = cache.remove
Removes all cache entries.
Up.js also automatically clears the cache whenever it processes
a request with a non-GET HTTP method.
@function up.proxy.clear
clear = cache.clear
cancelPreloadDelay = ->
preloadDelayTimer = null
cancelBusyDelay = ->
busyDelayTimer = null
reset = ->
$waitingLink = null
pendingCount = 0
busyEventEmitted = false
queuedRequests = []
alias = cache.alias
normalizeRequest = (request) ->
unless request._normalized
request.method = u.normalizeMethod(request.method)
request.url = u.normalizeUrl(request.url) if request.url
request.target ||= 'body'
request._normalized = true
Makes a request to the given URL and caches the response.
If the response was already cached, returns the HTML instantly.
If requesting a URL that is not read-only, the response will
not be cached and the entire cache will be cleared.
Only requests with a method of `GET`, `OPTIONS` and `HEAD`
are considered to be read-only.
If a network connection is attempted, the proxy will emit
a `up:proxy:load` event with the `request` as its argument.
Once the response is received, a `up:proxy:receive` event will
be emitted.
@function up.ajax
@param {String} request.url
@param {String} [request.method='GET']
@param {String} [request.target='body']
@param {Boolean} [request.cache]
Whether to use a cached response, if available.
If set to `false` a network connection will always be attempted.
@param {Object} [request.headers={}]
An object of additional header key/value pairs to send along
with the request.
@param {Object} [request.data={}]
An object of request parameters.
A promise for the response that is API-compatible with the
promise returned by [`jQuery.ajax`](http://api.jquery.com/jquery.ajax/).
ajax = (options) ->
forceCache = (options.cache == true)
ignoreCache = (options.cache == false)
request = u.only(options, 'url', 'method', 'data', 'target', 'headers', '_normalized')
request = normalizeRequest(request)
pending = true
# Non-GET requests always touch the network
# unless `options.cache` is explicitly set to `true`.
# These requests are never cached.
if !isIdempotent(request) && !forceCache
promise = loadOrQueue(request)
# If we have an existing promise matching this new request,
# we use it unless `options.cache` is explicitly set to `false`.
# The promise might still be pending.
else if (promise = get(request)) && !ignoreCache
up.puts 'Re-using cached response for %s %s', request.method, request.url
pending = (promise.state() == 'pending')
# If no existing promise is available, we make a network request.
promise = loadOrQueue(request)
set(request, promise)
# Don't cache failed requests
promise.fail -> remove(request)
if pending && !options.preload
# This might actually make `pendingCount` higher than the actual
# number of outstanding requests. However, we need to cover the
# following case:
# - User starts preloading a request.
# This triggers *no* `up:proxy:busy`.
# - User starts loading the request (without preloading).
# This triggers `up:proxy:busy`.
# - The request finishes.
# This triggers `up:proxy:idle`.
Returns `true` if the proxy is not currently waiting
for a request to finish. Returns `false` otherwise.
The proxy will also emit an [`up:proxy:idle` event](/up:proxy:idle) if it
used to busy, but is now idle.
@function up.proxy.idle
@return {Boolean}
Whether the proxy is idle
idle = ->
pendingCount == 0
Returns `true` if the proxy is currently waiting
for a request to finish. Returns `false` otherwise.
The proxy will also emit an [`up:proxy:busy` event](/up:proxy:busy) if it
used to be idle, but is now busy.
@function up.proxy.busy
@return {Boolean}
Whether the proxy is busy
busy = ->
pendingCount > 0
loadStarted = ->
wasIdle = idle()
pendingCount += 1
if wasIdle
# Since the emission of up:proxy:busy might be delayed by config.busyDelay,
# we wrap the mission in a function for scheduling below.
emission = ->
if busy() # a fast response might have beaten the delay
up.emit('up:proxy:busy', message: 'Proxy is busy')
busyEventEmitted = true
if config.busyDelay > 0
busyDelayTimer = setTimeout(emission, config.busyDelay)
This event is [emitted]/(up.emit) when [AJAX requests](/up.ajax)
are taking long to finish.
By default Up.js will wait 300 ms for an AJAX request to finish
before emitting `up:proxy:busy`. You can configure this time like this:
up.proxy.config.busyDelay = 150;
Once all responses have been received, an [`up:proxy:idle`](/up:proxy:idle)
will be emitted.
