# Order Reporting for Spree and Solidus [](https://travis-ci.org/madetech/order_reporting) Automatically sends lists of orders via email based on criteria. ## Installing in Spree app Add this to your Gemfile: ``` gem 'spree_order_reporting' ``` ## Installing in Solidus app Add this to your Gemfile: ``` gem 'solidus_order_reporting' ``` ## Setup Three steps to configure: 1. Setup gem with initializer 2. Create mailer and template 3. Create query object for selecting orders ### 1. Setup gem with initializer Create an application initializer in `config/initializers/order_reporting.rb`: ``` ruby OrderReporting.mailer_class = OrderReportMailer OrderReporting.scheduler = OrderReporting::DelayedJobScheduler.new OrderReporting.define_report :exported_orders do |config| config.send_every = 24.hours config.query = ExportedOrdersQuery.new end ``` ### 2. Create mailer and template ```ruby class OrderReportMailer < ActionMailer::Base def exported_orders(orders) @orders = orders mail(to: 'cs@shop.com', subject: 'Exported Orders') end end ``` ### 3. Create query object for selecting orders ```ruby class ExportedOrdersQuery def orders Spree::Order.exported.where('completed_at > ?', 24.hours.ago) end end ``` ## Development Run spree tests: ``` rm -rf spec/dummy/ BUNDLE_GEMFILE=Gemfile.spree.rb bundle BUNDLE_GEMFILE=Gemfile.spree.rb bundle exec rake ``` Run solidus tests: ``` rm -rf spec/dummy/ BUNDLE_GEMFILE=Gemfile.solidus.rb bundle BUNDLE_GEMFILE=Gemfile.solidus.rb bundle exec rake ``` ## Publishing Before publishing you will need to have created a new release. To do so update `lib/order_reporting/version.rb` to new version number and commit this change as "New release vx.x.x". Then tag this commit with ```git tag vx.x.x``` and push it `git push origin vx.x.x`. Then you need to publish to RubyGems... Publish Spree gem: ``` gem build spree_order_reporting.gemspec gem push spree_order_reporting-x.x.x.gem ``` Publish Solidus gem: ``` gem build solidus_order_reporting.gemspec gem push solidus_order_reporting-x.x.x.gem ```