%%machine lex; # % fix highlighting # # === BEFORE YOU START === # # Read the Ruby Hacking Guide chapter 11, available in English at # http://whitequark.org/blog/2013/04/01/ruby-hacking-guide-ch-11-finite-state-lexer/ # # Remember two things about Ragel scanners: # # 1) Longest match wins. # # 2) If two matches have the same length, the first # in source code wins. # # General rules of making Ragel and Bison happy: # # * `p` (position) and `@te` contain the index of the character # they're pointing to ("current"), plus one. `@ts` contains the index # of the corresponding character. The code for extracting matched token is: # # @source[@ts...@te] # # * If your input is `foooooooobar` and the rule is: # # 'f' 'o'+ # # the result will be: # # foooooooobar # ^ ts=0 ^ p=te=9 # # * A Ragel lexer action should not emit more than one token, unless # you know what you are doing. # # * All Ragel commands (fnext, fgoto, ...) end with a semicolon. # # * If an action emits the token and transitions to another state, use # these Ragel commands: # # emit($whatever) # fnext $next_state; fbreak; # # If you perform `fgoto` in an action which does not emit a token nor # rewinds the stream pointer, the parser's side-effectful, # context-sensitive lookahead actions will break in a hard to detect # and debug way. # # * If an action does not emit a token: # # fgoto $next_state; # # * If an action features lookbehind, i.e. matches characters with the # intent of passing them to another action: # # p = @ts - 1 # fgoto $next_state; # # or, if the lookbehind consists of a single character: # # fhold; fgoto $next_state; # # * Ragel merges actions. So, if you have `e_lparen = '(' %act` and # `c_lparen = '('` and a lexer action `e_lparen | c_lparen`, the result # _will_ invoke the action `act`. # # e_something stands for "something with **e**mbedded action". # # * EOF is explicit and is matched by `c_eof`. If you want to introspect # the state of the lexer, add this rule to the state: # # c_eof => do_eof; # # * If you proceed past EOF, the lexer will complain: # # NoMethodError: undefined method `ord' for nil:NilClass # class Parser::Lexer %% write data nofinal; # % attr_reader :source_buffer attr_accessor :diagnostics attr_accessor :static_env attr_accessor :cond, :cmdarg attr_reader :comments def initialize(version) @version = version @static_env = nil reset end def reset(reset_state=true) # Ragel-related variables: if reset_state # Unit tests set state prior to resetting lexer. @cs = self.class.lex_en_line_begin @cond = StackState.new('cond') @cmdarg = StackState.new('cmdarg') end @p = 0 # stream position (saved manually in #advance) @ts = nil # token start @te = nil # token end @act = 0 # next action @stack = [] # state stack @top = 0 # state stack top pointer # Lexer state: @token_queue = [] @literal_stack = [] @comments = "" # collected comments @newline_s = nil # location of last encountered newline @num_base = nil # last numeric base @num_digits_s = nil # starting position of numeric digits @escape_s = nil # starting position of current sequence @escape = nil # last escaped sequence, as string # See below the section on parsing heredocs. @heredoc_e = nil @herebody_s = nil # Ruby 1.9 ->() lambdas emit a distinct token if do/{ is # encountered after a matching closing parenthesis. @paren_nest = 0 @lambda_stack = [] end def source_buffer=(source_buffer) @source_buffer = source_buffer if @source_buffer # Heredoc processing coupled with weird newline quirks # require three '\0' (EOF) chars to be appended; after # `p = @heredoc_s`, if `p` points at EOF, the FSM could # not bail out early enough and will crash. # # Patches accepted. # @source = @source_buffer.source.gsub(/\r\n/, "\n") + "\0\0\0" else @source = nil end end LEX_STATES = { :line_begin => lex_en_line_begin, :expr_dot => lex_en_expr_dot, :expr_fname => lex_en_expr_fname, :expr_value => lex_en_expr_value, :expr_beg => lex_en_expr_beg, :expr_mid => lex_en_expr_mid, :expr_arg => lex_en_expr_arg, :expr_end => lex_en_expr_end, :expr_endarg => lex_en_expr_endarg, :expr_endfn => lex_en_expr_endfn, } def state LEX_STATES.invert.fetch(@cs, @cs) end def state=(state) @cs = LEX_STATES.fetch(state) end # Return next token: [type, value]. def advance if @token_queue.any? return @token_queue.shift end # Ugly, but dependent on Ragel output. Consider refactoring it somehow. _lex_trans_keys = self.class.send :_lex_trans_keys _lex_actions = self.class.send :_lex_actions _lex_key_offsets = self.class.send :_lex_key_offsets _lex_index_offsets = self.class.send :_lex_index_offsets _lex_single_lengths = self.class.send :_lex_single_lengths _lex_range_lengths = self.class.send :_lex_range_lengths _lex_indicies = self.class.send :_lex_indicies _lex_trans_targs = self.class.send :_lex_trans_targs _lex_trans_actions = self.class.send :_lex_trans_actions _lex_to_state_actions = self.class.send :_lex_to_state_actions _lex_from_state_actions = self.class.send :_lex_from_state_actions p, pe, eof = @p, @source.length + 1, nil %% write exec; # % @p = p if @token_queue.any? @token_queue.shift elsif @cs == self.class.lex_error [ false, [ '$error', range(p - 1, p) ] ] else [ false, [ '$eof', range(p - 1, p) ] ] end end # Return the current collected comment block and clear the storage. def clear_comments comments = @comments @comments = "" comments end protected def eof_char?(char) [0x04, 0x1a, 0x00].include? char.ord end def version?(*versions) versions.include?(@version) end def stack_pop @top -= 1 @stack[@top] end def tok(s = @ts, e = @te) @source[s...e] end def range(s = @ts, e = @te) Parser::Source::Range.new(@source_buffer, s, e - 1) end def emit(type, value = tok, s = @ts, e = @te) @token_queue << [ type, [ value, range(s, e) ] ] end def emit_table(table, s = @ts, e = @te) value = tok(s, e) emit(table[value], value, s, e) end def diagnostic(type, message, location=range, highlights=[]) @diagnostics.process( Parser::Diagnostic.new(type, message, location, highlights)) end # # === LITERAL STACK === # def push_literal(*args) new_literal = Literal.new(self, *args) @literal_stack.push(new_literal) if new_literal.words? if new_literal.interpolate? self.class.lex_en_interp_words else self.class.lex_en_plain_words end else if new_literal.interpolate? self.class.lex_en_interp_string else self.class.lex_en_plain_string end end end def literal @literal_stack.last end def pop_literal old_literal = @literal_stack.pop if old_literal.type == :tREGEXP_BEG # Fetch modifiers. self.class.lex_en_regexp_modifiers else self.class.lex_en_expr_end end end # Mapping of strings to parser tokens. PUNCTUATION = { '=' => :tEQL, '&' => :tAMPER2, '|' => :tPIPE, '!' => :tBANG, '^' => :tCARET, '+' => :tPLUS, '-' => :tMINUS, '*' => :tSTAR2, '/' => :tDIVIDE, '%' => :tPERCENT, '~' => :tTILDE, ',' => :tCOMMA, ';' => :tSEMI, '.' => :tDOT, '..' => :tDOT2, '...' => :tDOT3, '[' => :tLBRACK2, ']' => :tRBRACK, '(' => :tLPAREN2, ')' => :tRPAREN, '?' => :tEH, ':' => :tCOLON, '&&' => :tANDOP, '||' => :tOROP, '-@' => :tUMINUS, '+@' => :tUPLUS, '~@' => :tTILDE, '**' => :tPOW, '->' => :tLAMBDA, '=~' => :tMATCH, '!~' => :tNMATCH, '==' => :tEQ, '!=' => :tNEQ, '>' => :tGT, '>>' => :tRSHFT, '>=' => :tGEQ, '<' => :tLT, '<<' => :tLSHFT, '<=' => :tLEQ, '=>' => :tASSOC, '::' => :tCOLON2, '===' => :tEQQ, '<=>' => :tCMP, '[]' => :tAREF, '[]=' => :tASET, '{' => :tLCURLY, '}' => :tRCURLY, '`' => :tBACK_REF2, } PUNCTUATION_BEGIN = { '&' => :tAMPER, '*' => :tSTAR, '**' => :tDSTAR, '+' => :tUPLUS, '-' => :tUMINUS, '::' => :tCOLON3, '(' => :tLPAREN, '{' => :tLBRACE, '[' => :tLBRACK, } KEYWORDS = { 'if' => :kIF_MOD, 'unless' => :kUNLESS_MOD, 'while' => :kWHILE_MOD, 'until' => :kUNTIL_MOD, 'rescue' => :kRESCUE_MOD, 'defined?' => :kDEFINED, 'BEGIN' => :klBEGIN, 'END' => :klEND, } %w(class module def undef begin end then elsif else ensure case when for break next redo retry in do return yield super self nil true false and or not alias __FILE__ __LINE__ __ENCODING__).each do |keyword| KEYWORDS[keyword] = :"k#{keyword.upcase}" end KEYWORDS_BEGIN = { 'if' => :kIF, 'unless' => :kUNLESS, 'while' => :kWHILE, 'until' => :kUNTIL, 'rescue' => :kRESCUE } %%{ # % access @; getkey @source[p].ord; # === CHARACTER CLASSES === # # Pay close attention to the differences between c_any and any. # c_any does not include EOF and so will cause incorrect behavior # for machine subtraction (any-except rules) and default transitions # for scanners. action do_nl { # Record position of a