MRKPMarkup Languages: Theory and PracticeMarkup LanguagesOld FacefullThe would-be That Wasgood questionMIT Press, on occasionArchivalTest1Biological SciencesNeuroscienceCellular and Molecular BiologyBlood–brain barrierArchival DTD Test Article chem chem(Just a small subtitle for parsing) chem chemJonesJohn BrowningThe HonorableIIIPrince Charles2004232004-2005XML, DTD, schema, RELAXNG, XSD, models,
UML, Schematronacid precipitationacid rainfallforest ecosystemsmelting regionAluminum residuesSulphur dioxideCopper-nickle smeltersmolecular chaperones; surface plasmon resonance;
dynamic light scattering; trypsin digestion; citrate synthase;
Neurospora crassa; protéines chaperonnes,
résonance des plasmons de surface; diffusion dynamique
de la lumière; digestion par la trypsine; citrate synthase;
Neurospora crassa863Icelandic sagasWTWildTypeCFUColony-forming unitBiological SciencesNeuroscienceCellular and Molecular BiologyBlood–brain barrier
This is a list inside a paragraph:
Persian Cats
Weaver Finches
This following is an XHTML table, inside a
Table Wrapper %lt;table-wrap> wrapper.
Additional caption material
A cell!
Still a third> with a chem chem
2 A cell!
An xref: See the
2 Still a third>
There be statements here a + b
The IDREFs need to point to something
No Matter How Wise You Get, Wet Birds Don't
Fly at Night
Post Hoc Propter Ergo Hoc
There be a + b complex titles here.
The big ones fall hard.
Fish heads, eat them in the soup.
There be <chem-struct>a + b</chem-struct> complex titles here.
Grandma got run over by a reindeer.
I love to go a wandering, along the mountain track.
We thank you all.
GlossaryDef-List TitleTerm
Second Term
And another definition
Some words
maybe including a or
thedog@poodle.comDef-List TitleFirst Term
And its definition
The Second Term
Still another definition
Just a reference or two for testing:
A citation ain't nothing but a
sandwich — personal communication
PiggyMs.Can't Help Lovin’ That
Frog of Mine;
Swine Review, 145:
Ant-cay Elp-hay
Ovin’-lay At-thay Og-fray of-ay Ine-may