Note that if additional requests are made while Up.js is already busy
waiting, **no** additional `up:proxy:busy` events will be triggered.
@event up:proxy:busy
loadEnded = ->
pendingCount -= 1
if idle() && busyEventEmitted
up.emit('up:proxy:idle', message: 'Proxy is idle')
busyEventEmitted = false
This event is [emitted]/(up.emit) when [AJAX requests](/up.ajax)
have [taken long to finish](/up:proxy:busy), but have finished now.
@event up:proxy:idle
loadOrQueue = (request) ->
if pendingCount < config.maxRequests
queue = (request) ->
up.puts('Queuing request for %s %s', request.method, request.url)
deferred = $.Deferred()
entry =
deferred: deferred
request: request
load = (request) ->
up.emit('up:proxy:load', u.merge(request, message: ['Loading %s %s', request.method, request.url]))
# We will modify the request below for features like method wrapping.
# Let's not change the original request which would confuse API clients
# and cache key logic.
request = u.copy(request)
request.headers ||= {}
request.headers['X-Up-Target'] = request.target
request.data = u.requestDataAsArray(request.data)
if u.contains(config.wrapMethods, request.method)
name: config.wrapMethodParam
value: request.method
request.method = 'POST'
promise = $.ajax(request)
promise.done (data, textStatus, xhr) -> responseReceived(request, xhr)
promise.fail (xhr, textStatus, errorThrown) -> responseReceived(request, xhr)
responseReceived = (request, xhr) ->
up.emit('up:proxy:received', u.merge(request, message: ['Server responded with %s %s (%d bytes)', xhr.status, xhr.statusText, xhr.responseText?.length]))
pokeQueue = ->
if entry = queuedRequests.shift()
promise = load(entry.request)
promise.done (args...) -> entry.deferred.resolve(args...)
promise.fail (args...) -> entry.deferred.reject(args...)
This event is [emitted]/(up.emit) before an [AJAX request](/up.ajax)
is starting to load.
@event up:proxy:load
@param event.url
@param event.method
@param event.target
This event is [emitted]/(up.emit) when the response to an [AJAX request](/up.ajax)
has been received.
@event up:proxy:received
@param event.url
@param event.method
@param event.target
isIdempotent = (request) ->
u.contains(config.safeMethods, request.method)
checkPreload = ($link) ->
delay = parseInt(u.presentAttr($link, 'up-delay')) || config.preloadDelay
unless $link.is($waitingLink)
$waitingLink = $link
curriedPreload = ->
$waitingLink = null
startPreloadDelay(curriedPreload, delay)
startPreloadDelay = (block, delay) ->
preloadDelayTimer = setTimeout(block, delay)
@function up.proxy.preload
@param {String|Element|jQuery}
The element whose destination should be preloaded.
A promise that will be resolved when the request was loaded and cached
preload = (linkOrSelector, options) ->
$link = $(linkOrSelector)
options = u.options(options)
method = up.link.followMethod($link, options)
if isIdempotent(method: method)
up.log.group "Preloading link %o", $link, ->
options.preload = true
up.follow($link, options)
up.puts("Won't preload %o due to unsafe method %s", $link, method)
Links with an `up-preload` attribute will silently fetch their target
when the user hovers over the click area, or when the user puts her
mouse/finger down (before releasing). This way the
response will already be cached when the user performs the click,
making the interaction feel instant.
@selector [up-preload]
@param [up-delay=75]
The number of milliseconds to wait between hovering
and preloading. Increasing this will lower the load in your server,
but will also make the interaction feel less instant.
up.on 'mouseover mousedown touchstart', '[up-preload]', (event, $element) ->
# Don't do anything if we are hovering over the child
# of a link. The actual link will receive the event
# and bubble in a second.
unless up.link.childClicked(event, $element)
up.on 'up:framework:reset', reset
preload: preload
ajax: ajax
get: get
alias: alias
clear: clear
remove: remove
idle: idle
busy: busy
config: config
defaults: -> u.error('up.proxy.defaults(...) no longer exists. Set values on he up.proxy.config property instead.')
up.ajax = up.proxy.ajax