newline for precise line and column reporting. # # This action is embedded directly into c_nl, as it is idempotent and # there are no cases when we need to skip it. @newline_s = p } c_nl = '\n' $ do_nl; c_space = [ \t\r\f\v]; c_space_nl = c_space | c_nl; c_eof = 0x04 | 0x1a | 0; # ^D, ^Z, EOF c_eol = c_nl | c_eof; c_any = any - c_eof - zlen; c_line = c_any - c_nl; c_unicode = c_any - 0x00..0x7f; c_upper = [A-Z]; c_lower = [a-z_] | c_unicode; c_alpha = c_lower | c_upper; c_alnum = c_alpha | [0-9]; action do_eof { # Sit at EOF indefinitely. #advance would return $eof each time. # This allows to feed the lexer more data if needed; this is only used # in tests. # # Note that this action is not embedded into e_eof like e_nl and e_bs # below. This is due to the fact that scanner state at EOF is observed # by tests, and encapsulating it in a rule would break the introspection. fhold; fbreak; } # # === TOKEN DEFINITIONS === # # All operators are punctuation. There is more to punctuation # than just operators. Operators can be overridden by user; # punctuation can not. # A list of operators which are valid in the function name context, but # have different semantics in others. operator_fname = '[]' | '[]=' | '`' | '-@' | '+@' | '~@' ; # A list of operators which can occur within an assignment shortcut (+ → +=). operator_arithmetic = '&' | '|' | '&&' | '||' | '^' | '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '**' | '~' | '**' | '<<' | '>>' | '%' ; # A list of all user-definable operators not covered by groups above. operator_rest = '=~' | '!~' | '==' | '!=' | '!' | '===' | '<' | '<=' | '>' | '>=' | '<=>' | '=>' ; # Note that `{` and `}` need to be referred to as e_lbrace and e_rbrace, # as they are ambiguous with interpolation `#{}` and should be counted. # These braces are not present in punctuation lists. # A list of punctuation which has different meaning when used at the # beginning of expression. punctuation_begin = '-' | '+' | '::' | '(' | '[' | '*' | '**' | '&' ; # A list of all punctuation except punctuation_begin. punctuation_end = ',' | '=' | '->' | '(' | '[' | ']' | '::' | '?' | ':' | '.' | '..' | '...' ; # A list of keywords which have different meaning at the beginning of expression. keyword_modifier = 'if' | 'unless' | 'while' | 'until' | 'rescue' ; # A list of keywords which accept an argument-like expression, i.e. have the # same post-processing as method calls or commands. Example: `yield 1`, # `yield (1)`, `yield(1)`, are interpreted as if `yield` was a function. keyword_with_arg = 'yield' | 'super' | 'not' | 'defined?' ; # A list of keywords which accept a literal function name as an argument. keyword_with_fname = 'def' | 'undef' | 'alias' ; # A list of keywords which accept an expression after them. keyword_with_value = 'else' | 'case' | 'ensure' | 'module' | 'elsif' | 'then' | 'for' | 'in' | 'do' | 'when' | 'begin' | 'class' | 'and' | 'or' ; # A list of keywords which accept a value, and treat the keywords from # `keyword_modifier` list as modifiers. keyword_with_mid = 'rescue' | 'return' | 'break' | 'next' ; # A list of keywords which do not accept an expression after them. keyword_with_end = 'end' | 'self' | 'true' | 'false' | 'retry' | 'redo' | 'nil' | 'BEGIN' | 'END' | '__FILE__' | '__LINE__' | '__ENCODING__'; # All keywords. keyword = keyword_with_value | keyword_with_mid | keyword_with_end | keyword_with_arg | keyword_with_fname | keyword_modifier ; constant = c_upper c_alnum*; bareword = c_alpha c_alnum*; call_or_var = c_lower c_alnum*; class_var = '@@' bareword; instance_var = '@' bareword; global_var = '$' ( bareword | digit+ | [`'+~*$&?!@/\\;,.