{ // Handler for the 'add' button onAddInline: function(){ if (this.enableEditInForm && !this.enableEditInline) { this.onAddInForm(); } else { // Note: default values are taken from the model's field's defaultValue property var r = Netzke.models[this.id].create({}); r.isNew = true; // to distinguish new records this.getStore().add(r); this.netzkeTryStartEditing(r); } }, onDel: function() { Ext.Msg.confirm(this.i18n.confirmation, this.i18n.areYouSure, function(btn){ if (btn == 'yes') { var ids = [], records = []; this.getSelectionModel().selected.each(function(r){ this.store.remove(r); }, this); this.store.sync(); } }, this); }, onApply: function(){ this.getStore().sync(); }, // Handlers for tools // onRefresh: function() { if (this.fireEvent('refresh', this) !== false) { this.store.load(); } }, // Event handlers // onItemContextMenu: function(grid, record, item, rowIndex, e){ e.stopEvent(); var coords = e.getXY(); this.getSelectionModel().select(record, true); var menu = new Ext.menu.Menu({ items: this.contextMenu }); menu.showAt(coords); }, onAfterRowMove: function(dt, oldIndex, newIndex, records){ var ids = []; // collect records ids Ext.each(records, function(r){ids.push(r.id)}); // call Grid's API this.moveRows({ids: Ext.encode(ids), new_index: newIndex}); }, /* Exception handler. TODO: will responses with status 200 land here? */ loadExceptionHandler: function(proxy, response, operation){ Netzke.warning('Server exception occured. Override loadExceptionHandler, or catch globally by listenning to exception event of Netzke.directProvider'); }, // Inline editing of 1 row onEdit: function(){ var row = this.getSelectionModel().selected.first(); if (row){ this.netzkeTryStartEditing(row); } }, // Not a very clean approach to clean-up. The problem is that this way the advanced search functionality stops being really pluggable. With Ext JS 4 find the way to make it truely so. onDestroy: function(){ this.callParent(); // Destroy the search window (here's the problem: we are not supposed to know it exists) if (this.searchWindow) { this.searchWindow.destroy(); } } }