module SimpleFormWithClientValidation module Wrappers # A wrapper is an object that holds several components and render them. # A component may either be a symbol or any object that responds to `render`. # This API allows inputs/components to be easily wrapped, removing the # need to modify the code only to wrap input in an extra tag. # # `Many` represents a wrapper around several components at the same time. # It may optionally receive a namespace, allowing it to be configured # on demand on input generation. The find function returns if it # matches namespace class Many attr_reader :namespace, :defaults, :components alias :to_sym :namespace def initialize(namespace, components, defaults={}) @namespace = namespace @components = components @defaults = defaults @defaults[:tag] = :div unless @defaults.key?(:tag) @defaults[:class] = Array.wrap(@defaults[:class]) end def render(input) content = "".html_safe options = input.options components.each do |component| next if options[component] == false rendered = component.respond_to?(:render) ? component.render(input) : input.send(component) content.safe_concat rendered.to_s if rendered end wrap(input, options, content) end def find(name) return self if namespace == name @components.each do |c| if c.is_a?(Symbol) return nil if c == namespace elsif value = c.find(name) return value end end nil end private #this will wrap the content #unless options for this namespace=false which is set by b.optional :namespace #and user didn't explicitly set one def wrap(input, options, content) #this would be triggered if b.optional :namespace and user didn't supply :namespace explicitly #in b.input :myfield, :namespace => "something" return content if options[namespace] == false tag = (namespace && options[:"#{namespace}_tag"]) || @defaults[:tag] return content unless tag klass = html_classes(input, options) opts = options[:"#{namespace}_html"] || {} opts[:class] = (klass << opts[:class]).join(' ').strip unless klass.empty? #this outputs into @builder.template of input input.template.content_tag(tag, content, opts) end def html_classes(input, options) @defaults[:class].dup end end end end