=:<>"] # ` | '-' [A-Za-z0-9_]? ) ; # Ruby accepts (and fails on) variables with leading digit # in literal context, but not in unquoted symbol body. class_var_v = '@@' c_alnum+; instance_var_v = '@' c_alnum+; # # === ESCAPE SEQUENCE PARSING === # # Escape parsing code is a Ragel pattern, not a scanner, and therefore # it shouldn't directly raise errors or perform other actions with side effects. # In reality this would probably just mess up error reporting in pathological # cases, through. # The amount of code required to parse \M\C stuff correctly is ridiculous. escaped_nl = "\\" c_nl; action unicode_points { @escape = "" codepoints = tok(@escape_s + 2, p - 1) codepoints.split(/[ \t]/).each do |codepoint_str| codepoint = codepoint_str.to_i(16) if codepoint >= 0x110000 @escape = lambda do # TODO better location reporting diagnostic :error, Parser::ERRORS[:unicode_point_too_large], range(@escape_s, p) end break end @escape += codepoint.chr(Encoding::UTF_8) end } action unescape_char { @escape = { 'a' => "\a", 'b' => "\b", 'e' => "\e", 'f' => "\f", 'n' => "\n", 'r' => "\r", 's' => "\s", 't' => "\t", 'v' => "\v", '\\' => "\\" }.fetch(@source[p - 1].chr, @source[p - 1].chr) } action invalid_complex_escape { @escape = lambda do diagnostic :error, Parser::ERRORS[:invalid_escape] end } action slash_c_char { @escape = (@escape[0].ord & 0x9f).chr } action slash_m_char { @escape = (@escape[0].ord | 0x80).chr } maybe_escaped_char = ( '\\' c_any %unescape_char | ( c_any - [\\] ) % { @escape = @source[p - 1].chr } ); maybe_escaped_ctrl_char = ( # why?! '\\' c_any %unescape_char %slash_c_char | '?' % { @escape = "\x7f" } | ( c_any - [\\?] ) % { @escape = @source[p - 1].chr } %slash_c_char ); escape = ( # \377 [0-7]{1,3} % { @escape = tok(@escape_s, p).to_i(8).chr } # \xff | ( 'x' xdigit{1,2} % { @escape = tok(@escape_s + 1, p).to_i(16).chr } # \u263a | 'u' xdigit{4} % { @escape = tok(@escape_s + 1, p).to_i(16).chr(Encoding::UTF_8) } ) # %q[\x] | 'x' ( c_any - xdigit ) % { @escape = lambda do diagnostic :error, Parser::ERRORS[:invalid_hex_escape], range(@escape_s - 1, p + 2) end } # %q[\u123] %q[\u{12] | 'u' ( c_any{0,4} - xdigit{4} - # \u1234 is valid ( '{' xdigit{1,3} # \u{1 \u{12 \u{123 are valid | '{' xdigit [ \t}] # \u{1. \u{1} are valid | '{' xdigit{2} [ \t}] # \u{12. \u{12} are valid ) ) % { @escape = lambda do diagnostic :error, Parser::ERRORS[:invalid_unicode_escape], range(@escape_s - 1, p) end } # \u{123 456} | 'u{' ( xdigit{1,6} [ \t] )* ( xdigit{1,6} '}' %unicode_points | ( xdigit* ( c_any - xdigit - '}' )+ '}' | ( c_any - '}' )* c_eof | xdigit{7,} ) % { @escape = lambda do diagnostic :fatal, Parser::ERRORS[:unterminated_unicode], range(p - 1, p) end } ) # \C-\a \cx | ( 'C-' | 'c' ) escaped_nl? maybe_escaped_ctrl_char # \M-a | 'M-' escaped_nl? maybe_escaped_char %slash_m_char # \C-\M-f \M-\cf \c\M-f | ( ( 'C-' | 'c' ) escaped_nl? '\\M-' | 'M-\\' escaped_nl? ( 'C-' | 'c' ) ) escaped_nl? maybe_escaped_ctrl_char %slash_m_char | 'C' c_any %invalid_complex_escape | 'M' c_any %invalid_complex_escape | ( 'M-\\C' | 'C-\\M' | 'cM' ) c_any %invalid_complex_escape | ( c_any - [0-7xuCMc] ) %unescape_char | c_eof % { diagnostic :fatal, Parser::ERRORS[:escape_eof], range(p - 1, p) } ); # Use rules in form of `e_bs escape' when you need to parse a sequence. e_bs = '\\' % { @escape_s = p @escape = nil }; # # === STRING AND HEREDOC PARSING === # # Heredoc parsing is quite a complex topic. First, consider that heredocs # can be arbitrarily nested. For example: # # puts < extend_interp_code; interp_var => extend_interp_var; e_bs escape => extend_string_escaped; c_space_nl+ => extend_string_space; c_eol => extend_string_eol; c_any => extend_string; *|; interp_string := |* interp_code => extend_interp_code; interp_var => extend_interp_var; e_bs escape => extend_string_escaped; c_eol => extend_string_eol; c_any => extend_string; *|; plain_words := |* e_bs c_any => extend_string_escaped; c_space_nl+ => extend_string_space; c_eol => extend_string_eol; c_any => extend_string; *|; plain_string := |* '\\' c_nl => extend_string_eol; e_bs c_any => extend_string_escaped; c_eol => extend_string_eol; c_any => extend_string; *|; regexp_modifiers := |* [A-Za-z]+ => { unknown_options = tok.scan(/[^imxouesn]/) if unknown_options.any? message = Parser::ERRORS[:regexp_options] % { :options => unknown_options.join } diagnostic :error, message end emit(:tREGEXP_OPT) fnext expr_end; fbreak; }; any => { emit(:tREGEXP_OPT, tok(@ts, @te - 1), @ts, @te - 1) fhold; fgoto expr_end; }; *|; # # === EXPRESSION PARSING === # # These rules implement a form of manually defined lookahead. # The default longest-match scanning does not work here due # to sheer ambiguity. ambiguous_fid_suffix = # actual parsed [?!] %{ tm = p } | # a? a? '!=' %{ tm = p - 2 } # a!