## Pie & Donut Combo chart * This section describes how to create pie & donut combo chart with options. * You can refer to the [Getting started](getting-started.md) for base installation of Toast UI Chart. *** ### Data type The data type of the pie & donut combo chart is one level deeper than the depth of [data type of pie chart](chart-types-pie.md#data-type).
Features of this data type, you will need to enter the data for each chart type. ```javascript var rawData = { categories: ['cate1', 'cate2', 'cate3'], seriesAlias: { pie1: 'pie' donut1: 'pie' }, series: { pie1: [ { name: 'Legend1', data: 20 }, { name: 'Legend2', data: 40 }, { name: 'Legend3', data: 60 }, { name: 'Legend4', data: 80 } ], donut1: [ { name: 'Legend5', data: 10 }, { name: 'Legend6', data: 80 }, { name: 'Legend7', data: 30 }, { name: 'Legend8', data: 50 } ] } }; ``` *** ### Creating a basic chart ##### Example ```javascript var rawData = { //... seriesAlias: { pie1: 'pie' donut1: 'pie' }, series: { pie1: [ { name: 'Chrome', data: 40 }, //... ], donut1: [ { name: 'Chrome 1', data: 30 }, { name: 'Chrome 2', data: 10 }, //... ] } }; tui.chart.comboChart(container, rawData); ``` ![Pie & Donut Combo Chart](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/2888775/15540328/a7c51ac0-22c1-11e6-8727-224089a3f762.png) * _[Sample](https://nhnent.github.io/tui.chart/latest/tutorial-example08-02-combo-chart-pie-and-donut.html)_