=b a != b ; ambiguous_ident_suffix = # actual parsed ambiguous_fid_suffix | '=' %{ tm = p } | # a= a= '==' %{ tm = p - 2 } | # a==b a == b '=~' %{ tm = p - 2 } | # a=~b a =~ b '=>' %{ tm = p - 2 } | # a=>b a => b '===' %{ tm = p - 3 } # a===b a === b ; ambiguous_symbol_suffix = # actual parsed ambiguous_ident_suffix | '==>' %{ tm = p - 2 } # :a==>b :a= => b ; # Ambiguous with 1.9 hash labels. ambiguous_const_suffix = # actual parsed '::' %{ tm = p - 2 } # A::B A :: B ; # Resolving kDO/kDO_COND/kDO_BLOCK ambiguity requires embedding # @cond/@cmdarg-related code to e_lbrack, e_lparen and e_lbrace. e_lbrack = '[' % { @cond.push(false); @cmdarg.push(false) }; # Ruby 1.9 lambdas require parentheses counting in order to # emit correct opening kDO/tLBRACE. e_lparen = '(' % { @cond.push(false); @cmdarg.push(false) @paren_nest += 1 }; e_rparen = ')' % { @paren_nest -= 1 }; # Variable lexing code is accessed from both expressions and # string interpolation related code. # expr_variable := |* global_var => { if tok =~ /^\$([1-9][0-9]*)$/ emit(:tNTH_REF, tok(@ts + 1).to_i) elsif tok =~ /^\$([&`'+])$/ emit(:tBACK_REF) else emit(:tGVAR) end fnext *stack_pop; fbreak; }; class_var_v => { if tok =~ /^@@[0-9]/ message = Parser::ERRORS[:cvar_name] % { :name => tok } diagnostic :error, message end emit(:tCVAR) fnext *stack_pop; fbreak; }; instance_var_v => { if tok =~ /^@[0-9]/ message = Parser::ERRORS[:ivar_name] % { :name => tok } diagnostic :error, message end emit(:tIVAR) fnext *stack_pop; fbreak; }; *|; # Literal function name in definition (e.g. `def class`). # Keywords are returned as their respective tokens; this is used # to support singleton def `def self.foo`. Global variables are # returned as `tGVAR`; this is used in global variable alias # statements `alias $a $b`. Symbols are returned verbatim; this # is used in `alias :a :"b#{foo}"` and `undef :a`. # # Transitions to `expr_endfn` afterwards. # expr_fname := |* keyword => { emit(KEYWORDS[tok]); fnext expr_endfn; fbreak; }; bareword [?=!]? => { emit(:tIDENTIFIER) fnext expr_endfn; fbreak; }; global_var => { p = @ts - 1 fcall expr_variable; }; # If the handling was to be delegated to expr_end, # these cases would transition to something else than # expr_end, which is undesirable. operator_fname | operator_arithmetic | operator_rest => { emit_table(PUNCTUATION) fnext expr_endfn; fbreak; }; ':' => { fhold; fgoto expr_beg; }; # TODO whitespace rule c_space; e_heredoc_nl; c_any => { fhold; fgoto expr_end; }; c_eof => do_eof; *|; # After literal function name in definition. Behaves like `expr_end`, # but allows a tLABEL. # # Transitions to `expr_end` afterwards. # expr_endfn := |* bareword ':' => { emit(:tLABEL, tok(@ts, @te - 1)) fnext expr_end; fbreak; }; # TODO whitespace rule c_space; c_any => { fhold; fgoto expr_end; }; c_eof => do_eof; *|; # Literal function name in method call (e.g. `a.class`). # # Transitions to `expr_arg` afterwards. # expr_dot := |* constant => { emit(:tCONSTANT) fnext expr_arg; fbreak; }; call_or_var => { emit(:tIDENTIFIER) fnext expr_arg; fbreak; }; call_or_var ambiguous_ident_suffix => { emit(:tFID, tok(@ts, tm), @ts, tm) fnext expr_arg; p = tm - 1; fbreak; }; # See the comment in `expr_fname`. operator_fname | operator_arithmetic | operator_rest => { emit_table(PUNCTUATION) fnext expr_arg; fbreak; }; # TODO whitespace rule c_space; e_heredoc_nl; '\\' e_heredoc_nl; '#' c_line*; c_any => { fhold; fgoto expr_end; }; c_eof => do_eof; *|; # The previous token emitted was a `tIDENTIFIER` or `tFID`; no space # is consumed; the current expression is a command or method call. # expr_arg := |* # # COMMAND MODE SPECIFIC TOKENS # # cmd (1 + 2) # See below the rationale about expr_endarg. c_space+ e_lparen => { emit(:tLPAREN_ARG, '(', @te - 1, @te) fnext expr_beg; fbreak; }; # meth(1 + 2) # Regular method call. e_lparen => { emit(:tLPAREN2) fnext expr_beg; fbreak; }; # meth [...] # Array argument. Compare with indexing `meth[...]`. c_space+ e_lbrack => { emit(:tLBRACK, '[', @te - 1, @te) fnext expr_beg; fbreak; }; # cmd {} # Command: method call without parentheses. c_space* e_lbrace => { if @lambda_stack.last == @paren_nest p = @ts - 1 fgoto expr_end; else emit(:tLCURLY, '{', @te - 1, @te) fnext expr_value; fbreak; end }; # # AMBIGUOUS TOKENS RESOLVED VIA EXPR_BEG # # a ?b # Character literal. c_space+ '?' => { fhold; fgoto expr_beg; }; # a %{1}, a %[1] (but not "a %=1=" or "a % foo") c_space+ ( '%' [^= ] # a /foo/ (but not "a / foo" or "a /=foo") | '/' ( c_any - c_space_nl - '=' ) # a < { fhold; fhold; fgoto expr_beg; }; # x /1 # Ambiguous regexp literal. c_space+ '/' => { diagnostic :warning, Parser::ERRORS[:ambiguous_literal], range(@te - 1, @te) fhold; fgoto expr_beg; }; # x *1 # Ambiguous splat, kwsplat or block-pass. c_space+ %{ tm = p } ( '+' | '-' | '*' | '&' | '**' ) => { message = Parser::ERRORS[:ambiguous_prefix] % { :prefix => tok(tm, @te) } diagnostic :warning, message, range(tm, @te) p = tm - 1 fgoto expr_beg; }; # x ::Foo # Ambiguous toplevel constant access. c_space+ '::' => { fhold; fhold; fgoto expr_beg; }; # x:b # Symbol. c_space* ':' => { fhold; fgoto expr_beg; }; # # AMBIGUOUS TOKENS RESOLVED VIA EXPR_END # # a ? b # Ternary operator. c_space+ '?' c_space_nl => { fhold; fhold; fgoto expr_end; }; # x + 1: Binary operator or operator-assignment. c_space* operator_arithmetic ( '=' | c_space_nl )? | # x rescue y: Modifier keyword. c_space+ keyword_modifier | # Miscellanea. c_space* punctuation_end => { p = @ts - 1 fgoto expr_end; }; c_space* ( '#' c_line* )? c_nl => { fhold; fgoto expr_end; }; c_any => { fhold; fgoto expr_beg; }; c_eof => do_eof; *|; # The rationale for this state is pretty complex. Normally, if an argument # is passed to a command and then there is a block (tLCURLY...tRCURLY), # the block is attached to the innermost argument (`f` in `m f {}`), or it # is a parse error (`m 1 {}`). But there is a special case for passing a single # primary expression grouped with parentheses: if you write `m (1) {}` or # (2.0 only) `m () {}`, then the block is attached to `m`. # # Thus, we recognize the opening `(` of a command (remember, a command is # a method call without parens) as a tLPAREN_ARG; then, in parser, we recognize # `tLPAREN_ARG expr rparen` as a `primary_expr` and before rparen, set the # lexer's state to `expr_endarg`, which makes it emit the possibly following # `{` as `tLBRACE_ARG`. # # The default post-`expr_endarg` state is `expr_end`, so this state also handles # `do` (as `kDO_BLOCK` in `expr_beg`). expr_endarg := |* e_lbrace => { emit(:tLBRACE_ARG) fnext expr_value; }; 'do' => { emit(:kDO_BLOCK) fnext expr_value; }; c_space; c_any => { fhold; fgoto expr_end; }; c_eof => do_eof; *|; # The rationale for this state is that several keywords accept value # (i.e. should transition to `expr_beg`), do not accept it like a command # (i.e. not an `expr_arg`), and must behave like a statement, that is, # accept a modifier if/while/etc. # expr_mid := |* keyword_modifier => { emit_table(KEYWORDS) fnext expr_beg; fbreak; }; # TODO whitespace rule c_space; '#' c_line*; e_heredoc_nl => { fhold; fgoto expr_end; }; c_any => { fhold; fgoto expr_beg; }; c_eof => do_eof; *|; # Beginning of an expression. # # Don't fallthrough to this state from `c_any`; make sure to handle # `c_space* c_nl` and let `expr_end` handle the newline. # Otherwise code like `f\ndef x` gets glued together and the parser # explodes. # expr_beg := |* # Numeric processing. Converts: # +5 to [tINTEGER, 5] # -5 to [tUMINUS_NUM] [tINTEGER, 5] [+\-][0-9] => { fhold; if tok.start_with? '-' emit(:tUMINUS_NUM, '-') fnext expr_end; fbreak; end }; # splat *a '*' => { emit(:tSTAR) fbreak; }; # # STRING AND REGEXP LITERALS # # /regexp/oui # /=/ (disambiguation with /=) '/' c_any => { type = delimiter = tok[0].chr fhold; fgoto *push_literal(type, delimiter, @ts); }; # % '%' ( c_any - [A-Za-z] ) => { type, delimiter = tok[0].chr, tok[-1].chr fgoto *push_literal(type, delimiter, @ts); }; # %w(we are the people) '%' [A-Za-z]+ c_any => { type, delimiter = tok[0..-2], tok[-1].chr fgoto *push_literal(type, delimiter, @ts); }; '%' c_eof => { diagnostic :fatal, Parser::ERRORS[:string_eof], range(@ts, @ts + 1) }; # Heredoc start. # < { tok(@ts, @heredoc_e) =~ /^<<(-?)(["'`]?)(.*)\2$/ indent = !$1.empty? type = $2.empty? ? '"' : $2 delimiter = $3 fnext *push_literal(type, delimiter, @ts, @heredoc_e, indent); if @herebody_s.nil? @herebody_s = new_herebody_s end p = @herebody_s - 1 }; # # SYMBOL LITERALS # # :"bar", :'baz' ':' ['"] # ' => { type, delimiter = tok, tok[-1].chr fgoto *push_literal(type, delimiter, @ts); }; ':' bareword ambiguous_symbol_suffix => { emit(:tSYMBOL, tok(@ts + 1, tm), @ts, tm) p = tm - 1 fnext expr_end; fbreak; }; ':' ( bareword | global_var | class_var | instance_var | operator_fname | operator_arithmetic | operator_rest ) => { emit(:tSYMBOL, tok(@ts + 1), @ts) fnext expr_end; fbreak; }; # # AMBIGUOUS TERNARY OPERATOR # '?' ( e_bs escape | c_any - c_space_nl - e_bs % { @escape = nil } ) => { # Show an error if memorized. @escape.call if @escape.respond_to? :call value = @escape || tok(@ts + 1) if version?(18) emit(:tINTEGER, value[0].ord) else emit(:tSTRING, value) end fnext expr_end; fbreak; }; '?' c_space_nl => { escape = { " " => '\s', "\r" => '\r', "\n" => '\n', "\t" => '\t', "\v" => '\v', "\f" => '\f' }[tok[@ts + 1]] message = Parser::ERRORS[:invalid_escape_use] % { :escape => escape } diagnostic :warning, message, range(@ts, @ts + 1) p = @ts - 1 fgoto expr_end; }; '?' c_eof => { diagnostic :fatal, Parser::ERRORS[:incomplete_escape], range(@ts, @ts + 1) }; # f ?aa : b: Disambiguate with a character literal. '?' [A-Za-z_] bareword => { p = @ts - 1 fgoto expr_end; }; # # KEYWORDS AND PUNCTUATION # # a([1, 2]) e_lbrack | # a({b=>c}) e_lbrace | # a() e_lparen => { emit_table(PUNCTUATION_BEGIN) fbreak; }; # a(+b) punctuation_begin => { emit_table(PUNCTUATION_BEGIN) fbreak; }; # rescue Exception => e: Block rescue. # Special because it should transition to expr_mid. 'rescue' => { emit_table(KEYWORDS_BEGIN) fnext expr_mid; fbreak; }; # if a: Statement if. keyword_modifier => { emit_table(KEYWORDS_BEGIN) fnext expr_value; fbreak; }; # # RUBY 1.9 HASH LABELS # bareword ':' ( c_any - ':' ) => { fhold; if version?(18) emit(:tIDENTIFIER, tok(@ts, @te - 2), @ts, @te - 2) fhold; # continue as a symbol else emit(:tLABEL, tok(@ts, @te - 2), @ts, @te - 1) end fbreak; }; # # CONTEXT-DEPENDENT VARIABLE LOOKUP OR COMMAND INVOCATION # # foo= bar: Disambiguate with bareword rule below. bareword ambiguous_ident_suffix | # def foo: Disambiguate with bareword rule below. keyword => { p = @ts - 1 fgoto expr_end; }; # a = 42; a [42]: Indexing. # def a; end; a [42]: Array argument. call_or_var => { emit(:tIDENTIFIER) if !version?(18) && !@static_env.nil? && @static_env.declared?(tok) fnext expr_end; fbreak; else fnext expr_arg; fbreak; end }; # # WHITESPACE # # TODO whitespace rule c_space; e_heredoc_nl; '\\' e_heredoc_nl; '#' c_line* c_eol => { @comments << tok fhold; }; e_heredoc_nl '=begin' ( c_space | c_eol ) => { p = @ts - 1 fgoto line_begin; }; # # DEFAULT TRANSITION # # The following rules match most binary and all unary operators. # Rules for binary operators provide better error reporting. operator_arithmetic '=' | operator_rest | punctuation_end | c_any => { p = @ts - 1; fgoto expr_end; }; c_eof => do_eof; *|; # Like expr_beg, but no 1.9 label possible. # expr_value := |* # a:b: a(:b), a::B, A::B bareword ':' => { p = @ts - 1 fgoto expr_end; }; # TODO whitespace rule c_space; e_heredoc_nl; c_any => { fhold; fgoto expr_beg; }; c_eof => do_eof; *|; expr_end := |* # # STABBY LAMBDA # '->' c_space* => { emit_table(PUNCTUATION, @ts, @ts + 2) @lambda_stack.push @paren_nest fbreak; }; e_lbrace | 'do' => { if @lambda_stack.last == @paren_nest @lambda_stack.pop if tok == '{' emit(:tLAMBEG) else # 'do' emit(:kDO_LAMBDA) end else if tok == '{' emit_table(PUNCTUATION) else # 'do' if @cond.active? emit(:kDO_COND) elsif @cmdarg.active? emit(:kDO_BLOCK) else emit(:kDO) end end end fnext expr_value; fbreak; }; # # KEYWORDS # keyword_with_fname => { emit_table(KEYWORDS) fnext expr_fname; fbreak; }; 'class' c_space_nl* '<<' => { emit(:kCLASS, 'class', @ts, @ts + 5) emit(:tLSHFT, '<<', @te - 2, @te) fnext expr_value; fbreak; }; # a if b:c: Syntax error. keyword_modifier => { emit_table(KEYWORDS) fnext expr_beg; fbreak; }; # elsif b:c: elsif b(:c) keyword_with_value => { emit_table(KEYWORDS) fnext expr_value; fbreak; }; keyword_with_mid => { emit_table(KEYWORDS) fnext expr_mid; fbreak; }; keyword_with_arg => { emit_table(KEYWORDS) if version?(18) && tok == 'not' fnext expr_beg; fbreak; else fnext expr_arg; fbreak; end }; '__ENCODING__' => { if version?(18) emit(:tIDENTIFIER) else emit_table(KEYWORDS) end fbreak; }; keyword_with_end => { emit_table(KEYWORDS) fbreak; }; # # NUMERIC LITERALS # ( '0' [Xx] %{ @num_base = 16; @num_digits_s = p } ( xdigit+ '_' )* xdigit* '_'? | '0' [Dd] %{ @num_base = 10; @num_digits_s = p } ( digit+ '_' )* digit* '_'? | '0' [Oo] %{ @num_base = 8; @num_digits_s = p } ( digit+ '_' )* digit* '_'? | '0' [Bb] %{ @num_base = 2; @num_digits_s = p } ( [01]+ '_' )* [01]* '_'? | [1-9] digit* %{ @num_base = 10; @num_digits_s = @ts } ( '_' digit+ )* digit* '_'? | '0' %{ @num_base = 8; @num_digits_s = @ts } ( '_' digit+ )* digit* '_'? ) => { digits = tok(@num_digits_s) if digits.end_with? '_' diagnostic :error, Parser::ERRORS[:trailing_underscore], range(@te - 1, @te) elsif digits.empty? && @num_base == 8 && version?(18) # 1.8 did not raise an error on 0o. digits = "0" elsif digits.empty? diagnostic :error, Parser::ERRORS[:empty_numeric] elsif @num_base == 8 && (invalid_idx = digits.index(/[89]/)) invalid_s = @num_digits_s + invalid_idx diagnostic :error, Parser::ERRORS[:invalid_octal], range(invalid_s, invalid_s + 1) end emit(:tINTEGER, digits.to_i(@num_base)) fbreak; }; # Floating point literals cannot start with 0 except when a dot # follows immediately, probably to avoid confusion with octal literals. ( [1-9] [0-9]* ( '_' digit+ )* | '0' )? ( '.' ( digit+ '_' )* digit+ | ( '.' ( digit+ '_' )* digit+ )? [eE] [+\-]? ( digit+ '_' )* digit+ ) => { if tok.start_with? '.' diagnostic :error, Parser::ERRORS[:no_dot_digit_literal] elsif tok =~ /^[eE]/ # The rule above allows to specify floats as just `e10', which is # certainly not a float. Send a patch if you can do this better. emit(:tIDENTIFIER, tok) fbreak; end emit(:tFLOAT, tok.to_f) fbreak; }; # # STRING AND XSTRING LITERALS # # `echo foo`, "bar", 'baz' '`' | ['"] # ' => { type, delimiter = tok, tok[-1].chr fgoto *push_literal(type, delimiter, @ts); }; # # CONSTANTS AND VARIABLES # constant => { emit(:tCONSTANT) fbreak; }; constant ambiguous_const_suffix => { emit(:tCONSTANT, tok(@ts, tm), @ts, tm) p = tm - 1; fbreak; }; global_var | class_var_v | instance_var_v => { p = @ts - 1; fcall expr_variable; }; # # METHOD CALLS # '.' | '::' => { emit_table(PUNCTUATION) fnext expr_dot; fbreak; }; call_or_var => { emit(:tIDENTIFIER) fnext expr_arg; fbreak; }; call_or_var ambiguous_fid_suffix => { emit(:tFID, tok(@ts, tm), @ts, tm) p = tm - 1 fnext expr_arg; fbreak; }; # # OPERATORS # ( e_lparen | operator_arithmetic | operator_rest ) %{ tm = p } c_space_nl* => { emit_table(PUNCTUATION, @ts, tm) fnext expr_beg; fbreak; }; e_rbrace | e_rparen | ']' => { emit_table(PUNCTUATION) @cond.lexpop; @cmdarg.lexpop fbreak; }; operator_arithmetic '=' => { emit(:tOP_ASGN, tok(@ts, @te - 1)) fnext expr_beg; fbreak; }; '?' => { emit_table(PUNCTUATION) fnext expr_value; fbreak; }; e_lbrack => { emit_table(PUNCTUATION) fnext expr_beg; fbreak; }; punctuation_end => { emit_table(PUNCTUATION) fnext expr_beg; fbreak; }; # # WHITESPACE # # TODO whitespace rule '\\' e_heredoc_nl; '\\' c_line { diagnostic :error, Parser::ERRORS[:bare_backslash], range(@ts, @ts + 1) fhold; }; c_space+; '#' c_line* => { @comments << tok(@ts, @te + 1) }; e_heredoc_nl => { fgoto leading_dot; }; ';' => { emit_table(PUNCTUATION) fnext expr_value; fbreak; }; c_any => { message = Parser::ERRORS[:unexpected] % { :character => tok.inspect } diagnostic :fatal, message }; c_eof => do_eof; *|; leading_dot := |* # Insane leading dots: # a #comment # .b: a.b c_space* '.' ( c_any - '.' ) => { fhold; fhold; fgoto expr_end; }; any => { emit(:tNL, nil, @newline_s, @newline_s + 1) fnext line_begin; fhold; fbreak; }; *|; # # === EMBEDDED DOCUMENT (aka BLOCK COMMENT) PARSING === # line_comment := |* '=end' c_line* c_nl => { @comments << tok fgoto line_begin; }; c_line* c_nl => { @comments << tok }; c_eof => { # TODO better location information here diagnostic :fatal, Parser::ERRORS[:embedded_document], range(p - 1, p) }; *|; line_begin := |* # TODO whitespace rule c_space_nl+; '#' c_line* c_eol => { @comments << tok fhold; }; '=begin' ( c_space | c_eol ) => { @comments << tok(@ts, @te) fgoto line_comment; }; '__END__' c_eol => { p = pe - 1 }; c_any => { fhold; fgoto expr_value; }; c_eof => do_eof; *|; }%% # % end